


著迷英语900句- 第18节

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CRAWFORD AGENCY 发行人: 万国博览会股份有限公司及郭氏广告公司
HENRY LEEDS: In case you’ve never stopped in at the World’s Fair Ice Cream Parlor; 您或许从来
HENRY LEEDS: let me introduce you to it。 那么; 让我来为你介绍。
HENRY LEEDS: First; the facts: Our World’s Fair Ice Cream Parlor is one of the largest ice cream
parlors you will find anywhere in the world。 首先; 事实上您将发现: 我们万国博览会的冰淇淋馆
HENRY LEEDS: It is open until midnight; seven days a week; and the staff is always ready to serve
you and your friends。 一个星期开放七天; 每天营业到午夜; 冰淇淋馆的人员随时准备为您和
HENRY LEEDS: Our ice cream parlor hasn’t really been there for a hundred years。 我们万博会的
HENRY LEEDS: It just looks that way。 它只是看起来像罢了。
HENRY LEEDS: In fact; they have been selling ice cream for only two months now。 事实上; 他们

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HENRY LEEDS: Inspired by a more elegant age; the careful manners and the old…fashioned
costumes of the staff were designed to make you; the customers; feel at home。 工作人员礼貌的作风
和仿古的服装及文雅的动作; 目的是让客人们有宾至如归之感。
HENRY LEEDS: Let me now tell you about the ice cream。 现在让我来谈谈他们的冰淇淋了。
HENRY LEEDS: They tell me that the recipe they use has been making ice cream lovers happy since
1865。 我听说他们用的配製法; 从一八六五年以来一直受爱吃冰淇淋的人欢迎。
HENRY LEEDS: They have flavors that you’ve never heard of。 And all of them are delicious。 他们
有各种各样的味道; 有的还是一般人未曾听过的; 而都美味可口。
HENRY LEEDS: I will describe only one of their specialties。 It is called the Kitchen Sink。 “他们有
数种拿手甜点; 我只介绍其中的一种; 叫做”“百味盘”“;”
HENRY LEEDS: What is a Kitchen Sink? “““ 百味盘”“ 是什么?”
HENRY LEEDS: It is a huge stainless steel dish; about twelve inches wide; eighteen inches long; and
about eight inches deep; 是一个大约十二寸宽; 十八寸长; 大约八寸深的巨大不銹钢盘子;
HENRY LEEDS: which is filled with twenty different kinds of ice cream。 装满了二十种不同的冰
HENRY LEEDS: On top of all this are piled whipped cream; nuts; fruit; and chocolate syrup。 上面
HENRY LEEDS: I warn you; this dessert is only for the strongest of stomachs。 我可要警告你; 这
HENRY LEEDS: Don’t worry; though。 不过; 没关系;
HENRY LEEDS: They have desserts for every taste and pocketbook。 他们有各种不同的甜点; 给
MRS。FARIAS: Dear Joana and Paulo; 琼娜、保罗:
MRS。FARIAS: I just wanted to tell you that I arrived here safe and sound。 妈已经平安回来了; 致
MRS。FARIAS: Your father was fine。 爸爸一切都很好;
MRS。FARIAS: He was a bit lonely while I was away; but it was nice to find out how much we
missed each other。 妈不在的这段日子; 他确实有一点寂寞; 但是能够发现我们是彼此多么地想
念; 很是安慰。
MRS。FARIAS: He’s really a good man。 他真是一个很好的人;
MRS。FARIAS: You know; he was sick while I was visiting you; but he never told us because he
didn’t want us to worry。你们知道吗? 当我去探望你们的时候; 他生病了; 但为了不希望我们耽
心; 他一直没告诉我们;
MRS。FARIAS: He was probably right。 He knows how I worry。 他这样做大概没有错; 因为他知道
MRS。FARIAS: Anyway; he ’s better now; although I wish he would take better care of himself。 反正;
他现在已经痊愈了; 但是; 只有他更珍惜身体; 妈才会放心。
MRS。FARIAS: How are you; Paulo? 保罗你好吗?
MRS。FARIAS: How I admire your ability to learn languages! 你学语言的能力那么高; 妈真佩服
MRS。FARIAS: I must tell you how nice it was to come home to Brazil where everyone in the street
speaks Portuguese。 妈禁不住要告诉你们; 能回到人人都讲葡萄牙文的巴西老家; 真是棒极了!

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MRS。FARIAS: I realize now how much energy it took to speak English! 妈现在才知道想说好英语
MRS。FARIAS: And Joana; keep me informed of your plans。 对了; 琼娜; 随时告诉妈你有什么打算。
MRS。FARIAS: I wish your father could meet Michael。 妈在想; 你爸爸若能和麦可见面多好。
MRS。FARIAS: Your father wants to add a few words at the end of the letter。 你爸爸想在信尾补充
MRS。FARIAS: Take care of yourselves; and please write when you get a minute。 两位要保重; 且有
MRS。FARIAS: Love; Mama 妈
MR。FARIAS: Your mother had a wonderful time with you both; but I’m glad to have her back home。
妈妈跟你们在一起时很愉快; 但爸很高兴她已回家来了。
MR。FARIAS: Paulo one of my clients; Mr。 Crotisoz; will be in New York next week。 保罗: 我有
MR。FARIAS: If it is not too much trouble; I’d like you to do whatever you can to make his stay more
pleasant。 如果不太麻烦的话; 爸希望你尽你所能使他能在纽约玩得更愉快些;
MR。FARIAS: If he doesn’t call you; fine。 如果他没给你电话没有关系。
MR。FARIAS: I’ll be in New York on business in October。 I’ll see you both then。 我将在十月到纽约洽
谈商务; 到时候见!
MR。FARIAS: Take care; 多保重。
JIM YAMAMOTO: From the earliest times; people have held sports competitions。 自古以来; 人们
JIM YAMAMOTO: The athletic few compete on the field while the rest of us participate from the
safety of our seats。少数有运动能力的人在运动场比赛; 而我们其余的人都安全地坐在椅子上以
JIM YAMAMOTO: Today sports are certainly as popular as ever; and because of radio and television;
如今体育活动确实和以往一样受人重视; 而且由于广播和电视的发明;
JIM YAMAMOTO: we can now compete from a distance。 “ 我们现在可从千里外”“参与”“ 比赛。”
JIM YAMAMOTO: In fact; for important competitions; the whole world becomes one big stadium。
甚至于举行重要比赛时, 全世界就成为一个大运动场。
JIM YAMAMOTO: It is hard to say why humans like organized games。 人类为什么会喜欢有组织
JIM YAMAMOTO: The reasons that we enjoy sports probably differ from person to person。 运动带
JIM YAMAMOTO: Whether little kids are kicking a ball around a city 不管是一群小孩子在市区的游
JIM YAMAMOTO: playground; or million…dollar…a…year athletes are playing in a modern stadium;
JIM YAMAMOTO: the excitement of competition; motion; discipline; and beauty are in the air。 都
JIM YAMAMOTO: Who doesn’t stop to watch a ball game in the street or a swimmer in a pool? 若
是有人在街上打球或在游泳池里游泳; 谁不佇足观看的?

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JIM YAMAMOTO: What parents are not proud to see their children carried off the field by thankful
fans? 哪家父母亲看到自己的孩子被感激的球迷们从球场扛下去而不引以为荣的?
JIM YAMAMOTO: For the players; the joys of sportsmanship can include punishing self…discipline
and the friendship of teammates。 而对运动员来说; 严厉的自律以及对队友们的友谊也是运动道
JIM YAMAMOTO: Then there is that special thrill that comes only to a lucky few。 还有一种特殊
的快感; 是少数最幸运的人才能体验得到的。
JIM YAMAMOTO: It is the thrill that comes from hearing a thousand voices shout your name。 那就
是听到成千上万的人喊出你的名字的时候; 心里所感受到的喜悦。
JIM YAMAMOTO: But personal victory is only one kind of victory。 但是个人的胜利只是很多种
JIM YAMAMOTO: In every game someone must lose; but mankind wins every time an athletic record
is broken。 每场比赛难免有输的一方; 但是每逢有运动记录被打破之时; 人类就赢得了胜利。
JIM YAMAMOTO: It is this aspect of sports that brings people together。 运动之所以能使人感到共
“JIM YAMAMOTO: Even in defeat; no one says to an athlete; ““So what?”““ “即使在运动员失败
的时候; 也没有人会责备他说: ““这算什么?”““
“JIM YAMAMOTO: You say; ““Good try!”““ “ 我们都说: ““可圈可点!”““
“JIM YAMAMOTO: And when your pride gets hurt and your muscles are sore; you say to yourself;
““That’s part of the game。 I’ll win next time!” “而当我们自尊受损、肌肉酸痛之际; 我们心里就
会想: “这是比赛的一部份; 我下次会赢的!”
MARTA: Airports are sad places。 飞机场是令人伤感的地方。
MIGUEL: Sometimes; I guess。 But; we’ll write。 You’ll come do
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