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   A NOTE ON CHRONOLOGY A Song of Ice and Fire is told through the eyes of characters who are sometimes hundreds or even thousands of miles apart from one another. Some chapters cover a day, some only an hour; others might span a fortnight, a month, half a year. With such a structure, the nar...
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    I was following Derry Welfram at a prudent fifty paces when he stumbled, fell face down on the wet tarmac and lay still. I stopped, watching, as nearer hands stretched to help him up, and saw the doubt, the apprehension, the shock flower in the opening mouths of the faces around him. The ...
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  PREFACE ... And behind the Northern Armies came another army of men. They came by the hundreds, yet each traveled alone. They came on foot, by mule, on horseback, on creaking wagons or riding in handsome chaises. They were of all shapes and sizes and descended from many nationalities. They w...
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作者自我介绍姓名:郭楚海出生日期:1978年6月30日星座:巨蟹座爱好:写作、画卡通画、上网。祟拜的作家:金庸、郑渊洁最喜欢的书:《射雕英雄传》、《舒克和贝塔历险记》最喜欢的作品:《华山论剑》座右铭:走自己的路,让别人说去吧。个人主页:guocuhan.8u8/妹儿:gucuhan@21cn在网上发表过的文章:武侠类 :《华山论...
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    It was humid inside the small laboratory in spite of the window which was open contrary to all regulations. Outside the sun shone and, but for the absence of foliage on the trees surrounding the squat grey stone buildings which prised the Midlands Biological Research Centre, one would hav...
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 Our specific charge in this unofficial mission has been to search the uninhabited worlds to find another source of the precious spice melange, upon which so much of the Imperium depends. We have documented the journeys of many of our Navigators and Steersmen, searching hundreds of planets. To d...
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 I GO TO STYLES  THE intense interest aroused in the public by what was known at the time as ``The Styles Case' has now somewhat subsided. Nevertheless, in view of the world-wide notoriety which attended it, I have been asked, both by my friend Poirot and the family themselves, to write an acc...
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 Neither do they expect trouble with a cargo that is sewn up tight. Only a privileged few knew exactly when the Kruxator Collection would arrive in the country. That it was due to e to Britain was mon knowledge, and you had only to read a newspaper to discover that March 15th was the day on wh...
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 A sea of mist drifted through the cloud forest: soft, grey, luminescent. On the high ridges the fog showed brighter as the morning sun began to warm and lift the moisture, although in the ravine a cool, soundless dimness still counterfeited a pre-dawn twilight. mander Cordelia Naismith glanced...
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   In what felt to him like the first cold morning of the world, he groped for fire.   It was a high place where he searched, a lifeless, wind-scoured place, a rough, forbidding shelf of black and splintered rock. Snow, driven by squalls of frigid air, streamed across the black rock in whit...
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 Sao Paulo Airport, Brazil, 1991   With a POWERFUL KICK FROM ITS twin turbofan engines, the sleek executive jet lifted off the runway and shot into the vaulted skies above Sao Paulo. Climbing rapidly over the biggest city in South America, the Learjet soon reached its cruising altitude of thir...
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The hill people and the Mexicans arrived on the same day. It was a Wednesday, early in September 1952. The Cardinals were five games behind the Dodgers with three weeks to go, and the season looked hopeless. The cotton, however, was waist-high to my father, over my head, and he and my grandfather...
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《红楼梦辨 作者:俞平伯》

《红楼梦辨》作者:俞平伯  俞平伯(1900─1990) 古典文学研究家,红学家。诗人,作家。原名俞铭衡,浙江德清人。1919年毕业于北京大学。先后任浙江省视学、浙江师范国文教员,上海大学、北大女子文理学院教授,一度赴英、美,均不久即返。回国后,任燕京大学、清华大学、北京大学、北平大学、中国学院等院校教授。曾...
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 On the fine, bright morning in early May when the whole sensational affair of the Gwytherin relics may properly be considered to have begun, Brother Cadfael had been up long before Prime, pricking out cabbage seedlings before the day was aired, and his thoughts were all on birth, growth and fer...
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小说排行榜:/top.html捣蛋鬼的日记 (意)万巴著 思闵译  庾荷芝扫描  肖毛校对  译者序  关于《捣蛋鬼的日记》  《捣蛋鬼的日记》在意大利读者、特别是孩子和家长中很有影响。作者万巴是意大利著名的儿童文学作家和诗人。  加尼诺生于一八九七年意大利的一个资产阶级家庭。作者通过加尼诺周围的环境和人物...
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This tale grew in the telling, until it became a history of the Great War of the Ring and included many glimpses of the yet more ancient history that preceded it. It was begun soon after The Hobbit was written and before its publication in 1937; but I did not go on with this sequel, for I wish...
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CHAPTER IBIRDS OF A FEATHER  "YOUR mail, Mr. Rowden."  "Ah, yes. Thank you."  The switchboard operator passed a stack of envelopes to the man who stood in front of the lobby desk. Rowden smiled as he received the mail. He scanned the envelopes; then thrust them in his pocket and strolled...
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 Another Disc day dawned, but very gradually, and this is why. When light encounters a strong magical field it loses ail sense of urgency. It slows right down. And on the Discworld the magic was embarrassingly strong, which meant that the soft yellow light of dawn flowed over the sleeping lands...
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    I am a very powerful vampire. In the recent past several encounters have served to increase my abilities. My creator, Yaksha, allowed me to drink his blood before he perished. Yaksha, who originally made me a vampire five thousand years ago, was much stronger than I was. His final transfu...
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    中国九大暴利行业揭秘目录第一章 房地产 富人的聚宝盆第二章 中小学教育 九年义务乱收费第三章 图书出版 第二印钞厂第四章 汽车 马达一响,黄金万两第五章 眼镜 我的眼里只有钱第六章 电信与手机 不打不成交第七章 医药 不尽红包滚滚来第八章 出国留学中介 你镀金,我淘金第九章 网络游戏 在虚拟世界中积累真实财...
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