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 FOR NATALIE  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  Special thanks to Natalie Freer-the most genuine and giving person I know. To Stephen Reilly, my brother and my good friend and my loyal supporter, even from thousands of miles away. To Mum for her ments on the text and to Dad for his woeful title suggestions a...
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  William Blake    "Nature does not premeditate; she does not use mathematics; she does not deliberately produce whole patterns, she lets whole patterns produce themselves. Nature does what nature demands; she is beyond blame and responsibility."  Peter S. StevensPatterns in NatureOne  ...
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1 - The Slow Fuse 32 - Odd Man In 83 - Correlation of Forces 244 - Maskirovka 325 - Sailors and Spooks 386 - The Watchers 477 - Initial Observations 528 - Further Observations 619 - A Final Look 6410 - Remember, Remember 6911 - Order of Battle 7712 - Funeral Arrangements 8213. - The Strangers Arr...
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 Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge mander Stephen Littfin, United States Naval Reserve, for his invaluable help with the naval aspects of The Ice Limit. Our deep gratitude also goes out to Michael Tusiani and Captain Emilio Fernandez Sierra, who corrected various tanker-rela...
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  It was the same old rigmarole. Sometimes I found it amusing; sometimes it only bored me; sometimes it gave me a pronounced pain, especially when I had had more of Wolfe than was good for either of us.  This time it was fairly funny at first, but it developed along regrettable lines. Mr. Jas...
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      HE SEEMED INCAPABLE of creating such chaos, but much of what he saw below could be blamed on him. And that was fine. He was ninety-one, paralyzed, strapped in a wheelchair and hooked to oxygen. His second stroke seven years ago had almost finished him off, but Abraham Rosenberg was st...
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   HIS NAME WAS THORNE. In the ancient language of the runes, it had been longer-Thornevald. But when he became a blood drinker, his name had been changed to Thorne. And Thorne he remained now, centuries later, as he lay in his cave in the ice, dreaming.  When he had first e to the frozen la...
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1990年9月9日 星期日  拂晓前,郑洁岚已悄悄起身梳洗完毕,仿佛搞地下工作似的。最好是趁天不亮逃个踪影全无,避开所有充满敌意的眼光。铺盖什么的肖叔叔昨晚已帮她送到新住处去了,那是几个孤身女孩集体租下的房子。她把自己的零碎东西像塑料梳子、一小盒润肤油什么的,全一古脑儿地塞进提包。什么都不遗留,也许能...
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  史蒂芬·霍金在他辉煌的畅销书《时间简史》中完全改变了我们有关物理学、宇宙和实在本身的观念。这位被广泛尊崇为自爱因斯坦以来最杰出的理论物理学家,向我们展现了当代有关宇宙的最重要的科学思想。现在史蒂芬·霍金回过身来探讨时空最黑暗的区域……为我们理解宇宙揭示了一系列非同寻常的可能性。  这十三篇文...
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Disclaimer      There is more than one reason why the Crown finds this overimaginative work most unacceptable.   First and foremost, of course, is that it purports to be about a planet called "Earth" and no such planet exists under that name or its pretended astrographic designation of B...
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《tz.cobra strike》

  The whine of Troft thrusters drifted in through the window on the late-summer breezes, jarring Jonny Moreau awake. For one heart-wrenching moment he was back in the midst of the Adirondack war; but as he tipped his recliner back to vertical the abrupt stab of pain in elbows and knees snapped ...
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第一部分 通灵宝玉石与玉  我读过一些书,这些书里,最活的一部就是《红楼梦》。  你本来涉世未深,所知有限,如果你好好读三遍《红楼梦》,怎么着,你显得懂点世事人情了。不是说《红楼梦》里的事情可以与生活中的实事照搬比照,不,那样强拉硬扯只能出笑话,而是说的某种“事体情理”是普遍的,是可以互为启迪的...
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 IT NOT only is my pleasure to announce to you this morning our discovery of this marvelous storehouse containing, among other things, a monumental collection of manuscripts inscribed on ridulian crystal paper, but I also take pride in giving you our arguments for the authenticity of our discove...
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  It was starting to end, after what seemed most of eternity to me. I attempted to wriggle my toes, succeeded. I was sprawled there in a hospital bed and my legs were done up in plaster casts, but they were still mine. I squeezed my eyes shut, and opened them, three times. The room grew stea...
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 IT BEGINS IN DARKNESS  Effigies of the Earth King festooned the city around Castle Sylvarresta. Everywhere the effigies could be seenhanging beneath shopwindows, standing upright against the walls of the city gates, or nailed beside doorwaysstationed any place where the Earth King might find ...
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   I am a vampire, and that is the truth. But the modern meaning of the word vampire, the stories that have been told about creatures such as I, are not precisely true. I do not turn to ash in the sun, nor do I cringe when I see a crucifix. I wear a tiny gold cross now around my neck, but only...
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第一章  在自由冈车站走下大井町线的电车,妈妈拉着冬冬的手朝检票口走去。冬冬以前很少乘电车,所以她珍惜的把车票攥在手里,舍不得交出去。她问检票员叔叔:  "这张票能留给我吗?"  "不行呀!"  检票员叔叔说着就从冬冬手里把车票拿走了。冬冬指着检票箱里积满了的车票问:  "这些全是叔叔的吗?"  检票...
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《sheritepper.necromancer nine》

 I had decided to change myself into a Dragon and go looking for my mother despite all argument to the contrary. Himaggery the Wizard and old Windlow the Seer were determined otherwise. They had been after me for almost a year, ever since the great battle at Bannerwell. Having seen what I did t...
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  THE GUILLOTINE; brutal instantaneous bloody death, a hellish instrument of execution. It dominated the white-tiled room, a. metallic structure that gleamed evilly in the stark fluorescent light.    Louis Nevillon was calm as his guards allowed him a few seconds to savour his fate. They we...
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