更新时间:2024-04-15 THE WIND sawed across the empty battlements, howling like a thousand condemned souls crying for mercy. Brother Hengfisk, despite the bitter cold that had sucked the air from his once-strong lungs and withered and peeled the skin of his face and hands, took a certain grim pleasure in the ...
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更新时间:2024-04-15 There has always been magic. And magic has a life of its own. It es and goes without our control. It flows through the world as it will. This is how the world was Awakened. Magical energy ran through the veins of the world like blood through humans. It changed her. And it changed her people...
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《万花筒 作者:依列娜·法吉恩》
更新时间:2024-04-15 作者:依列娜·法吉恩 翻译:徐朴[作品评介] 推荐阅读指数:★★★★★ 推荐阅读年龄:7岁以上 1.地球的眼睛2.巴巴和拉拉3.崭新的小银包包4.扇出风来的树5.我看到一些美丽的图像6.太阳的山7.杰可勃的梯子8.假装吃东西的人9.安绍尼去采黑莓10.一个人倒了霉还会殃及别人11.跳来蹦去的大娘12.发现蘑...
大小:149K | 热度:12| 状态:完结
更新时间:2024-04-15 On a ridge above Texas Flat upon a rock shaped like flame, a hand moved upon the lava. The hand moved and then was still. In all that vast beige-gray silence there was no other movement and no sound. A buzzard swinging in lazy circles above the serrated ridge had glimpsed that moving hand. Swi...
大小:205K | 热度:5| 状态:完结
《the stainless steel rat》
更新时间:2024-03-19 When the office door opened suddenly I knew the game was up. It had been a money-maker-but it was all over. As the cop walked in I sat back in the chair and put on a happy grin. He had the same somber expression and heavy foot that they all have-and the same lack of humor. I almost knew t...
大小:277K | 热度:42| 状态:完结
更新时间:2024-03-19 IBill never realized that sex was the cause of it all. If the sun that morning had not been burning so warmly in the brassy sky of Phigerinadon II, and if he had not glimpsed the sugar-white and wine-barrel-wide backside of Inga-Maria Calyphigia, while she bathed in the stream, he might have paid...
大小:293K | 热度:24| 状态:完结
更新时间:2024-03-19 Norman gave his ivory-handled screwdriver a final twist and secured the last screw into the side panel of the slim brass cylinder. Unclamping it from his vice, he lifted it lovingly by its shining axle, and held it towards the dust-smeared glass of the kitchenette window. It was a work of wonde...
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《沙僧日记 黄金版》
更新时间:2024-03-19 秀逗前年 3月3日 其实我和大师兄,二师兄早已破了荤戒。我们经常背着师傅一起去化斋。在路上,我们捉到个兔子、野鸡什么的就马上烤来吃,可解馋了!然后再化点儿斋饭带回去给师傅吃。 想想师傅没得荤腥吃着实怪可怜的。于是,我们三个决定今天把兔子肉打碎拌在饭里,让师傅也吃点儿好的。 我们端着混着肉的饭回...
大小:195K | 热度:45| 状态:完结
更新时间:2024-03-19 1 The house was on Dresden Avenue in the Oak Noll section of Pasadena, a big solid cool-looking house with burgundy brick walls, a terra cotta tile roof, and a white stone trim. The front windows were leaded downstairs. Upstairs windows were of the cottage type and had a lot of rococo imita...
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更新时间:2024-03-19 A bright flash of insight, to match that peculiar sun... There it was... Displayed within that light, a thing I had only seen self-illuminated in darkness up until then: the Pattern, the great Pattern of Amber cast upon an oval shelf beneath/above a strange sky-sea. ... And I knew, perhaps ...
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更新时间:2024-03-19 “全不知”游绿城[苏]尼·诺索夫 著 昌茂译[作品简介] 《“全不知”游绿城》又名《小无知和朋友们的历险记》或《小无知游绿城》,是“全不知”的三部曲的第一部。讲述了花城的一群可爱的小矮子乘坐热气球的冒险经历。 全不知是一个做事冒失,喜欢不懂装懂的小矮子,他的朋友万事通发明了一个气球,并带着大...
大小:155K | 热度:21| 状态:完结
更新时间:2024-03-19 享受巴黎:玫瑰花样的生活 作者:王小丽一个美丽的中国女孩,用照片和文字记录了她享受浪漫巴黎的细节与最精致时尚的巴黎生活。LILY为了圆梦到巴黎念了两年书,认识了很多法国朋友。她在欧洲最著名的名店街生活、在法国大革命英雄罗伯斯庇尔的故居居住,数不清的俊男美女,参加不完的沙龙、宴会、派对,还有住城堡的贵...
大小:220K | 热度:27| 状态:完结
更新时间:2024-03-19 THE SUMERIANS Three thousand years before the birth of Christ, the first real moves towards civilisation emerged from southern Mesopotamia, around the lower reaches of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Because the land was between two rivers-Sumer-the people there were called Sumerians....
大小:611K | 热度:10| 状态:完结
更新时间:2024-03-19 The caretaker stirred when he heard the crunch of tires on gravel. There was barely any light left in the sky, and he had just made coffee and was reluctant to get up. But his curiosity got the better of him. Visitors to Alexandria seldom ventured into the cemetery at Ivy Hill; the historic t...
大小:578K | 热度:11| 状态:完结
《"噼-啪"及其它故事 作者:拉布》
更新时间:2024-03-19 作者:拉布莱依 陈学昭 译作者简介:爱德华·拉布莱依,一八一一年生于巴黎,一八八三年死于同一城市。青年时代,从事对德国的历史学家和法学家的研究。在法兰西第二帝国时期,曾参加反对党的行列。一八七一年当选为巴黎地区的议员,并成为左派的中心人物。在制订对当时说来有进步作用的一八七五年宪法的过程中,他...
大小:155K | 热度:21| 状态:完结