


美丽英文(哲理卷)- 第13节

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 with her unsuccessful imitations of Mr。 de la Mare; Mr。 Yeats; and Dr。 : A wider amateur practice of the arts; and a higher; more exclusive; professional standard。 Until these are achieved we shall not get the best out of our souls。
  The truth is; I conceive; that there is for most of us only one thing—beyond; of course; our duties of citizenship and our personal duties as sons; or husbands; or fathers; daughters; or wives; or mothers—that is worth doing well—that is to say; with all our energy。 That one thing may be writing; or it may be making steam…engines; or laying bricks。 But after that there are hundreds of things that are worth doing badly; with only part of our energy; for the sake of the relaxation they bring us; and for the contacts which they give us with our minds。 And the sooner England realizes this; as once she did; the happier; the more contented; the more gracious; will our land be。
  There are even; I maintain; things that are in themselves better done badly than well。 Consider fishing; where one’s whole pleasure is often spoiled by having to kill a fish。 Now; if one could contrive always to try to catch a fish; and never to do so; one might—but that is another story。
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  ■ 心灵小语
  The World a Reflex of Mental States
  James Allen
  What you are; so is your world。 Everything in the universe is resolved into your own inward experience。 It matters little what is without; for it is all a reflections of your own state of consciousness。
  It matters everything what you are within; for everything without will be mirrored and colored accordingly。
  All that you positively know is contained in your own experience; all that you ever will know must pass through the gateway of experience; and so bee part of yourself。
  Your own thoughts; desires; and aspirations prise your world; and; to you; all that there is in the universe of beauty and joy and bliss; or of ugliness and sorrow and pain; is contained within yourself。
  By your own thoughts you make or mar your life; your world; your universe; as you build within by the power of thought; so will your outward life and circumstances shape themselves accordingly。
  Whatsoever you harbor in the inmost chambers of your heart will; sooner or later by the inevitable law of reaction; shape itself in your outward life。
  The soul that is impure; sordid and selfish; is gravitating with unerring precession toward misfortune and catastrophe ; the soul that is pure; unselfish; and noble is gravitating with equal precision toward happiness and prosperity。
  Every soul attracts its own; and nothing can possibly e to it that does not belong to it。
  The incidents of every human life; which both make and mar; are drawn to it by the quality and power of its own inner thought…life。 Every soul is a plex bination of gathered experiences and thoughts; and the body is but an improvised vehicle for its manifestation.
  What; therefore; your thoughts are; that is your real self; and the world around; both animate and inanimate; wears the aspect with which your thoughts clothe it。
  Whether one be fearful or fearless; foolish or wise; troubled or serene; within that soul lies the cause of its own state or states; and never without。 And now I seem to hear a chorus of voices exclaim; “But do you really mean to say that outward circumstances do not affect our minds?” I do not say that; but I say this; and know it to be an infallible truth; that circumstances can only affect you in so far as you allow them to do so。

You are swayed by circumstances because you have not a right understanding of the nature; use; and power of thought。
  You believe (and upon this little word belief hang all our sorrows and joys) that outward things have the power to make or mar your life; by so doing you submit to those outward things; confess that you are their slave; and they your unconditional master; by so doing; you invest them with a power which they do not; of themselves; possess; and you succumb; in reality; not to the mere circumstances; but to the gloom or gladness; the fear or hope; the strength or weakness; which your thought…sphere has thrown around them。
  I knew two men who; at an early age; lost the hard…earned savings of years。 One was very deeply troubled; and gave way to chagrin; worry; and despondency。
  The other; on reading in his morning paper that the bank in which his money was deposited had hopelessly failed; and that he had lost all; quietly and firmly remarked; “Well; it’s gone; and trouble and worry won’t bring it back; but hard work will。”
  He w
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