


宗喀巴_三主要道英文版及解释- 第24节

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n directions。 And in order for the Dharma to spread in the ten directions depends upon those who are renowned as the upkeepers of the Dharma; so then we should pray for the long life of such luminaries as His Holiness the Dalai Lama; and the person who is in charge of all the FPMT centres; Lama Zopa Rinpoche; we should pray for his long life and also that all his exalted wishes; especially the building of the huge Maitreya statue; be acplished quickly; because as you may know; Rinpoche has a lot of obstacles with the building of the statue; so it would be excellent if we could dedicate our positive potential towards fulfilling Rinpoche's wishes。 So then in essence; dedicating the merit towards the spreading of the Dharma and then in addition to that to the benefit and the bliss of all sentient beings。 So it's not that we recite a prayer and then instantly everything bees fine; but rather it may help if we dedicate our positive potential in such directions; so it's an excellent practice if we do that。 And as I mentioned earlier then; the dedication of merit is extremely important because without it; there is every chance that we could fall into some state of negative emotion and then through that; destroy our roots of virtue。 So it's important then to continually make these roots of virtue and merit; and then to continually strive to recognise and then abandon negative states of mind。
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