


著迷英语900句- 第21节

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PEDRO: And I had forgotten that you could be such a pain in the neck。 而我都忘了你是个令人头
MICHAEL: You’re right。 I’m sorry。 I’m driving everyone crazy。 你说得对。 很抱歉; 我令大家都
MICHAEL: Let’s change the subject。 我们换一个话题吧!
MICHAEL: Do you have and more bad news? 你还有没有坏消息?
PEDRO: No。 That’s all for today。 没有了。 今天就是这么多。
PEDRO: Miguel called Marta from Colombia。 He loves her。 He misses her。 米盖尔从哥伦比亚打电
话给玛它。 他爱她; 想念她;
PEDRO: He thinks about her every minute; 时时刻刻都在想她;
PEDRO: and he can’t live without her。 He says。 没有她; 他就不能活下去。 他说
MICHAEL: He’s a nice guy。 他人很好。
PEDRO: He’s young and inexperienced。 If he knew what I know。。。 他年轻而缺乏经验; 他要是懂
MICHAEL: He’d be cynical; old; and unhappy; like you。他愤世嫉俗; 苍老而不快乐。 就会像你一样
MICHAEL: Leave him alone。 不要干涉他;
MICHAEL: If you could find a girl like Marta; you’d be a lucky man。 你如果有本事找到一个女孩
子像玛它那样; 你就会是个幸运的男人。
PEDRO: That may be。 In any case; he wishes you the best of luck in the competition。 或许如此。 不
管怎么样; 他祝你比赛得胜。
MICHAEL: Thank him for me if you get a chance。 有机会的话; 代我谢谢他。
MICHAEL: By the way; why are you so dressed up today?对了; 你今天怎么打扮得这么漂亮?
MICHAEL: It couldn’t be just for the unveiling of my painting。 不会是专为了参加我这幅画的揭

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PEDRO: Very funny。 Actually; I had an interview at a photographic supply house。 真好笑; 其实;
MICHAEL: I’m impressed。 有作为; 有作为。
PEDRO: They want me to be the assistant manager of their camera department? 他们要我担任相机
MICHAEL: You? In a nine to five job? I can’t believe it。 Pedro in a jacket an tie? I never thought I’d
live to see the day。 你?每天九点到五点上班? 难以置信。 佩德罗竟然穿西装打领带! 我还以为
PEDRO: Hey; give me a break! 嘿; 少揶揄了!
MICHAEL: Pedro; I think it’s great。 Congratulations。 佩德罗; 这是大好的消息; 恭喜你了。
PEDRO: Thanks。 I guess。 谢谢你; 我想我该这么说。
MICHAEL: You don’t seem very happy about it。 你好像对这件事不太高兴。
PEDRO: I have to get used to the idea。 我还没进入状况。
LAURA: Hello; Bill。 哈罗; 比尔。
BILL: How are you; Laura? 罗拉; 你好吗?
BILL: Have you found a job yet? 找到工作没有?
CUSTOMER: Do you have vanilla cones? 有没有香草甜筒?
BILL: Certainly。 Here you are。 Now; where were we? Oh; yes。 当然有的; 这就是。 我们刚刚谈到
哪里了? 噢; 对了;
BILL: I asked if you had found a job yet。 我问你有没有找到工作。
LAURA: No; not yet; but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking。 没; 还没有; 不过我最近想了很多。
BILL: Well; you know Paulo Farias; the nice…looking young man at the Brazilian Pavilion? 嗯; 你认
识保罗·法瑞斯? 就是在巴西馆工作; 仪容很讨人喜欢的那位青年。
LAURA: Yes; I remember him。 认识; 我记得他。
BILL: I told him that you had resigned。 我已经告诉他说你辞职了。
LAURA: You did? 真的?
BILL: And that you were looking for a new position。 我还告诉他说你要找新的职位。
LAURA: What did he say? 他怎么说?
BILL: He said that he remembered you。 他说他记得你。
LAURA: That’s nice; What else did he say? 那好; 他还说什么?
BILL: He said he was looking for a secretary。 But he also said he didn’t think he could hire you。 他
说他正在找秘书; 可是他也说大概不能雇用你。
LAURA: Oh; why? 噢; 为什么?
BILL: Because he does a lot of work with Mr。 Crawford’s office。 因为他跟郭佛先生的公司经常有
LAURA: Yes; of course。 Oh; well; thanks for trying。 对了; 那当然。 噢! 谢谢你帮我打听。
BILL: Wait; don’t give up yet。 慢点; 别那么快放弃希望;
BILL: He said he might be able to find you a job in another department。 他说他可能在别的部门帮
LAURA: Oh; Bill。 You’re wonderful。 Thank you。 比尔; 你真好; 谢谢你。
LAURA: You should open up an employment agency。 你应该开一家职业介绍所才对。

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BILL: That’s what my wife says。 That reminds me; 我太太也这样说。 这倒提醒了我;
BILL: she asked me to pick up a few things on the way home。 她叫我在回家的路上买些东西。
LAURA: Does your wife work; too? 你太太也上班吗?
BILL: Yes; she’s a florist。 是; 她在鲜花店做事。
LAURA: Does she like it? 她喜不喜欢?
BILL: Yes; she was saying just last night that she had never enjoyed a job more。 喜欢。 她昨天晚上
BILL: So now; what are we going to do about you? You said that you had been doing a lot of
thinking。 好了; 你的事怎么办? 你说你最近想了很多。
LAURA: Yes; I was thinking that maybe I needed a change。 对; 我在想或许我需要换别种工作。
BILL: Have you ever thought about being a tour guide? 你以前有没有考虑过当导游?
LAURA: A tour guide? 导游?
BILL: Someone told me that he had heard that they needed another Spanish…English tour guide。 Even
though they haven’t announced the opening yet; I’d apply now。 有人告诉我他听说他们需要再请
一位会讲西班牙语和英语的导游。 这个空缺虽然还没公布; 可是最好现在就申请。
LAURA: Maybe I should。 You really are a sweetheart。 也许我应该去申请; 你真是个古道热肠的
BILL: Good luck。 祝你幸运。
JOANA: There’s quite a crowd here。 这里人很多。
MICHAEL: Everybody in the art world is here。 Artists; critics; collectors; everybody。 I want to go
home。 There’s Leo van der Zee! 艺术界所有的人都来了; 艺术家、评论家、收藏家; 谁都来了。 我
想回家了; 那边那个是利欧·泛·德·西。
PEDRO: Which painting is his? 哪一幅是他的画?
MICHAEL: The large one to the left of mine。 在我的画左边;
MICHAEL: It’s very good。 Very good。 很大的那幅; 画得很好; 非常好。
JOANA: I don’t like it。 我不喜欢。
MICHAEL: I would be proud to say that I had done it。 我如果能够说是我画的; 我会很骄傲。
PEDRO: I don’t like it; either。 我也不喜欢。
MICHAEL: Ssh; There’s Paulo。 Did anyone tell him that I entered the competition under another
name? 嘘; 保罗在哪里了; 有没有人告诉他我用别人的名字参加?
JOANA: I don’t know。 But even if he had found out; he certainly wouldn’t have told me。 Paulo can
be very discreet。 我不晓得。 不过; 就算他发现; 也绝对不会跟我说; 保罗说话很谨慎。
PAULO: Ladies an gentlemen。。。 各位先生女士。。。
MICHAEL: Why doesn’t he get on with it? 为什么他不说下去?
JOANA: Be patient; Michael。 麦可; 要有耐心。
PEDRO: 。。。 The Brazilian Pavilion has been pleased and honored to have as judges persons of such
distinction that。。。 。。。 巴西馆能够请到这么出名的几位评审; 感到非常的高兴和荣幸。 因此。。。
MICHAEL: If I had known there were going to be a lot of speeches; I would have come later。 早知
JOANA: It’ll all be over soon; Michael。 麦可; 很快就会结束的。
PAULO: The judges; as you can imagine; had a very difficult time choosing a winner。 The quality of
the paintings。。。。 评审各位可想而知; 在选择优胜者时所感到的困难; 作品的水准。。。

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MICHAEL: Paulo; shut up。 Or say something original。 Say something like; 保罗闭嘴; 要不然说一
点新鲜的话; 譬如说一句类似。
“MICHAEL: ““Most of the paintings were garbage。”““ 「大多数的作品像垃圾」的话。
PAULO: And if I had been one of the judges; I don’t think I could have come to any decision at all;
but; fortunately。。。 如果我是评审之一; 我想我根本没有办法决定; 不过; 幸好。。。
MICHAEL: I’ve got to step outside。 I need some fresh air。 我必须出去走走; 我要呼吸一点新鲜的
JOANA: Don’t leave now; Michael; they’re。。。 麦可你现在不要走; 他们就要。。。
MICHAEL: I’ve got to。 I’m too nervous。 我不能不出去; 我太紧张了。
ALI: Hello; Are you an artist? 你好。 你是不是艺术家?
MICHAEL: I don’t know。 我不晓得;
MICHAEL: The judges are making up their minds。 评审正在下决定。
MICHAEL: Watch it; your ice cream is dripping。 小心; 你的冰淇淋正在滴下来。
ALI: Thanks。 谢谢。
ALI: Speeches are really boring; aren’t they? 演讲真无聊; 对不对?
MICHAEL: You can say that again。 That ice cream looks good。 可不是吗? 那个冰淇淋看起来很
MICHAEL: Where did you get it? 你是在哪里买的?
ALI: Here; Have a bite。 来; 吃一口。
MICHAEL: Uh。。。嗯。。。
ALI: Go ahead。 I don’t mind。 吃嘛! 我不介意。
JOANA: Michael; quick! They’re about to announce the winner。 麦可快一点; 他们就要宣布得胜
MICHAEL: Excuse me。 Thanks for the offer。 对不起; 我有事。 谢谢你的好意。
ALI: Sure。 不谢。
PAULO: 。。。 And now it is my pleasure to announce the winner。 For personal reasons; the artist chose
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