


dw.jimmythekid- 第21节

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ed Jimmy back; he was a fine lad; an excellent boy。 There were times when Harrington wished he'd named this son Herbert; rather than having thrown the name away on his first son by his first marriage; the actual Herbert; now a twenty…eight…year…old hippie on a mune in Chad; had little to remend him。 In fact; nothing。 In fact; it was good sound business sense on the kidnappers' part to steal Jimmy rather than Herbert Jr。; since Harrington doubted very much he would pay one hundred fifty thousand dollars for the return of that clod。)
 〃All right。 You want him back。 But it will cost you。〃
 〃Yes; I'd rather thought it would。 You people speak of that as the ransom; don't you?〃
 〃What? Yeah; right; the ransom。 That's what this call's all about。〃
 〃I thought as much。〃
 〃Yeah。 Okay; here it is。 Tomorrow; you get a hundred…〃 Clatter; clatter。 〃Damn it!〃
 〃Beg pardon?〃
 〃Hold on; I lost my…〃 Rattling sounds。 〃Just a minute; it's…〃 More rattling sounds。 〃Okay; here we go。 Tomorrow; you get a hundred fifty thousand dollars in cash。 In old…〃
 〃I doubt I could go that high。〃
 〃…bills。 You… What?〃
 〃You say tomorrow。 I take it time is of the essence here; and I'm not sure I could gather a hundred fifty thousand in cash in one day。 I might be able to do eighty…five。〃
 〃Wait a minute; you're going ahead of me。〃
 〃I'm what?〃
 〃Here it is。 That's up to you。 The longer it takes; the longer it'll be before you see your Buh…Jimmy again。〃
 〃Oh; I see; it isn't necessarily tomorrow。〃
 〃It's whenever you want him back; Buster。〃 She was sounding really very irascible by this point。
 〃I was just thinking; if you wanted to plete this operation tomorrow; you might settle for eighty…five thousand。〃
 〃I said a hundred fifty thousand; and I meant a hundred fifty thousand。 You think we're gonna haggle?〃
 〃Certainly not。 I'm not dickering over the well…being of my child; it's merely that I thought; within the time frame you appeared to be contem…〃
 〃All right; all right; let it go。 It's a hundred fifty thousand。 no matter what。〃
 〃Very well。〃 He sounded a bit chilly himself by this time; and listening to the recording now he could only applaud his decision then to let the woman see a bit of his irritation。
 〃Okay。 We'll go over it again。 Tomorrow you get… Well。 As soon as you can; okay? As soon as you can; you get a hundred fifty thousand dollars in cash。 In old bills。 You pack it in a suitcase; and stay by your phone。 I'll call again to give you the next instructions。〃
 (It was during that statement of the woman's that the head FBI man had extended toward Harrington a slip of paper containing the penciled words; 〃Tell her to prove it。〃)
 〃Urn。 Prove it。〃
 〃I said; prove it。〃
 〃Prove what? That I'm gonna call you again?〃
 (During which; the head FBI man had been with great exaggeration mouthing the sentence; 〃That they have the kid!〃)
 〃No; urn… Oh! That you have the kid。 My son。 Jimmy。〃
 〃Of course we have him; why would I call you if we didn't have him?〃
 〃Well; I just want you to prove it; that's all。〃
 〃Prove it how? He isn't here by the phone。〃
 〃Well; I don't know how。〃
 〃Okay; look。 Check this with the chauffeur。 The Caddy was too wide for the truck。 The planks broke。 We all wore Mickey Mouse masks。 We drove a blue Caprice。 Okay?〃
 (The head FBI man had been nodding。) 〃That's fine。〃
 〃You're satisfied; hub?〃
 〃Yes。 Thank you very much。〃
 〃Yeah。〃 It sounded very sour indeed。 〃I'll call you by four o'clock tomorrow afternoon。〃
 〃Well; there's a possibility…〃 (clkk) 〃…I'll be called to Washington tomorrow to appear before the SEC; but… Hello? Hello?〃 (away from the phone) 〃I believe she hung up。〃
 〃Okay;〃 the head FBI man said。 〃Switch it off。〃
 The tape technician switched it off。
 The head FBI man said; 〃You recognize the voice?〃
 〃I didn't recognize either voice;〃 Harrington said。 〃Did that really sound like me?〃
 〃Yeah; it sounded like you。 But the other one didn't sound like anybody else you know; hub?〃
 〃How could it?〃
 〃Maybe a disgruntled former employee? A servant out here; somebody like that?〃
 〃Well; she did sound disgruntled enough; I'll say that for her。 But the voice doesn't ring any bells at all。 I'm sorry。〃
 The head FBI man shrugged。 〃Sometimes it pans out;〃 he said。 〃Usually it don't。〃 Nodding thoughtfully toward the tape machine; he said; 〃There's some interesting things in there。〃
 'We didn't know it was a Caprice。〃
 〃A caprice? I'd call it something more serious than that。〃
 〃The kind of car;〃 the head FBI man said。 〃Your chauffeur just said it was a blue car; so that's a piece of information we picked up。〃
 〃Oh; very good。〃
 〃And that slip of the tongue there。 Be interesting to find out who this 'Bobby' is。〃
 〃Do you suppose they kidnapped more than one child today? Maybe they're making a whole raft of phone calls。〃
 The head FBI man frowned; thinking that over。 〃Mass kidnappings?〃 He turned to one of the assistant FBI men who'd been hovering all evening in the corners of the room。 〃Look into that; Kirby;〃 he said。 〃See do we have any more kidnapping reports today。〃
 〃Right。〃 The assistant FBI man faded from the room; not like a person walking out of a room; but like a television picture fading from the screen when the power has been turned off。
 〃Another thing;〃 the head FBI man said; turning back to Harrington。 〃It sounded at one point there like she was reading a prepared statement。〃
 〃Yes; I noticed that;〃 Harrington said。 〃I think she lost her place for a minute there。〃
 〃Could be the kidnappers sent a dummy out to make the call; somebody that isn't really part of the gang。 So if we traced the call and got her; she wouldn't be able to tell us anything。〃
 〃Very clever;〃 Harrington said。
 The head FBI man nodded。 〃We're up against a shrewd gang of professionals;〃 he said; with a kind of gloomy satisfaction。 〃That'll make it tough to catch them。 On the other hand; it means the boy is probably safe。 It's your amateurs that panic and start killing people; your professionals don't do that。〃
 〃It all seemed very professional to me; too;〃 Harrington said。 〃Speaking as a layman; that is。 But the truck; and the school bus; and so forth。〃
 〃Very carefully planned。〃 The head FBI man stroked his craggy jaw。 〃I keep thinking I've seen that MO somewhere before;〃 he said。
 〃Modus operandi。 Method of operations。〃
 〃Isn't that interesting;〃 Harrington said。 〃The way the initials work in both Latin and English。〃
 〃Yeah;〃 the head FBI man said。 〃I'll have to run it through our puters down in Washington; see do we e up with something。〃 He nodded thoughtfully; then became more brisk。 〃Now;〃 he said; 〃about the payoff。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Harrington said。 〃I was wondering about that。〃
 〃We'll try to recover your money; naturally;〃 the head FBI man said。 〃We'll even try to set a trap with it if we can; though I think this bunch is probably too sharp for that。〃
 〃I got that impression;〃 Harrington said。
 〃The main point is to recover the child。 The money is secondary。〃
 The head FBI man nodded again; and said; 〃How long do you think it'll take to get the money together?〃
 'Well; it's too late to do anything tonight。〃 Harrington frowned; considering the problem。 〃I'll call my accountant in the morning; work out the best way to handle this; from a variety of points of view。 You may not be aware of this; but money paid to a kidnapper is not deductible on your ine tax。〃
 The head FBI man looked interested。 〃It isn't?〃
 〃No。 I remember running across that while looking up something for a client。 I don't recall the justification; possibly it's considered payment for a service; nonbusinessconnected。〃
 〃I've never had much to do over on the Treasury side;〃 the head FBI man said。
 〃In any event; there are various ways of going about it。 Sale of securities; depending on whether it would be long…term or short…term gains; possibly loans against my margin accounts where my portfolio has increased sufficiently in value; various possibilities。 Well; I'll talk it over with Markham in the morning。〃
 〃But how long do you figure it'll take?〃
 〃Really; you know;〃 Harrington said; 〃the most diffi
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