


_范跑跑_词族的语言特征及其新闻传播- 第3节

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Maomao”both born in network arewidely disseminated in various network and traditionalmedia。 Derived from
them; series ofwords having a similar structure formed aword family。 They are popularnotonly because of its
own linguistic features and internal factors; but also external municatingmechanism。 The unique Chinese
word formation and reduplicative rhetorical structure constitute the popularity of thisword family。 The psycho…
logical proximity of disseminators and the“set effect”of the munication process strengthen the effect of
public opinion derived from thisword family。 Spreading from the network to the public;“FAN Paopao”word
familywith itswide range of social influence proved the value ofpublic opinion in the presentmedia。
Key words:“Fan paopao”; linguistic feature; reduplication; rhetoricalmode; disseminated impact
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