《war of the spider queen 5 annihilation》



war of the spider queen 5 annihilation- 第14节

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   〃Not everything that bleeds dies;〃 he said with a forced smile。
   She looked up at him; and their eyes met。 He expected her to be angry at least; maybe offended; but she was neither。 Pharaun couldn't tell what she was thinking。
   〃It troubles me;〃 she said after a pause; 〃that we know so little。 A ship like this 。 。 。 you should have studied it in the lore; shouldn't you? At Sorcere?〃
   〃I did;〃 Pharaun said。 〃I've been feeding it a steady diet; I've cowed its captain; and we're nearly ready for our little interplanar jaunt。 I know what it is and how it works; which means I know enough。 For a priestess you can be overly analytical。 Will it grow skin? If it wants to。 Will it bleed to death if your spike heels slice a vein? I doubt it。 Will it behave exactly the same way every time for everyone? Well; if it did; it wouldn't be very chaotic; now would it?〃
   〃Some day;〃 Quenthel said without a pause; 〃I will sew your mouth shut so you'll stop talking long enough for me to kill you in peace。〃
   Pharaun chuckled and rubbed cool sweat from his forehead。
   〃Why; Mistress;〃 the mage replied with a smile; 〃whatever for?〃
   〃Because I hate you;〃 she replied。
   Pharaun said nothing。 They gazed at each other for a few moments more then Quenthel stood and looked around。
   〃I'm getting bored;〃 she said to no one in particular。
   You're getting scared; Pharaun thought。
   〃I'm getting angry;〃 Jeggred cut in。
   Both Pharaun and Quenthel looked over to where the draegloth sat。 The half…demon was slowly; methodically; skinning a rat。 The rodent was still alive。
   〃No one asked; nephew;〃 Quenthel said with a sneer。
   〃My apologies; honored aunt;〃 the draegloth said; his voice dripping with icy sarcasm。
   〃Valas and Danifae will be back soon;〃 Pharaun said; 〃and we will have the ship ready when they get back。 We will be on our way presently; but in the meantime we mustn't let the tedium of this cursed lake get the better of us。 It wouldn't do to have a party of dark elves fighting among themselves。〃
   〃It's not the lake I find tedious; mage;〃 Jeggred shot back。
   Pharaun rejected his first half…dozen retorts before speaking; but his face must have revealed something。 He could see it reflected back at him in the draegloth's amused sneer。
   〃Yes;〃 the wizard said finally; 〃well; I will accept that gracious threat in the spirit in which it was offered; Jeggred Baenre。 Nonetheless; I…〃
   〃Will shut up;〃 the draegloth interrupted。 〃You will shut your damned mouth。〃
   Jeggred licked the dying; squealing; flayed rat; leaving blood dribbling from his cracked gray lips。
   〃I don't like this;〃 the half…demon said。 〃This one…〃 he tipped his chin to indicate the captive uridezu…〃is planning something。 It will betray us。〃
   〃It's a demon;〃 Quenthel replied quietly。
   〃Meaning?〃 the draegloth asked; almost shouting。
   〃Meaning;〃 Pharaun answered for her; 〃that of course it will betray us…or try to。 The only thing you can trust about a demon is that it will be untrustworthy。 It might cheer you to know we feel the same way about you; my draegloth friend。〃
   Pharaun had expected some reaction to that ment but not the one he got。 Jeggred and Quenthel locked stares; their eyes boring into each other's。 There was a long silence。 It was Quenthel who looked away first。
   Jeggred actually seemed disappointed。
Chapter Six
   Aliisza nuzzled close to Kaanyr Vhok; her long ebony tresses mingling with the cambion's silver hair。
   〃Have you been entertaining ladies while I was away?〃 the alu…fiend cooed into her lover's neck。
   The cambion let out a slow breath through his nose and slid a hand onto Aliisza's back。 He drew her closer to him; so their sides were pressed together。 Aliisza could feel his blazing body heat; so much hotter than a dark elf's。 So fortable and reassuring。 So powerful。
   〃Jealous?〃 Kaanyr Vhok whispered。
   Aliisza thrilled that he was playing along。 It was a rare reaction from the half…demon; who normally kept his feelings so carefully guarded。
   〃Never;〃 she whispered back; pausing to let her hot; moist lips brush along his skin。 〃I just wish I could have joined you。〃
   She hoped for further playfulness but instead got a dismissive chuckle。 Kaanyr Vhok withdrew from her; and she plastered a coy pout on her face; narrowing her deep green eyes in a scowl。
   Vhok flashed her a rare grin and put a finger gently to her lips。
   〃Don't cry; my dear;〃 he said。 〃When this mad war is over; we'll have time for dalliances to thrill the likes of even you。〃
   〃Until then?〃
   He took his hand away and stepped to a small table on which was set a tray; a crystal decanter of fine brandy stolen for sport from a shop in Skullport; and a single glass。
   〃Until then;〃 Vhok said; pouring a splash of the rust…colored liquid into the glass; 〃we'll have to occasionally break for business。〃
   〃How goes that business?〃
   〃Menzoberranzan is under siege;〃 the cambion answered; making a sweeping gesture to indicate their surroundings; 〃and will be for a very long time; unless someone manages to inject some intelligence…or dare we hope; imagination…into our gray dwarf allies。〃
   〃You don't sound hopeful;〃 she said。
   〃They're as dull witted as they are ill tempered;〃 Vhok replied; 〃but we make do。〃
   He turned to look at her; and Aliisza smiled; shrugged; and sat。 More accurately; she let her body pour onto a richly upholstered sofa; her lithe body draping seductively across it and her eyes playing over his body。 Her leather bodice looked stiff and restraining; but it flowed over her the same way she flowed over the sofa; shifting to her will like her own skin。 The sheathed long sword at her hip tucked under one leg。
   Vhok's own costume was typically opulent; a tunic embroidered in a military style。 A long sword of his own hung at his hip; and Aliisza knew he wore any number of magical bits and pieces; even in the privacy of his own temporary quarters。
   The tent they inhabited at the rear of the siege lines was cloaked in enchantments that would prevent anyone from overhearing; peeking in; or spying on them in any conceivable way; but still Aliisza felt exposed。
   〃That lake;〃 she said; her eyes drifting around the silk…draped confines of the tent; 〃is the dullest place I've ever been; and I've spent time in duergar cities。〃
   Vhok took a small sip of the brandy and closed his eyes; savoring it。 Aliisza had long ago gotten over not being offered any。
   〃It's a dreary; gray cave;〃 she added。 〃I mean; the air is actually gray。 It's awful。〃
   Vhok opened his eyes and shrugged; waiting for more。
   〃They captured the captain;〃 she continued。
   〃An uridezu?〃 the cambion asked。
   Aliisza nodded; lifting an eyebrow at the oddly accurate guess。
   〃Sometimes;〃 Vhok said; 〃I think you forget what I am。〃
   〃I remember;〃 she said hastily。
   Kaanyr Vhok was a cambion; the son of a human father and a demon mother。 He shared the most dangerous qualities of both those chaotic animals。
   Aliisza reached out a hand and shifted on the sofa。
   〃e;〃 she said。 〃Sit with me; and I'll tell you everything I saw。 Every last detail。 For the war effort。〃
   Vhok downed the rest of the brandy in one gulp; set the glass down; and took Aliisza's hand。 His olive skin looked dark and rich against her own pale flesh。 Not as dark as Pharaun's of course; but。。。
   〃Sounds to me;〃 the cambion said as he slid onto the sofa next to his demon lover; 〃as if these drow are planning a trip。〃
   〃They are past planning;〃 she said。
   〃They are past foolishness;〃 replied Vhok。 〃Typical drow; serving a chaotic mistress with such strident lawfulness。 Always marching in lockstep; with their Houses and their laws and their infantile traditions。 No wonder the spider bitch turned her back on them。 I'm surprised she suffered their nonsense this long。〃
   Aliisza smiled; showing perfect teeth…human teeth she chose for intimate occasions。 She'd found over the decades that even Vhok could be put off by her jagged fangs。 Aliisza s
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