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The Old Masters: how well they understoodIts human position; how it takes placeWhile someone else is eating or opening a window orMt walking dully along ...W. H. AUDEN, "Musee des Beaux Arts"Old Blue died and he died so hard He shook the ground in my back yard. I dug his grave with a silver spade...
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《阿丽思中国游记 1136》

  第一卷 后序沈从文  我先是很随便的把这题目捉来。因为我想写一点类乎《阿丽思漫游奇境记》的东西,给我的小妹看,让她看了好到在家病中的母亲面前去说说,使老人开开心。原是这样的无什么高尚目的的写下来,所写的是我所引为半梦幻似的过去当前有趣味的事,只要足以给这良善的老人家在她烦恼中暂时把忧愁忘掉,我...
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[美]莱曼·弗兰克·鲍姆著陈伯吹 译第01章 旋风来了第02章 会见芒奇金人第03章 救出了稻草人第04章 穿过森林去的路第05章 救出了铁皮人第06章 一只胆小的狮子第07章 惊险的旅程第08章 送命的罂粟花田第09章 田鼠皇后第10章 守卫城门的人第11章 神奇的翡翠城第12章 找寻恶女巫第13章 救助第14章 飞猴第1...
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 Willard was four years older and a dozen years slower. He was generally a harmless sort who had never been in serious trouble and had never been seriously employed. Maybe an occasional fight with a night in jail, but nothing that would distinguish him. He called himself a pulpwood cutter, but a...
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  The light of stars is so damn stark.  When I look up, I fill with fear.  If all we have is what lies here,  this lonely world, this troubled place,  then cold dead stars and empty space.  Well, I see no reason to persevere,  no reason to laugh or shed a tear,  no reason to sleep...
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  作者:未知  身负重罪第一部分  身负重罪导言  且满世界居无定所,也不再心忧“实”而无“果”,更不在意出名不出名了。所以,在我们的劝说下,两位原为一对情投意合的爱侣现如今却相隔异国的作者,终于同意让这部作品重见天日。但是他们要求我们整理后自己署名并把题目改为《身负重罪》,因为他们认为本作品...
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作者:龙明扬第一次上钓鱼岛“糟糕,彭团长负伤了!” 在舱室里的林飞雨听见走廊里有人这样叫嚷。“彭团长负伤了!”听到这样的叫嚷声,林飞雨走出自己的舱室,来到走廊上,看见水兵们在向船头方向涌去,她也随人流走到船头。仔细听水兵们的交谈,知道是刚才彭团长不小心到指挥室的时候,太急,撞到了头,这艘船别的地...
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  IT WAS nothing out of the ordinary that Mrs. Barry Rackham had made the appointment with her finger pressed to her lips. That is by no means an unusual gesture for people who find themselves in a situation where the best thing they can think of is to make arrangements to see Nero Wolfe.  Wi...
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  转眼己是21世纪。时光之箭依然如故,不作任何停留。  无疑,人类的思想与时光有着千丝万缕的联系。时光是智慧的背景,一代接一代的先 哲、圣贤、伟人应运而生;时光又是人类的埋葬者,大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物……  树叶一年年绿了。  又一年年飘落。  人类已很有历史了,但在这茫茫宁宙中,却只能是...
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  第一章:你真的需要减肥吗  目录(1)  第一章  你真的需要减肥吗  动人曲线的标准3  怎样的体形才健美5  算算你的标准体重6  你属于哪种肥胖类型7  进食过量自测表8  瘦身总原则9  第二章  好“食”尚真享受  从饮食习惯看肥胖原因15  有利于减肥的饮食方式17  改正9个不良饮食习惯19 ...
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开篇辞:最高命运惊险的一跃李世民:天下英雄莫能当一 天下英雄莫能当唐宋虎牢关之战二 功高盖世,兄弟相残玄武门之变后记:细节决定成败希特勒:疯狂的元首一 二 三四 五 六后记:民主社会的基石戴高乐:孤独的领袖一 二 三四 五 六七 八后记:不同的政体斯大林:是谁隐瞒了列宁遗嘱?一 二 三四 五 六七...
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      She was sitting there at her glass, at the fashionable going-out hour, trying to decide between a cluster of crystal grapes and a live gardenia as a shoulder decoration, when someone knocked at the suite door, outside across the adjoining reception room.  Whatever her decision was i...
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Many a blond, northern moonrise,like a muted reflection, will softlyremind me and remind me again and again.It will be my bride, my alter ego.An incentive to find myself. I myselfam the moonrise of the south.  -Paul Klee, The Tunisian Diaries  Prologue  It was just past midday, not long bef...
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《撒哈拉的故事 1068》

  三毛,我亲爱的女儿:自你决定去撒哈拉大漠后,我们的心就没有一天安静过,怕你吃 苦,怕你寂寞,更担心你难以适应沙漠的日常生活。但每次接你来信好像都在天堂,心情愉 快,对生活充满信心。物质上的缺乏,气候的骤变,并没有影响你的情绪。我想可能是沙漠 美丽的景色深深地迷惑了你,夕阳中的蜃楼,一望无垠的黄沙...
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序(1)   周思源看红楼序精瘦,有着鹰一样的目光和火一样的热情,这就是周思源老师。  周老师给我的最深印象是他的目光,像鹰一样,不是有神,而是尖锐。  我极少中午审片,因为怕困。《品读〈水浒传〉》系列节目因为赶着播出是在我最不在状态时就着咖啡审看的。  “我们习惯把梁山泊108位头领称为108条好汉,...
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 A heavy rain in Scotland had swollen the streams. As one of them subsided, a small bundle was left by the receding waters. This bundle contained human flesh. A search revealed more bundles. Some of them were found days apart. Apparently, many of them had been thrown from a bridge into the tur...
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    一、内务府总管嘎噜等奏覆校尉服色请照曹玺呈进缎样织造摺  康熙十六年十月二十日  内务府总管嘎噜等谨奏:为遵旨合议事。  本年七月初七日,本府与工部合议具奏,奉员外郎佛保传旨:校尉衣服可否绣制,著查会典,由工部、内务府总管、内工部会议具奏。钦此。查会典并无校尉服色之规定,钦遵圣旨,臣等会...
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  His mind absorbed the scene before him, so quiet and calm and . . . normal. It was the life he had always wanted, a gathering of family and friends-he knew that they were just that, though the only one he recognized was his dear mother.  This was the way it was supposed to be. The warmth an...
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      1.    Fingers of lightning tore holes in the black skies as an angry cloudburst drenched the surrealistic landscape. It was 3 A.M. on a cold, wet morning in late November 1967. and the little houses scattered along the dirt road winding through the hills of West Virginia were all ...
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