ht of a pencil would be more easily recognized than a one pound weight added to a 300 pound barbell because it represents a much greater percentage of the total weight)。
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; Third Edition
An objective measure of intelligence。 The Stanford…Binet test is also used; has very similar validity; but is not as popular。
Wernicke’s Aphasia
Aphasia resulting from damage to the Wernicke’s area of the frontal lobe。 Affects written and spoken language。
Yerkes…Dodson Law
Theory arguing that for performance to be optimal; the amount of arousal required must be optimized。 Too much or too little stimulation will result in a poorer performance。
Zero Correlation
The absence of a relationship between two or more variables as determined by a correlational statistic。 Often abbreviated as 'r=0。'
A standard score that sets the mean to zero and standard deviation to one。
The statistical formula to determine the z…score of a particular raw score。