


美丽英文(哲理卷)- 第8节

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ting in the sun one day; I realized the shattering meaning of St。 Augustine’s statement that the sun and the moon; all the wonders of nature; are not God’s “first works”; but second to the spiritual works。
  I had; up till then; perceived spiritual beauty; only through the outward; it had e into me。 Now; I am groping towards an inner spiritual consciousness that will be able to go out from me。 I am lost in the middle ground; I am learning。
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  ■ 心灵小语
  Say Goodbye to Tolerations—Literally
  You don’t have to tolerate certain behavior from people。 You can set boundaries; limits。
  You can not only make decisions and take actions with others; to set and maintain boundaries; you can also take internal; private steps。
  Here is something you can do either as a private dialog with“part” of someone else that aggravates you; or even with that person in front of you for added impact。
  To be effective; you really need to talk and sense that you are really talking to that“part”; to them。 The first or second time you do this; you may feel awkward; and like you didn’t really do it。 If such is the case; you’ve had a good rehearsal。 Do it again; more thoroughly this time; and keep on doing it until you have the sense that it is really done。
  Here is the paraphrase:
  I told him“goodbye”to (named that part of him that I wasn’t going to tolerate any more); for certainly I would have chosen to say“goodbye” to such an(intolerable part of him)before。 I don’t want anything to do with that (part of him); and I doubt I will in the future have trouble with other men and women who act like that; too; for I understand all I need to know about projecting our junk on someone and all of those other defense mechanisms; and people who strain gnats (the scripture about a board in the eye; while getting the speck out of your brother’s eye)。 If that part shows up; I’ll have nothing to do with him。 I’ve done with that(part); just like l would have to with other people should they behave like that; in order to take care of myself。
  When you feel congruent; and that you’ve probably made an important shift。 Act on that shift; make it real in the world。。。 and it is yours。 Keep acting on it; keep to your decision。。。 and the shift is yours; for life!

  ■ 心灵小语
  Don’t Follow the Follower
  Earl Nightingale
  95 percent of people never succeed because they’re following the wrong group。
  Processionary caterpillars1 travel in long; undulating2 lines; one creature behind the other。 Jean Hanri Fabre; the French entomologist; once lead a group of these caterpillars onto the rim of a large flowerpot so that the leader of the procession found himself nose to tail with the last caterpillar in the procession; forming a circle without end or beginning。
  Through sheer force of habit and; of course; instinct; the ring of caterpillars circled the flowerpot for seven days and seven nights; until they died from exhaustion and starvation。 An ample supply of food was close at hand and plainly visible; but it was outside the range of the circle; so the caterpillars continued along the beaten path。书 包 网 txt小说上传分享

People often behave in a similar way。 Habit patterns and ways of thinking bee deeply established; and it seems easier and more forting to follow them than to cope with change; even when that change may represent freedom; achievement; and success。
  If someone shouts; “Fire!” it is automatic to blindly follow the crowd; and many thousands have needlessly died because of it。 How many stop to ask themselves: Is this really the best way out of here?
  So many people “miss the boat” because it’s easier and more forting to follow…to follow without questioning the qualifications of the people just ahead—than to do some independent thinking and checking。
  A hard thing for most people to fully understand is that people in such numbers can be so wrong; like the caterpillars going around and around the edge of the flowerpot; with life and food just a short distance away。 If most people are living that way; it must be right; they think。 But a little checking will reveal that throughout all recorded history the majority of mankind has an unbroken record of being wrong about most things; especially important things。 For a time we thought the earth was flat and later we thought the sun; stars; and planets traveled around the Earth。
  Both ideas are now considered ridiculous; but at the time they were believed and defended by the vast majority of followers。 In the hindsight of history we must have looked like those caterpillars blindly following the follower out of habit rather than stepping out of l
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