


amc.killashandra- 第44节

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 The picture was cut off at the cruiser screen。 No sooner was it blank than Lars seized Killashandra in his arms; whirling her about the munications room; roaring his approval。
 〃His face! Did you see how he had to struggle to control himself; Killa?〃
 〃You'll break my ribs; Lars … Leave off! But you can see how easy it is … 〃
 〃When you have one of the most prestigious Guilds in the FSP to back you;〃 Olav said; but he was grinning as broadly with satisfaction at the confrontation as Lars was。
 〃Well; you have the FSP Council … 〃
 〃Only if they are in the position to acknowledge me;〃 Olav reminded her; raising a hand in contradiction。 〃Which they are not; as my mission here was covert。 The Council does not interfere with planetary politics when no other planet or system is affected。 Optheria could not be approached on an official basis; you know。 The FSP had ratified their Charter。〃
 〃With you to explain all about the lack of popular acceptance of the restriction; surely … 〃
 〃My dear Killashandra Ree; the situation on Optheria cannot be altered by one man's testimony; especially a man who could by planetary laws to which he is now subject under intergalactic regulations; be tried and convicted of treasonous acts。〃
 〃Oh!〃 Killashandra's elation drained away quickly。
 〃Don't concern yourself with this problem now; my friend … for I count you one;〃 Olav said; gripping her on the shoulder。 〃I am grateful for what you have already achieved。〃 He took Lars's shoulder in his other hand; smiling with great affection at his son。 〃Ever since we saw the cruiser jet on the screen; I'd been wracking my brains on how to protect Lars from interrogation by Torkes。 You have scuttled that plan; but do not deceive yourself that all will be fair sailing。〃
 〃It was a superb performance; Killa! When I tell the others … 〃
 〃Softly; Lars; softly。〃 Olav said; 〃Torkes has had enough to swallow。 Give him no more on your peril。 Now; Killashandra; we must do the courteous for you; and lavish you with suitable gifts and personal services … 〃
 〃Teradia; of course; Father。 And I'll advise her about our visitors … and their preferences。〃 Lars grimaced with distaste。
 〃Yes; I'll warn her you're ing up and then I'll organize appropriate festivities。〃
 〃Why waste a barbecue on Torkes? He doesn't eat!〃 Killashandra said in disgust。
 〃But you do; Killashandra; and it's your return to civilization that we're celebrating!〃 Lars squeezed her about the waist。
 〃One point; Lars;〃 and Olav laid a restraining; hand on his son's arm as he reached and removed the garland from his neck。 〃I am sorry; but these would bring unwele questions。〃 He reached for Killashandra's and she hesitated before giving it to him。
 〃Not half as sorry as I am。〃 She walked out of the building; Lars following quietly behind her。
 Chapter 16
 Teradia's house was situated on one of the upper levels facing North Harbor; and as they hurried up the steep; zigzag stairs that linked the terraces; Killashandra saw that much of the debris occasioned by the hurricane had already been removed。 Groups of young people were unhurriedly staking polly trees upright and replanting those young pollys which had been entirely uprooted。 Others were pruning bushes or restoring bedding plants。
 〃Are there any snakes in this paradise?〃 Killashandra asked when they paused at the first level to let her catch her breath。
 〃Snakes? What are those?〃 Lars asked; humoring her。
 〃Normally; a long; slender; legless reptile … only I meant humans with unpleasant characteristics。〃 She made a weaving; sinuous gesture with her hand; and grimaced with distaste。 〃Surely the Elders make use of informers and spies。〃
 〃Oh; they do。 Most of whom report themselves to us and pass back such information as we want the Elders to have。〃 Lars grinned as his fingers caressed her arm。 〃It's not naive of us; islanders stick together。 The Elders can give us little that we lack … except the freedom to leave the planet。 To be sure; not many of us would leave: it's having the option to do so。 And my father has a small detector so that people posing as tourists can be quickly identified。 Father has a theory that only a certain type of personality is attracted to such an infamous occupation; and they often give themselves away。 Strangely enough; by not singing!〃 He gave her a mischievous grin。 〃I was relieved to hear you singing lustily at the barbecue。〃
 〃I nearly didn't because; if I could recognize your tenor; you might have spotted me as that midnight soprano。 So I sang alto。 But; Lars; isn't Nahia in jeopardy for being here? Someone might just slip up and mention her presence?〃
 Lars took her by the elbows and pulled her against him; unconcernedly stroking her hair。 〃Beloved Sunny; Nahia would be protected under any circumstances but; as it happens; only my father; you; and the people she came with; know she was on this island during the hurricane。 Her party's ocean jet has been secreted in another of the Back caves; unseen by anyone。 It's still there and won't emerge until we've had a chance to jam the cruiser's surveillance systems。 Nahia and Hauness will use the islands to screen them from any possibility of detection when the cruiser takes you … all right; and me … back to the Mainland。 Satisfied? I told you my father is efficient。 He is。
 〃There will also be no one here tonight from Wing Harbor who might inadvertently remember the girl Lars Dahl had as his partner。〃
 〃But … 〃
 〃No one in Wing will feel slighted: they're all too busy with storm damage。 Every building on the waterfront collapsed。 And Wingers avoid Elder inspection as they would a smacker school。〃
 Killashandra did feel relieved by his explanations。 She was rather pleased; too; as she reviewed her confrontation with Torkes。 Nor would she fail to be exceedingly cautious in the presence of any of the elders。 Torkes would never forgive her for that tongue…lashing; and she knew that he would do everything he could to rank the others against her if a second confrontation was to occur。 Still; she was glad she had launched her frontal assault on the fardling tyrant。
 〃We shan't leave anything to chance; however; Sunny;〃 Lars went on as they climbed to the last terrace level。 〃If sun…bleached hair and eyebrows alter your appearance enough to deceive an FSP agent … 〃
 〃Corish was not expecting me to be on that beach; any more than you … 〃
 〃Then Teradia can restore your beauty。 With more sophisticated clothes; and that hauteur of yours; you'll be every inch the crystal singer。〃 Lars halted; swinging her into his arms again。 No one was in sight。 〃Will the impressively beautiful crystal singer still favor her island lover?〃 He smiled down at her; but tension caught at the corners of his grey…tinged eyes。
 〃Don't tell me you … who braves hurricanes; Elders; and Masters … feared my ranting?〃 She soothed the creases from his eyes。 〃I assume a role; Lars Dahl; from some opera or other。 I play no role with you; no matter under what circumstances。 Believe me。 Let's not lose a moment of what we have together!〃
 She stood on tiptoe to kiss him and the hunger they both felt made them tremble。
 〃How are we going to make out; Killa; on board that cruiser? And back on the Mainland?〃
 〃Oh; citizen!〃 Killashandra laid her hand gracefully against her bosom; fluttering her eyes; as much to keep back the tears as to embellish her assumed character。 〃When I trust to you my safety; where else shall you be but with me; wherever I go; even in my bedchamber? And have you seen where they quartered me in the Conservatory? You'll see; Lars。 It will all be arranged my way!〃
 By then they had reached an establishment with a modest sign spelling out 〃Teradia〃 in graceful lettering。 Teradia herself greeted them; a woman as tall as Lars; with a supple; willowy figure; and densely black hair very intricately braided。 Her skin was olive and flawless; the pale green pupils of her eyes appeared luminous: she was a superb testimonial to her establishment。
 〃Olav Dahl wants the very best for you; Killashandra Ree; and I myself will see to your care。〃
 〃I'll supervise;〃 Lars interrupted。 〃The bleaching must be。。。〃
 With a quick movement; Teradia placed one 
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