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 dedicates this book to Barry and Jody Turkus.  Lincoln Child dedicates this book to his daughter, Veronica.  Acknowledgments  Lincoln Child would like to thank Bruce Swanson, Mark Mendel, Pat Allocco, Chris and Susan Yango, Jerry and Terry Hyland, Anthony Cifelli, M.D., Norman San Agus...
大小:955K | 热度:6| 状态:完结


    Little Peggy was very careful with the eggs. She rooted her hand through the straw till her fingers bumped something hard and heavy. She gave no never mind to the chicken drips. After all, when folk with babies stayed at the roadhouse, Mama never even crinkled her face at their most speta...
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  Asx  i must ask your permission. You, my rings, my diverse selves.  Vote now! Shall i speak for all of us to the outer world? Shall we join, once more, to bee Asx?  That is the name used by humans, qheuens, and other beings, when they address this stack of circles. By that name, this co...
大小:1040K | 热度:11| 状态:完结


This bizarre, fallacious tale has not been made any more palatable by the introduction of a different narrator.Nor has the narrative pined any credibility by its claims that events in our 110-planet confederacy were caused by a stupid, nonexistent race of people from a planet that sounds more lik...
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  July. Heat. In the city, they are synonymous, they are identical, they mean one and the same thing. In the 87th Precinct, they strut the streets with a vengeance, these twin bitches who wear their bleached blond hair and their bright-red lipstick slashes, who sway on glittering rhinestone s...
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 Winters on Ballybran were generally mild, so the fury of the first spring storms as they howled across the land was ever unexpected. This first one of the new season swept ferociously across the Milekey Ranges, bearing before its westward course the fleeing sleds of crystal singers like so much...
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  THOMAS COVENANT is a happy and successful author until an unfelt infection leads to the amputation of two fingers. Then his doctor tells him he has leprosy. The disease is arrested at a leprosarium, but he returns home to find himself an outcast. His wife has divorced him and ignorant fear ma...
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  第一章 皇妃诞生  I  冬夜,群星的光芒形成了青玉的瀑布倾注在庭园中。新帝国历零零三年、宇宙历八零一年经过了一个小时之后,莱因哈特。冯。罗严克拉姆向集中于大本营的文武高官们宣布他将迎娶皇妃。听到这个消息的时候,高官们有一瞬间的沉默,注视着他们年轻貌美的皇帝,随即爆发出了一阵欢呼声。当莱因哈特...
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  Inasmuch as the scene of this story is that historic pile, Belpher Castle, in the county of Hampshire, it would be an agreeable task to open it with a leisurely description of the place, followed by some notes on the history of the Earls of Marshmoreton, who have owned it since the fifteenth ...
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   It was Jackstraw who heard it first-it was always Jackstraw, whose hearing was an even match for his phenomenal eyesight, who heard things first. Tired of having my exposed hands alternately frozen, I had dropped my book, zipped my sleeping-bag up to the chin and was drowsily watching him c...
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20xxA D,肯尼亚Turkana湖旁的露营地…Masuda博士:…谢谢。我们明天的挖掘工作集中在北边悬崖,那里的地势险峻,工作时要特别小心。工人1号:是,博士。工人2号:博士!Masuda博士!Masuda博士:怎么回事?有什么新发现吗?工人2号:是的…我们沿着湖岸走廊一直…那个地方和研究图纸上描述的一模一样。Masuda博士:就是...
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《狼群 [苏] 瓦西里·贝科夫》

第一章   在拥挤的人流中,列夫丘克好不容易穿过敞开的大铁门,来到了觅敞的、停满了汽车的站前广场上。刚下火车的、成群的旅客们,在这里一下子就散开了,向四面八方走去。列夫丘克放慢了他那本来就信心不足的脚步。他不知道现在该往哪里去:是沿着从车站去城里的街道走呢,还是到广场出口击乘那两辆黄色的、正在等...
大小:183K | 热度:14| 状态:完结


 The solitary figure in the saffron robes shielded his eyes from the glare and squinted down the glacier to where the enormous black vessel lay, one-third submerged, in the floor of the valley. Allowing for the portion lost below the icy surface of the frozen lake it was easily some three hundre...
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  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A debt of gratitude to Emily Bestler, Jason Kaufman, Ben Kaplan, and everyone at Pocket Books for their belief in this project. To my friend and agent, Jake Elwell, for his enthusiasm and unflagging effort. To the legendary George Wieser, for convincing me to write novels....
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 Prologue   "e home, Tenar! e home!"  In the deep valley, in the twilight, the apple trees were on the eve of blossoming; here and there among the shadowed boughs one flower had opened early, rose and white, like a faint star. Down the orchard aisles, in the thick, new, wet grass, the little ...
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 Afternoon of the fourth Monday in January 1977; the Chateau Bronnitsy off the Serpukhov road not far out of Moscow; 2.40 P.M. middle-European time, and a telephone in the temporary Investigation Control Room ringing... ringing... ringing. The Chateau Bronnitsy stood central on open, peaty grou...
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  郑媛  1  凌晨一点,一辆改装过的BMWM3在黑夜狂飙。  他不在乎车毁人亡,他现在只要快感!  随手从旁边车座取了酒瓶,他灌了一大口,突然仰天长笑——  女人!一个女人竟然就可以把他傅克为搞得神智不清,这么狼狈!  “Shit!”他突然猛打方向盘,痛咒一声!  烦躁地抓起车上的手机,他按下早设定好...
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《物理学和哲学》 W·海森伯著 范岱年译◇简介◇第一章 老传统和新传统◇第二章 量子论的历史◇第三章 量子论的哥本哈根解释◇第四章 量子论和原子科学的渊源◇第五章 自笛卡儿以来哲学观念的发展和量子论的新形势的比较◇第六章 量子论和自然科学其他部分的关系◇第七章 相对论◇第八章 对量子论的哥本哈根解释的批评...
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  相关书评  现在,你是个时间旅行者了  文/btr  28岁时,亨利第一次遇见克莱尔,克莱尔20岁。但克莱尔第一次遇见亨利的时候,她只有6岁,当时的亨利却有36岁。这当然不是一道做错了的小学一年级数学题,而是——在奥德丽·尼芬格笔下的虚构世界里,时间对于亨利并非是线性的。患有“时空秩序损坏症”的亨利不能...
大小:174K | 热度:12| 状态:完结


Zula Miller Crichton We are entering a world where the old rules no longer apply.  PHILLIP SANDERS  Business is war.  Japanese motto   LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT CONFIDENTIAL TRANSCRIPT OF INTERNAL RECORDS    Contents: Transcript of Video InterrogationDetective Peter J. SmithMar...
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