


rasalvatore.attackoftheclones- 第57节

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 struggling helplessly; as she moved ever closer to the pouring molten metal。 He thought he might get to her; might leap with the Force; but then he passed too close to another machine and a vise closed over his arm; mechanically moving it into position before a programmed cutting machine。
 Anakin kicked out; both feet slamming a winged creature that had pursued him in; knocking the Geonosian away。 He struggled mightily against the unyielding grip of the machine and managed to turn enough; just in time; to avoid the cutting blade…with his arm; at least。 He could only watch in horror as the machine sliced his lightsaber in half。
 And then he looked back; realizing that in a moment; the lightsaber would be the least of his losses。
 〃Padme! 〃he cried。
 Across the way; R2…D2 had landed near Padme's vat。 He worked frantically; slipping his controller arm onto the puter access plug; then scrolling through the files。
 R2…D2 coolly continued his work; trying to put aside his understanding that Padme was about to bee encased in molten metal。 At last he succeeded in shutting down the correct conveyor。 It stopped short; Padme less than a meter from the metal pour。 She barely had time to register relief…a group of winged creatures swooped down upon her and gathered her up in strong grabbing arms。
 Anakin; kicking away another of the creatures; continued to struggle with the machine gripping his arm。 He could only watch in dismay as a group of deadly droidekas rolled up and unfolded into position around him。 And then an armored rocket…man dropped before him; with blaster leveled his way。 〃Don't move; Jedi!〃 the man ordered。
  Senator Amidala sat on one side of the large conference table; with Anakin standing protectively behind her。 Across the way sat Count Dooku; Jango Fett positioned behind him。 It was hardly a balanced meeting; though; for Jango Fett was armed where Anakin was not; and the room was lined by Geonosian guards。
 〃You are holding a Jedi Knight; Obi…Wan Kenobi;〃 Padme said calmly; using the tone that had gotten her through so many Senatorial negotiations。 〃I am formally requesting you turn him over to me now。〃
 〃He has been convicted of espionage; Senator; and will be executed。 In just a few hours; I believe。〃
 〃He is an officer of the Republic;〃 she said; her voice rising a bit。 〃You can't do that。〃 〃We don't recognize the Republic here;〃 Dooku said。
 〃However; if Naboo were to join our alliance; I could easily hear your plea for clemency。〃
 〃And if I don't join your rebellion; I assume this Jedi with me will also die。〃
 〃I don't wish to make you join our cause against your will; Senator; but you are a rational; honest representative of your people; and I assume you want to do what's in their best interest。 Aren't they fed up with the corruption; the bureaucrats; the hypocrisy of it all? Aren't you? Be honest; Senator。〃
 His words stung her; because she knew there was some truth in them。 Just enough to give him a modicum of credibility; enough for Dooku to entice so many systems to join in his alliance。 And of course; the reality of the situation around her stung her even more deeply。 She knew that she was right; that her ideals meant something; but how did that measure up against the fact that she would be executed for holding them? And even more than that; how did her precious ideals hold up against the fact that Anakin would die for them; as well? She knew in that moment just how much she loved the Padawan; but knew; too; that she could not deny all that she had believed for all of her life; not even for his life and hers。 〃The ideals are still alive; Count; even if the institution is failing。〃
 〃You believe in the same ideals we believe in!〃 Dooku replied at once; seizing the apparent opening。 〃The same ideals we are striving to make prominent。〃
 〃If what you say is true; you should stay in the Republic and help Chancellor Palpatine put things right。〃
 〃The Chancellor means well; M'Lady; but he is inpetent;〃 Dooku said。 〃He has promised to cut the bureaucracy; but the bureaucrats are stronger than ever。 The Republic cannot be fixed; M'Lady。 It is time to start over。 The democratic process in the Republic is a sham。 A game played on the voters。
 The time will e when that cult of greed called the Republic will lose even the pretext of democracy and freedom。〃
 Padme firmed her jaw against the assault; consciously reminding herself that he was exaggerating; playing things all in a light to give himself credibility。 All she had to do to see through the lies; to see the fangs beneath the tempting sway of the serpent; was remind herself that he had taken Obi…Wan prisoner and meant to execute him。 Would the Republic have taken such a prisoner and set him up for execution? Would she?
 〃I cannot believe that;〃 she said with renewed determination。 〃I know of your treaties with the Trade Federation; the merce Guild; and the others; Count。 What is happening here is not government that has been bought out by business; it's business being government! I will not forsake all that I have honored and worked for; and betray the Republic。〃
 〃Then you will betray your Jedi friends? Without your cooperation; I can do nothing to stop their execution。〃
 〃And in that statement lies the truth of your proposed improvement;〃 she said flatly; her words holding firm against the turmoil and agony that was wracking her。 In the silence that followed; Dooku's staring expression went from that of a polite dignitary to an angry enemy; for just a flash; before reverting to his usual calm and regal demeanor。
 〃And what about me?〃 Padme continued。 〃Am I to be executed also?〃
 〃I wouldn't think of such an offense;〃 Dooku said。 〃But there are individuals who have a strong interest in your demise; M'Lady。 It has nothing to do with politics; I'm afraid。 It's purely personal; and they have already paid great sums to have you assassinated。 I'm sure they will push hard to have you included in the executions。 I'm sorry; but if you are not going to cooperate; I must turn you over to the Geonosians for justice。 Without your cooperation; I've done all I can for you。〃
 〃Justice;〃 Padme echoed incredulously; with a shake of her head and a knowing smirk。 And then there was silence。
 Dooku waited patiently for a few moments; then turned and nodded to Jango Fett。
 〃Take them away!〃 the bounty hunter ordered。
  Much to his dismay; C…3PO found out exactly what the Geonosian had meant when he had said; 〃Put him in the line!〃
 He was in group of drilling battle droids; a dozen lines of twenty in a rectangular formation; going through the extensive programming testing before being herded onto great landing pads to be scooped up by Trade Federation warships。
 So flustered was the out…of…place protocol droid; and so unfamiliar with his new body; that when the Geonosian ordered; 〃Left face;〃 he turned to the right; and when the drill leader then manded; 〃March;〃 the battle droid now facing him stomped right into him; bearing him backward; following its orders to a T without the ability to improvise。
 〃Oh; do stop!〃 C…3PO pleaded。 〃You are scratching me! Oh; I do beg you to stop!〃
 No response followed; because the droids had been programmed to respond only to the drill leader。
 〃Oh; do stop!〃 C…3PO begged again; fearful that he was going to be knocked over and trampled by the battle droid; and the four others marching behind it。 His sensors; tied in to his new torso; showed him an effective solution to his problem。 Without even realizing what he was doing; C…3PO fired his right…arm laser; point blank; into the pushing battle droid's chest; blasting the thing apart。
 〃Oh my!〃 C…3PO cried。
 〃Halt!〃 the Geonosian drill leader screamed; and all the droids immediately froze in place。 Except for poor C…3PO; who stood there positively flummoxed; his torso rotating side to side as he tried to figure out what to do next。 He heard the drill leader call out to 〃take four…dot…seven back for more training;〃 and when he considered his position in the ranks; he knew the Geonosian was talking about him。
 〃Wait; no; it is a mistake;〃 he cried as a pair of burly maintenance droi
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