


著迷英语900句- 第14节

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CAPT。JAMISON: Who was right? 谁对了?
MR。NIKZAD: My son; Ali。 我的儿子阿里。
MR。NIKZAD: He never stops talking about Mr。 O’Neill。 他一天到晚都在讲欧尼尔先生。
“MR。NIKZAD: He always says; ““Mr。 O’Neill is a secret agent。”““ 他总是说: 「欧尼尔先生是个
CAPT。JAMISON: Sergeant; you didn’t say anything to the boy; did you? 警官; 你该没有对那个小
MR。NIKZAD: Captain; I’m sure he didn’t have to。 Ali is very。。。 what is the word in English。。。
imaginative。 警长; 我相
信他用不着说。 阿里这孩子非常。。。 英文怎么讲。。。 想像力很丰富。
MR。NIKZAD: He enjoys pretending to be you; Sergeant。 You are his hero。 警官; 你是他心目中的
英雄; 他崇拜你; 很喜欢学你。
BILL: He’s a fine boy。 他是个好孩子。
MR。NIKZAD: And he loves talking to you about baseball。 他也很喜欢和你谈棒球。
MR。NIKZAD: He keeps trying to learn; 他一直试着学;
MR。NIKZAD: but I don’t know how to play; so I can’t teach him。 可是我不会玩; 所以就没办法教他。
MR。NIKZAD: But tell me Sergeant; how did you know those three were thieves? 那么; 警官请你
告诉我; 你怎么知道那叁个人是强盗?
BILL: I suspected something right away。 我一开始就起疑心。
BILL: They kept walking back and forth in front of the bank。 他们在银行的门口一直走来走去;
BILL: After watching them for three days; I knew something was going to happen soon。 在注意他们
叁天以后; 我就知道不久即会有事情发生了。
MR。NIKZAD: Why did you wait three days before acting? 你为什么要等叁天才采取行动呢?
BILL: We needed more proof; 因为我们需要更多的证据;
BILL: so I started noting their movements carefully。 I sold ice cream right under their noses。 所以我

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开始细心地观察他们的行踪。 我就在他们的跟前卖冰淇淋。
MR。NIKZAD: I am impressed; Sergeant; impressed and grateful。 But what a shame。 Ali can never
know he was right。我真钦佩你; 警官; 钦佩又感激。 但是; 真可惜; 阿里永远不会知道他是对的。
HUSSEIN: Ali! Did you hear? There was a robbery at Dad’s bank! 阿里! 你知不知道? 爸爸的银
ALI: Wow! Did they take a lot of money? 哇! 他们抢了很多钱吗?
HUSSEIN: No。 Some undercover policemen at the Fair caught the thieves。 没有; 万博会有便衣警
ALI: I bet Mr。 O’Neill did it! 我想一定是欧尼尔先生抓的;
ALI: When I grow up; I want to be a secret agent like Mr。 O’Neill。 我长大了以后; 我要当密探; 就
HUSSEIN: Ali; Mr。 O’Neill is an ice cream vendor! 阿里; 欧尼尔先生是冰淇淋摊贩!
PEDRO: It’s been a long time。 好久不见了。
MICHAEL: Yes; it has。 是的; 很久不见了。
PEDRO: How have you been? 你好吗?
MICHAEL: Much better since I spoke to you last。 比上次和你讲话时好多了。
PEDRO: You know; Michael; I’m sorry about。。。 我要告诉你; 麦可; 我很抱歉关于。。。
MICHAEL: You don’t have to be。 不用道歉。
PEDRO: Then why are you still angry? Anyway; I am sorry。 那么你为什么还生气? 不管怎么样;
MICHAEL: I am; too。 I thought we were friends。 我也是; 我想我们是好朋友。
PEDRO: We were。 是的; 我们是好朋友。
MICHAEL: How’s Marian? 玛丽安她好吗?
PEDRO: I don’t know。 我不知道。
PEDRO: I haven’t seen her for almost three years。 我已经快叁年没有看到她了。
MICHAEL: Didn’t she stay with you? 她没有跟你在一起吗?
PEDRO: No。 I saw her for a few weeks; and then she left。 she went to Florida。 没有; 我们交往了几
个星期; 她就离开了。 她到佛罗里达州去了。
MICHAEL: Haven’t you kept in touch? 你们没有保持联络吗?
PEDRO: No。 There was no reason to。 没有; 没有这个必要;
PEDRO: I was happy to see her go。 我很高兴她走了。
MICHAEL: Then why did you。。。 那么你为什么要。。。
PEDRO: Now wait a minute; Michael。 慢着; 麦可。
PEDRO: I didn’t go looking for her。 我不会去找她的;
PEDRO: She came to me。 过去是她找上门来的。
PEDRO: Michael。 It’s over。 I’m sorry。 What more can I say? Let’s have a beer and forget the whole
thing。 麦可; 事情已经结束了; 我很抱歉; 我还能说什么? 让我们喝杯啤酒去。 将这所有事情都
MICHAEL: Hello; Pedro。 How have you been? 佩德罗你好; 最近怎么样?
PEDRO: Okay; Michael。 It’s been a long time。 还不错; 麦可; 好久不见。
MICHAEL: Are you still interested in photography? 你仍然对摄影有兴趣吗?
PEDRO: Yes; and I’ve done a lot of new things。 Come on; I’ll tell you about them。 是的; 而且我还

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作了很多新的尝试。 来;让我来告诉你。
MICHAEL: How’s your mother? I’ve missed her。 你妈妈好吗? 我真想念她。
MICHAEL: She’s fine。 她很好;
MICHAEL: She’ll be glad to see you again。 她会很高兴再看到你。
PEDRO: She’s missed you; too。她也想念你;
PEDRO: So has the rest of my family。 我们一家人都想念你。
: Eighty …eighth Street is usually a busy street; especially during the summer。 But sometimes; early in
the morning and in the heat of the afternoon; it is quiet。 八十八街通常是很热闹的; 尤其是在夏天
的时候。 不过; 有时候在一大清早和炎热午后里;八十八街却很安静。
“: No; not ““quiet”“; quieter。” 不; 不应该说很安静; 应该说比较安静一点才对;
: There are always kids playing ball。 随时都有小孩子在那里打球。
: They don’t seem to notice the heat; the darkness; or the passing cars。 闷热的天气、黑暗的夜晚以
及往来的车辆; 他们似乎并不在意。
: It’s a street like many others。 这条街和其他许多街道一样;
: Children run; and jump; and fall。 街上的小孩; 跑的跑; 跳的跳; 摔倒的摔倒。
: Parents push baby carriages。 Young men and women walk slowly; arm in arm; or hand in hand。 爸
爸妈妈们推着婴儿车走; 青年男女臂挽着臂或手牵着手慢慢地走着;
: The people of the neighborhood know each other。 左右邻居彼此都认识。
: When friends meet; they stop and say a word or two。 当朋友相遇的时候; 他们总会停下来寒喧
: Two women; both lost in thought; walk toward each other。 两个沉思的妇女彼此迎面走近;
: As they pass; they look up。 她们走过彼此身边的时候; 都抬起头来看。
: They stop。 They smile。 她们止步; 她们微笑。
: They start to speak at the same time。 然后同时开始讲话。
: They laugh; happy to see each other。 她们都很高兴彼此碰面。
: After a minute or two; one turns around and walks the other to her door。 过一两分钟; 其中的一个
: They stand and talk a few minutes more。 她们站在那里继续谈上几分钟;
: Then each one takes a few steps; turns; and waves good…bye。 然后一个走上几层台阶; 转身挥别。
: At noon on June 3; three men bought sandwiches and ice cream and sat on one of the benches in
front of the
International Bank。 在六月叁日中午; 有叁名男子买了叁明治和冰淇淋后在国家银行前的橙子
: This behavior continued on June 4 and 5。 他们在六月四、五号这两天继续这样做。
: They were trying to look and act like tourists; but they obviously were not。 他们尽力装出观光客
的模样和作风; 但是很显然的; 他们并不是。
: They never smiled。 他们始终没有露出笑容;
: They were not enjoying themselves。 心情也并不愉快。
: The suspects carefully noted the movements of each of the bank’s employees。 叁名嫌疑犯密切注
: They even noted when and where I moved my ice cream cart。 他们甚至注意我推冰淇淋车的时间

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: On June 5; at exactly 2:20; when two of the four guards were out to lunch; the three suspects moved
toward the
entrance of the bank。在六月五日下午两点二十分整; 当银行四个警卫中的两个人外出午餐的时
候; 这叁名嫌疑犯走向银行的入口。
: I immediately called for help。 Then I moved the ice cream cart closer to the entrance of the bank。 我
立刻通知同仁协助; 然后把冰淇淋车移近银行的入口;
: I wanted to be able to stop them from leaving the area。 希望能够阻止他们离开那个区域。
: One of the suspects stood at the door of the bank。 其中的一名嫌疑犯站在银行的门口;
: The other two entered the bank and stood in line。 另外两名则进去银行排队。
: When they got up to the tellers; they took guns out of paper bags。 当他们走到出纳员面前时; 就
: Most of the people in the bank didn’t know what was happening。 银行里的人大多不知道有事情
: I could see this through the windows of the bank。 这件事情经过; 我从银行的窗外可以看到。
: Meanwhile; the other non…uniformed policemen arrived。 在此同时; 其余的便衣警员也到达了现场。
: We spread out。 我们分布各处。
: Some went into the bank and some stood near the front。 有的到银行里面去; 有的站到门口近处。
: We wanted to wait until they had the money in their hands。 我们等待直到他们拿到了钱;
: Then we got them。 然后把他们逮捕;
: It was all over in twenty seconds。 这件事情只花二十秒钟的时间就结束了。
: I never stopped selling ice cream; although I gave one 
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