


美丽英文(故事卷)- 第19节

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  She was face to face with piles and piles and piles of unopened CDs。 She was surprised to find all these CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one。 Inside; there was a CD and as she took it out of the wrapper; out fell a piece of paper。 The mother picked it up and started to read it。 It said,Hi。。。I think U R really cute。 Do u wanna go out with me? Love; Jocelyn。
  The mother was deeply moved and opened another CD。。。Again there was a piece of paper。 It said,Hi。。。 I think U R really cute。 Do u wanna go out with me? Love; Jocelyn。
  Love is。。。when you’ve had a huge fight but then decide to put aside2 your egos3; hold hands and say; “I Love You。”

  星期五早晨,苏珊像平时一样乘车上班。当她付完车费准备下车的时候,司机说道:“哎呀,我真羡慕你。”苏珊不确定司机是不是在和自己说话。毕竟,到底会有谁会羡慕我呢—— 一个在过去的一年中一直挣扎着、寻求活下去的勇气的瞎女人?

  ■ 心灵小语
  The Bus Passenger
  The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps。 She paid the driver and; using her hands to feel the location of the seats; walked down the aisle and found the seat he’d told her was empty。 Then she settled in; placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg。
  It had been a year since Susan; thirty…four; became blind。 Due to a medical misdiagnosis1 she had been rendered sightless; and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness; anger; frustration and self…pity。 Once a fiercely independent woman; Susan now felt condemned by this terrible twist of fate to bee a powerless; helpless burden on everyone around her。 “How could this have happened to me?” she would plead; her heart knotted with anger。
  But no matter how much she cried or ranted or prayed; she knew the painful truth her sight was never going to return。 A cloud of depression hung over Susan’s once optimistic spirit。 Just getting through each day was an exercise in frustration and exhaustion。 And all she had to cling to was her husband Mark。
  Mark was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all of his heart。 When she first lost her sight; he watched her sink into despair and was determined to help his wife gain the strength and confidence she needed to bee independent again。 Mark’s military background had trained him well to deal with sensitive situations; and yet he knew this was the most difficult battle he would ever face。
  Finally; Susan felt ready to return to her job; but how would she get there? She used to take the bus; but was now too frightened to get around the city by herself。 Mark volunteered to drive her to work each day; even though they worked at opposite ends of the city。
  At first; this forted Susan and fulfilled Mark’s need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task。 Soon; however; Mark realized that this arrangement wasn’t working—it was hectic2; and costly。 Susan is going to have to start taking the bus again; he admitted to himself。 But just the thought of mentioning it to her made him cringe。 She was still so fragile; so angry。 How would she react?txt电子书分享平台 

Just as Mark predicted; Susan was horrified at the idea of taking the bus again。 “I’m blind!” she responded bitterly。 “How am I supposed to know where I’m going? I feel like you’re abandoning me。”
  Mark’s heart broke to hear these words; but he knew what had to be done。 He promised Susan that each morning and evening he would ride the bus with her; for as long as it took; until she got the hang of it。 And that is exactly what happened。
  For two solid weeks; Mark; military uniform and all; acpanied Susan to and from work each day。 He taught her how to rely on her other senses; specifically her hearing; to determine where she was and how to adapt to3 her new environment。 He helped her be…friend the bus drivers who could watch out for her; and save her a seat。 He made her laugh; even on those not…so…good days when she would trip exiting the bus; or drop her briefcase。
  Each morning they made the journey together; and Mark would take a cab back to his office。 Although this routine was even more costly and exhausting than the previous one; Mark knew it was only a matter of time before Susan would be able to ride the bus on her own。 He believed in her; in the Susan he used to know before she’d lost her sight; who wasn’t afraid of any challenge and who would never; ever quit。
  Finally; Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own。 Monday morning
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