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Dr. Shannon Kelsey: A respected archaeologist, a woman of fierce independence and beauty, her passion for the great ancient mysteries has brought her to the mountains of Peru, where she stands on the threshold of an astounding discovery and on the verge of death. . .Joseph Zolar: Within a labyrin...
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March 9, 1918Caribbean SeaThe Cyclops had less than one hour to live. In forty-eight minutes she would bee a mass tomb for her 309 passengers and crew a tragedy unforeseen and unheralded by ominous premonitions, mocked by an empty sea and a diamond-clear sky. Even the seagulls that had haunted he...
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《th.red dragon》

  One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind. -ALPHONSE BERTILLON    . . . For Mercy has a human heart, Pity a human face, And Love, the human form divine, And Peace, the human dress. WILLIAM BLAKE, Songs of Innocence ( The Divine Im...
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 TO TRACEY We praise the Golden One, the Lady of Heaven, Lady of Fragrance,Eye of the Sun, the Great Goddess,Mistress of All the Gods,Lady of Turquoise, Mistress of Joy, Mistress of Music . . .that she may give us fine children,happiness, and a good husband.  - Epithets of Hathor,piled from v...
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      PERRY MASON-fighting attorney, who preferred being paid off as a sheep to being double-crossed like a lamb  DELLA STREET-who was a faithful Girl Friday (also Sunday and Monday, if not quite always)  EVA GRIFFIN-well groomed and well heeled, who was a phony  HARRISON BURKE-Congre...
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  SABAT HAD smelled evil in the air for the past hour; a cloying cold mustiness that was stronger than the scent of the pine trees and belied the balmy late spring atmosphere. The silence, too, was noticeable. The absence of birdsong and the soughing of the mountain breeze seemed to have lapsed...
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小狗钱钱 作者:博多·舍费尔  前 言一般人都希望自己变得富有一些,只是我们中的一些人的这一愿望更为强烈;而有些人却假装自己只想在生活的某些领域里变得富有。事实上,大多数人的最终愿望都是让自己更加幸福、更加成功,也想拥有更多的钱。  这种愿望是无可非议的,因为富裕是我们与生俱来的权利。假如我们有充...
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  At midmorning of a broiling summer day the life of Three Counties Hospital ebbed and flowed like tide currents around an offshore island. Outside the hospital the citizens of Burlington, Pennsylvania, perspired under a ninety-degree shade temperature with 78 per cent humidity. Down by the ste...
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Dreams and AwakeningsWHY IS IT forbidden to write down specific knowledge of the magics? Perhaps because we all fear that such knowledge would fall into the hands of one not worthy to use it. Certainly there has always been a system of apprenticeship to ensure that specific knowledge of ma...
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- From a much-disputed translation ofThe Prophecies of the Dragon by the poetKyera Termendal of Shiota, believed to havebeen published between FY 700 and FY 800PROLOGUE(Serpent and Wheel)Lightnings      From the tall arched window, close onto eighty spans above the ground, not far below the...
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  If anything exists, it is inprehensible.  If anything was prehensible,  it would be inmunicable.    - Gorgias      PART ONENOTHING EXISTS      1    Two hours ago the Railway Expressman delivered the crated, newly published International Encyclopedia of Fine Arts to my ...
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  1   mander James D. Swanson of the U.S. Navy was short, plump and crowding forty. He had jet-black hair topping a pink, cherubic face, and with the deep permanent creases of laughter lines radiating from his eyes and curving around his mouth, he was a dead ringer for the cheerful, happy-gol...
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《michael crichton.congo》

  Introduction  Only prejudice, and a trick of the Mercator projection, prevents us from recognizing the enormity of the African continent. Covering nearly twelve million square miles, Africa is almost as large as North America and Europe bined. It is nearly twice the size of South America. A...
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《物理学的进化》 艾.爱因斯坦 利.英费尔德著   新版序  第二,在第三章“场,相对论”的“以太与运动”一节( 118页)中,我们写道:“ 这两个例子并没有什么不合理的地方,不过所难的是在这两种情况中我们都必须以约 400米每秒的速度奔跑,但是我们可以想象,将来技术的进一步发展,这样的速度是可能实现的。...
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《后妃当国》 无冕之王——西汉高祖皇后吕雉前言古往今来,男性往往被视为国家政治中枢的核心,特别是在中国传统的夫权制社会政治体系和格局中,女性一直被认为处于从属地位。中国的皇权政治体系,更把这一观念具体化和固定化。自古以来,天子立后,并建六宫、三夫人、九嫔、二十七世妇、八十一御妻,这是人们描绘皇帝...
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  Annie  "When you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you."  - Friedrich Nietzsche  1  umber whunnnn yerrrnnn umber whunnnn fayunnnn These sounds: even in the haze.   2  But sometimes the sounds - like the pain - faded, and then there was only the haze. He remembered...
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A MATTER OF MILLIONS  THE Clipper smacked the blue of Biscayne Bay and settled into a lazy squat, from which it taxied toward a landing. An audible sigh of relief came from the roped-off crowd that lined the shore of Dinner Key. Little wonder that the sigh was heard, for the throng was immen...
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