《笛卡尔+第一哲学沉思录+英文版》|总人气: 8| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
Meditations on First Philosophyby Rene Descartes1641Prefatory Note To The Meditations.The first edition of the Meditations was published inLatin by Michael Soly of Paris "at the Sign of the Phoenix" in1641 cum Privilegio et Approbatione Doctorum. The Royal"privilege" was indeed given, but the "approbation" seems tohave been of a most indefinite kind. The reason of the book...最近更新
- 01-01炎黄春秋200901
- 01-01博览群书2006年第06期
- 01-01收获 2009年第2期.
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- 01-01第一哲学沉思集 作者:
- 01-01第一哲学沉思集
- 01-01笛卡尔+第一哲学沉思
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- 01-01哲学沉思集反驳和答辩
- 01-01笛卡尔文集