


蓝色特快上的秘密-蓝色列车之谜-蓝色列车(英文版)- 第32节

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 had doubtless put on her fur coat; eh?〃 

〃Yes; sir;〃 agreed Mason。 

〃Your master; then; does the same。 The train is heated; but outside in the station it is cold。 He puts on his overcoat and his hat and he walks along beside the train; and looking up at the lighted windows he suddenly sees Madame Kettering。 Until then he has had no idea that she was on the train。 Naturally; he mounts the carriage and goes to her partment。 She gives an exclamation of surprise at seeing him and quickly shuts the door between the two partments since it is possible that their conversation may be of a private nature。〃 

He leaned back in his chair and watched the suggestion slowly take effect。 No one knew better than Hercule Poirot that the class to which Mason belongs cannot be hurried。 

He must give her time to get rid of her own preconceived ideas。 At the end of three minutes she spoke: 

〃Well; of course; sir; it might be so。 I never thought of it that way。 The master is tall and dark; and just about that build。 It was seeing the hat and coat that made me say it was a gentleman from outside。 Yes; it might have been the master。 I would not like to say either way; I am sure。〃 

〃Thank you very much; Mademoiselle。 I shall not require you any further。 Ah; just one thing more。〃 He took from his pocket the cigarette case he had already shown to Katherine。 〃Is that your mistress's case?〃 he said to Mason。 

〃No; sir; it is not the mistress's … at least …〃 

She looked suddenly startled。 An idea was clearly working its way to the forefront of her mind。 

〃Yes;〃 said Poirot encouragingly。 

〃I think; sir … I can't be sure; but I think … it is a case that the mistress bought to give to the master。〃 

〃Ah;〃 said Poirot in a nonmittal manner。 

〃But whether she ever did give it to him or not; I can't say; of course。〃 

〃Precisely;〃 said Poirot; 〃precisely。 That is all; I think; Mademoiselle。 I wish you good afternoon。〃 

Ada Mason retired discreetly; closing the door noiselessly behind her。 

Poirot looked across at Van Aldin; a faint smile upon his face。 The millionaire looked thunderstruck。 

〃You think … you think it was Derek?〃 he queried; 〃but … everything points the other way。 Why; the Count has actually been caught red…handed with the jewels on him。〃 


〃But you told me …〃 

〃What did I tell you?〃 

〃That story about the jewels。 You showed them to me。〃 


Van Aldin stared at him。 

〃You mean to say you didn't show them to me。〃 


〃Yesterday … at the tennis?〃 


〃Are you crazy; M。 Poirot; or am I?〃 

〃Neither of us is crazy;〃 said the detective。 〃You ask me a question; I answer it。 You say have I not shown you the jewels that day? I reply … no。 What I showed you; Van Aldin; was a first…class imitation; not to be distinguished except by an expert from the real ones。〃 

Chapter 24 


It took the millionaire some few minutes to take the thing in。 He stared at Poirot as though dumbfounded。 The little Belgian nodded at him gently。 

〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃it alters the position; does it not?〃 


He leaned forward。 

〃All along; M。 Poirot; you have had this idea? All along this is what you have been driving at? You never believed that the te de la Roche was the murderer?〃 

〃I have had doubts;〃 said Poirot quietly。 〃I said as much to you。 Robbery with violence and murder …〃 he shook his head energetically … 〃no; it is difficult to picture。 It does not harmonize with the personality of the te de la Roche。〃 

〃But you believe that he meant to steal the rubies?〃 

〃Certainly。 There is no doubt as to that。 See; I will recount to you the affair as I see it。 The te knew of the rubies and he laid his plans accordingly。 He made up a romantic story of a book he was writing; so as to induce your daughter to bring them with her。 He provided himself with an exact duplicate。 It is clear; is it not; that substitution is what he was after。 Madame; your daughter; was not an expert on jewels。 It would probably be a long time before she discovered what had occurred。 When she did so … well … I do not think she would prosecute the te。 Too much would e out。 He would have in his possession various letters of hers。 Oh yes; a very safe scheme from the te's point of view … one that he has probably carried out before。〃 

〃It seems clear enough; yes;〃 said Van Aldin musingly。 

〃It accords with the personality of the te de la Roche;〃 said Poirot。 

〃Yes; but now …〃 Van Aldin looked searchingly at the other。 〃What actually happened? Tell me that; M。 Poirot。〃 

Poirot shrugged his shoulders。 

〃It is quite simple;〃 he said; 〃someone stepped in ahead of the te。〃 

There was a long pause。 

Van Aldin seemed to be turning things over in his mind。 When he spoke it was without beating about the bush。 

〃How long have you suspected my son…in…law; M。 Poirot?〃 

〃From the very first。 He had the motive and the opportunity。 Everyone took for granted that the man in Madame's partment in Paris was the te de la Roche。 I thought so; too。 Then you happened to mention that you had once mistaken the te for your son…in…law。 That told me that they were of the same height and build; and alike in colouring。 It put some curious ideas in my head。 The maid had only been with your daughter a short time。 It was unlikely that she would know Mr Kettering well by sight; since he had not been living in Curzon Street; also the man was careful to keep his face turned away。〃 

〃You believe he … murdered her;〃 said Van Aldin hoarsely。 

Poirot raised a hand quickly。 

〃No; no; I did not say that … but it is a possibility … a very strong possibility。 He was in a tight corner; a very tight corner; threatened with ruin。 This was the one way out。〃 

〃But why take the jewels?〃 

〃To make the crime appear an ordinary one mitted by train robbers。 Otherwise suspicion might have fallen on him straight away。〃 

〃If that is so; what has he done with the rubies?〃 

〃That remains to be seen。 There are several possibilities。 There is a man in Nice who may be able to help; the man I pointed out at the tennis。〃 

He rose to his feet and Van Aldin rose also and laid his hand on the little man's shoulder。 

His voice when he spoke was harsh with emotion。 

〃Find Ruth's murderer for me;〃 he said; 〃that is all I ask。〃 

Poirot drew himself up。 

〃Leave it in the hands of Hercule Poirot;〃 he said superbly; 〃have no fears。 I will discover the truth。〃 

He brushed a speck of fluff from his hat; smiled reassuringly at the millionaire; and left the room。 Nevertheless; as he went down the stairs some of the confidence faded from his face。 

〃It is all very well;〃 he murmured to himself; 〃but there are difficulties。 Yes; there are great difficulties。〃 As he was passing out of the hotel he came to a sudden halt。 A car had drawn up in front of the door。 In it was Katherine Grey; and Derek Kettering was standing beside it talking to her earnestly。 

A minute or two later the car drove off and Derek remained standing on the pavement looking after it。 The expression on his face was an odd one。 He gave a sudden impatient gesture of the shoulders; sighed deeply; and turned to find Hercule Poirot standing at his elbow。 In spite of himself he started。 The two men looked at each other。 Poirot steadily and unwaveringly and Derek with a kind of light…hearted defiance。 There was a sneer behind the easy mockery of his tone when he spoke; raising his eyebrows slightly as he did so。 

〃Rather a dear; isn't she?〃 he asked easily。 

His manner was perfectly natural。 

〃Yes;〃 said Poirot thoughtfully; 〃that describes Mademoiselle Katherine very well。 It is very English; that phrase there; and Mademoiselle Katherine; she also is very English。〃 

Derek remained perfectly still without answering。 

〃And yet she is sympathique; is it not so?〃 

〃Yes;〃 said Derek; 〃there are not many like her。〃 

He spoke softly; almost as though to himself。 Poirot nodded significantly。 Then he leant towards the other and spoke in a different tone; a quiet; grave tone that was new to Derek Kettering。 

〃You will pardon an old man; Monsieur; if he says to you something that you may consider impert
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