


魔法英语课文译注(高二·下)- 第7节

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    ·Helped runaway slaves in the 1850s19世纪50年代帮助奴隶逃跑    
    ·In 1855 he and five of his sons fought to create a safe area for black people    
    Harriet Tubman哈里特·塔布曼    
    ·Born as a slave in 18201820年出生于奴隶家庭    
    ·Escaped in 18491849年逃跑    
    ·In 1850 a law was made to forbid people to help runaway slaves    
    ·Joined an action group to help runaway slaves in 1850    
    ·Saved more than 300 slaves from 1851 to 1861    
    ·Fought in the Civil War and rescued more than 750 slaves    
    ·Active in the womens rights movement after the war     
    ·Opened a home for old and poor black people in 1908。    
    1。Put in prison from 1926 till 1989。 从1926到1989年一直坐牢。    
    put sb。 in prison意为“把……投入监狱,使……坐牢”,(注意prison前面不可加冠词)也可以说throw /cast/ take sb。 in prison。 be in prison表示状态“(正在)坐牢”,come out of prison为“出狱”之意。    
    The robber has been put into prison。 那个抢劫犯已经被投入监狱。    
    He told me that he had been in prison。 他告诉我说他曾做过牢。    
    The prisoner has just come out of prison。 那个囚犯刚刚从监狱里释放出来。    
    2。In 1850 a law was made to forbid people to help runaway slaves。 1850年通过了禁止帮助奴隶逃跑的法律。    
    forbid (forbade; forbidden)动词,表示“禁止,不许”之意。常有如下用法:    
    forbid sb。 to do sth。(禁止某人干某事);forbid doing sth。(禁止干某事)此用法常用于被动语态。    
    forbid sb。 sth。(禁止某人某事、某物);forbid that clause (禁止……)。    
    The law forbade the workers to march at that time。 当时的法律禁止人们游行。    
    Smoking was forbidden in the meeting hall。=People forbade smoking in the hall。     
    His parents forbid him wine and cigarettes。父母禁止他吸烟和喝酒。    
    3。Active in the women’s right movement after the war。     
    She is very active。 她非常活跃。    
    take an active part in或be active in都可以表示“积极地去干……”。    
    We should take an active part in our work。    
    He is active in the activities of the club。他积极地参加俱乐部的活动。    
    4。John Brown died so that slaves might be set free。 (3 times) 约翰·布朗为了奴隶的解放而死。    
    set sb。 free表示“释放某人”之意。    
    At last; all the slaves were set free。    
    He caught many small fishes but he set them free。    

Unit 14   Freedom fightersI HAVE A DREAM  我有一个梦想

    In the summer of 1963 Martin Luther King; Jr gave a speech to thousands of black people who marched on Washington DC; the capital of the USA。 His speech—“I have a dream”—made him famous all over the world。    
    At that time in the southern states; blacks were not treated as equal citizens。 Although slavery ended in the USA in 1865; almost a hundred years before; the South had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites。 Mixed race marriages were forbidden by law。 There were separate sections for blacks in shops; restaurants; hospitals; and on buses and trains。 Often blacks were not allowed into hotels; schools or libraries at all。 Black children were educated in separate schools; and black people had no right to vote in the southern states。    
     King fought for political rights for black people in the USA。By doing this he set an example for the rest of the world。 His message was that black people should not be separated but should be treated with respect in the same way as other people。    
    Born in 1929; King went to university when he was fifteen。 Winning a scholarship gave him the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states; where black people had equal rights and were free to live; study and work as they wished。 All his life he believed that it was right and necessary to demand changes in society if people did not have their civil rights。 He believed that he could achieve that goal by peaceful actions; not by violence。    
    On December 1; 1955; Rosa Parks; a black woman; got on a bus in Alabama and sat down in  the“Whitesonly” section。 She refused to stand up for a white man and was arrested by the police。 King led a boycott of the bus company。 For 381 days; black people refused to take the city buses。 In the end the government lawyers in the capital said that the bus company was wrong to separate blacks from whites。     
    Winning this case gave King national attention。 He led many nonviolent demonstrations against racial discrimination and the Vietnam War during which he himself was often beaten or arrested by the police。 One of these was in Birmingham; Alabama。 Housing conditions for blacks in Birmingham were bad and there were few jobs for blacks。 King wrote an important letter from prison。“We have waited 340 years for our rights! We find it difficult to wait。 This ‘wait has almost always meant‘Never’;” he said。     
    It was during the“March on Washington DC” in 1963 that he gave the speech“I Have a Dream”; which inspired people of all races to fight for equality。 The following year; King received the Nobel Prize for Peace。 In the same year; a new Civil Rights Act was passed and in 1965 a new Voting Rights Bill became law。 From then on; all black people had the right to vote。     
    Martin Luther King; Jr was murdered in 1968。 However; his struggle had already changed the whole of society in the USA。Soon after his death; black people started enjoying the rights they had waited and fought for so long。    
    金为了美国黑人的政治权利而斗争。通过斗争,他给全世界其他的人树立了榜样。 他认为黑人不应该被隔离而应该和其他人一样受到尊重。    
    他写到“我们等自己的权力都等了340年了;让我们再等下去已经很难了;也几乎就是不可能。”就在1963年的华盛顿游行示威中他发表的演讲“我有一个梦想”,—它鼓励各种族的人为平等的权利而战。几年后,金获得了诺贝尔和平奖。同年,一项新的民权法被通过, 1965年一项新的选举权法案(被通过而)上升为法律。从那以后,所有的黑人都有了选举权。    
    1。At that time in the southern states; blacks were not treated as equal citizens。     
    (1) black在此句中作名词,表示“黑人”。还可用the black; blacks来表示。    
    (2) t
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