


美丽英文(哲理卷)- 第32节

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es of vacant time; the interior loss of all for which they had sacrificed the world。 They rejoiced in the uncovenanted beatitude of sweetness alighting in their hearts。 Like them are the poets whom; three times or ten times in the course of a long life; the Muse has approached; touched; and forsaken。 And yet hardly like them; not always so docile; nor so wholly prepared for the departure; the brevity; of the golden and irrevocable hour。 Few poets have fully recognised the metrical absence of their Muse。 For full recognition is expressed in one only way—silence。
  It has been found that several tribes in Africa and in America worship the moon; and not the sun; a great number worship both; but no tribes are known to adore the sun; and not the moon。 For the periodicity of the sun is still in part a secret; but that of the moon is modestly apparent; perpetually influential。 On her depend the tides; and she is Selene; mother of Harsens; bringer of the dews that recurrently irrigate lands where rain is rare。 More than any other panion of earth is she the Measurer。 Early Indo…Germanic languages knew her by that name。 Her metrical phases are the symbol of the order of recurrence。 Constancy in approach and in departure is the reason of her inconstancies。 Juliet will not receive a vow spoken in invocation of the moon; but Juliet did not live to know that love itself has tidal times—lapses and ebbs which are due to the metrical rule of the interior heart; but which the lover vainly and unkindly attributes to some outward alteration in the beloved。 For man—except those elect already named—is hardly aware of periodicity。 The individual man either never learns it fully; or learns it late。 And he learns it so late; because it is a matter of cumulative experience upon which cumulative evidence is lacking。 It is in the after…part of each life that the law is learnt so definitely as to do away with the hope or fear of continuance。 That young sorrow es so near to despair is a result of this young ignorance。 So is the early hope of great achievement。 Life seems so long; and its capacity so great; to one who knows nothing of all the intervals it needs must hold—intervals between aspirations; between actions; pauses as inevitable as the pauses of sleep。 And life looks impossible to the young unfortunate; unaware of the inevitable and unfailing refreshment。 It would be for their peace to learn that there is a tide in the affairs of men; in a sense more subtle—if it is not too audacious to add a meaning to Shakespeare—than the phrase was meant to contain。 Their joy is flying away from them on its way home; their life will wax and wane; and if they would be wise; they must wake and rest in its phases; knowing that they are ruled by the law that mands all things—a sun’s revolutions and the rhythmic pangs of maternity。
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  ■ 心灵小语
  The Thread of Permance
  William Zorach
  It is strange how certain things make a great impression on us in childhood。 I remember these verses by Longfellow:
  “Life is real! Life is earnest!
  And the graves is not its goal;
  Dust thou art; to dust returnest;
  Was not spoken of the soul。”
  And again:
  “Lives of great men all remind us
  We can make our lives sublime;
  And departing; leave behind us
  Footprints on the sands of time。”
  Of course; my generation was much more sentimental than today’s youth but whether this was great poetry; it municated in simple language a message; and made a lasting impression on a small boy。

When I was fifteen I had an imaginary guardian angel and when I went to the country to sketch on Sundays; I asked for guidance; praying that someday I would be a fine artist and paint nature as beautiful as she really is。 What this little ceremony brought me was faith in the world and a belief in myself。
  My faiths and beliefs have been badly strained。 The Atomic Age has caught us in a web of fear。 Our lives seem so impermanent and uncertain。 There is such a waste of human potential; of things worth while in people which never find expression。 I sometimes think it’s a miracle that anything survives。 Yet I believe that a thread of permanence runs through everything from the beginning of time; and the most valuable residue will survive。
  I believe everybody has an urge to somehow spin his own life into a thread of permanence。 It is the impulse of life。 Some would call it the drive to immortality。 Whatever it is; I think it is good because it gives purpose to existence。 But purpose is not enough。 Artists are supposed to be notoriously impractical; but for myself; I found I had to make decisions and plans if I were to try to create anything。 I realized that I must approach life not only with a sensitivity; a perception of beauty; but with a feeling of humility and reverence。
  My creed as an artist is to love life and liberty and the world of people。 A man who works and loves his work is often a man dreaming; and the spirit of his dreams will find forms and symbols to express that dream。 It is a wonderful feeling to create something。 But today; I think there is a lack of power of munication。 If people; not just artists; but all kinds of people; could only open their hearts and express their sorrow; their happiness; their fears and hopes; they would discover they had an identity with the main stream of life which they never saw before。
  Sometimes fear and cynicism so grip our minds that we lose heart。 Then I try to remember how the great artists of the ages had the power of expressiveness。 Theirs was the power to municate; to exalt; to move the observer to joy or tears; to strike terror and awe in the hearts of men; not just to decorate or merely entertain。
  If we can expand the boundaries of men’s thoughts and beliefs; we will discover we all have creative possibilities—talents t
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