


著迷英语900句- 第22节

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ALI: Sure。 不谢。
PAULO: 。。。 And now it is my pleasure to announce the winner。 For personal reasons; the artist chose
to enter the competition under another name。。。 现在我十分荣幸地宣布优胜者; 由于私人的理由;
JOANA: It’s you! You won! I can’t believe。。。 是你! 你赢了! 我不能相信。。。
MICHAEL: It could be someone else; too。 也可能是别的人。
PAULO: 。。。 But whatever his name; there can be no doubt that he is a master。 The world can expect
great things from his brush。。。 但是不管他叫什么名字; 他是一位艺术大师是无可置疑的。 世人可
MICHAEL: Enough。 Enough。 够了; 够了。
PAULO: The winner; Pedro Ortega。 I hope he is here。 第一名; 佩德罗·欧特迦; 希望他在场。
JOANA: I’m so happy。 I don’t know what I would have done if Paulo had said some other name。 我
多么高兴; 如果保罗宣布另外一个人的名字; 我不知道我会怎么样。
ALI: I was talking to that man。 我刚刚跟那个人说过话。
MRS。NIKZAD: He’s a great painter。 他是个画家。
ALI: He likes ice cream; too。 而且他也喜欢冰淇淋。
: A BIRTHDAY AT THE FAIR by Henry leeds 博览会上的一个生日派对亨利·利德斯着

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: Today was an important day at the Fair。 今天在万博会是很重要的一天。
: A guy is seven only once and Ali Nikzad made the most of it。 每个人只能过一次七岁; 而阿里·尼
: What is closer to a boy’s heart than ice cream and baseball? 除了棒球和冰淇淋以外; 还有什么东
: Nothing。 And so; at Ali’s birthday party there was plenty of ice cream and lost of baseball
equipment 一个都没有。 因此; 在阿里的生日派对上; 有吃不完的冰淇淋和一大堆棒球器具。
: Ali; the son of Mr。 Simon Nikzad; a vice…president of the International Bank; has always loved the
Fair and spends all his free time here。 阿里是国际银行副理塞门·尼克萨德先生的儿子; 他一向都
非常喜欢我们万博会; 把空闲的时间全部花在这里。
: He is an independent guy and insists on exploring the world by himself。 他有很独立的个性; 而且坚
: Ali told this reporter that he’d been dreaming of his birthday for weeks。 阿里向本刊记者表示; 他
: Had his birthday been everything he could have hoped for? 问及他生日所希望的是否都能实现时;
: Absolutely。 他答覆说全部实现了。
: Had he been given everything his heart desired? Definitely。 问及他是否得到心里想得到的一切时;
: And what about friends? They were all there。 而他的朋友呢? 他们都来了。
: One of Ali’s best friends; Mr。 Bill O’Neill; an ice cream vendor here at the Fair; was at the big party。
: So was Mr。 Kenji Yamamoto; whose well…known vegetable market is near the Fair。 还有万博会附
: Naturally Mr。 and Mrs。 Nikzad were there; and so was Hussein; Ali’s older brother。 当然,尼克萨
: Some of Ali’s classmates were there; too; but no girls。 阿里的一些同学也参加了,但是没有女孩子。
“: When I asked Ali about this; he said; ““I don’t know anything about girls yet; but I am going to
learn about them this year。”““ 记者问及这点时,阿里说:「我对任何事关女孩子的事还不明了;
: Position Available 诚征人才
: The World’s Fair; Inc。 is seeking a bilingual (Span。…Eng。) tour guide; male or female; 万国博览会
: to conduct visitors through the major exhibition halls and Pavilions。 负责向导来宾参观各主要陈
: This individual should be energetic; enthusiastic; and enjoy meeting and working with new people。
应征者应具备下列条件: 热心、有活力、喜欢接触与帮助人;
: In addition; the applicant must be mature; tactful; and poised。此外须成熟、机智、维持良好的风度。
: Above all; a tour guide must be self…reliant and able to think on his/her feet。 最重要的是; 必须能自恃;
: Tour guides must be in excellent health and be fluently bilingual。 应征者须身体健康; 能操流利
: Applicants who have had previous experience in group management are preferred。 应征者以具团

着迷英语900 句
: The salary is 200 pre wk。 including full benefits and vacation。 周薪两百美元; 包括全部福利及
: Please submit all inquiries; together with resumes and letters of reference; to: 意者请附简历表与
: Ms。 Lucille Green; Asst。 Dir。; Personnel World’s Fair; Inc。 PO Box 1549…WFP Flushing; Queens;
NY。 纽约市皇后区法拉盛里邮政信箱1549…WFP 万国博览会股份有限公司人事处副主任露西
: Dear Michael; 亲爱的麦克:
: I’m sure you thought you’d never hear from me again。 我想你一定以为永远不会有我的音信了;
: But; quite by chance; I read of your triumph in the newspapers here。 但是我恰好从这里的报纸得
: For an instant I wished the things had happened differently and that I could have been there to
witness my brother’s victory。 一剎那间我恨不能改变过去的一切; 而我可以目睹你的胜利;
: I’m glad you made it。 我很高兴你成功了。
: I am not going to apologize for leaving as I did。 我不打算因为那样离开而道歉。
: And; knowing you; you probably wouldn’t ask me to。 而且我瞭解你; 你也不会要求我道歉。
: Nevertheless; I wanted you to know that I think about you。 无论如何; 我想告诉你我常常想你;
: I hope one day we can sit down together and talk about all those things that were on our minds; but
remained unspoken。 我希望有一天我们可以在一起畅谈许多在心里想而没说出口的话。
: In the meantime; I would like to ask you to do me one favor。 同时; 我有一件事想麻烦你一下;
: Tell Mother I am married; that she is a grandmother; and that for first time in many years; I am
happy。 请你告诉妈我已经结婚了; 她也当了祖母; 而且那是我很多年以来第一次感到很快慰。
: As you see; there is no return address on this letter; but I will write again; sooner。 你也看到了; 信
: Your brother; 兄
: Gary 贾瑞

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