


ggk.thelionsofal-rassan- 第75节

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nd you ask only about the one who is obviously indifferent to your fate。〃 He smiled as he said it; though。
  〃He's on patrol outside the walls;〃 Alvar said loyally。 〃And besides; it was Ser Rodrigo who had Ziri watching you in the first place。 That's how we knew。〃
  〃In the first place? What does that mean?〃 Jehane; reaching for something normal; tried to grab hold of indignation。
  〃I came here some time ago;〃 Ziri said softly。 She was trying; unsuccessfully; to glare at him。 〃After I was certain my sisters were all right with my aunt; I went to your mother in Fezana and learned where you had gone。 Then I came through the mountains after you。〃 He said it with the utmost simplicity; as if it was nothing at all。
  It was; though。 He had left his home; what was left of his family; all of the world he knew; had crossed the country alone; and 。。。 
  〃You went to my 。。。 you what? Why; Ziri?〃
  〃Because of what you did in my village;〃 he said; with the same simplicity。
  〃But I didn't do anything there。〃
  〃Yes; you did; doctor。 You made them allow me to execute the man who killed my mother and my father。〃 Ziri's eyes were very dark。 〃It would not have happened without you。 He would have lived; ridden back to Jaddite lands to tell that tale as a boast。 I would have had to walk there after him; and I fear I would not have been able to kill him there。〃
  His expression was grave。 The story he was telling her was almost overwhelming。
  〃You would have gone to Valledo after him?〃
  〃He killed my parents。 And the brother I have never had。〃
  No more than fifteen; Jehane thought。 〃And you have been following me here in Ragosa?〃
  〃Since I arrived。 I found your place in the market。 Your mother said you would have a booth there。 Then I sought out the Captain; Ser Rodrigo。 And he remembered me; and was pleased that I had e。 He gave me a place to sleep; with his pany; and instructed me to watch you whenever you were not at court or with his men。〃
  〃I told you all I didn't want to be watched or followed;〃 Jehane protested。
  Idar ibn Tarif reached down and squeezed her shoulder。 He wasn't much like any outlaw she'd heard about。
  〃You did; indeed; tell us that;〃 Ammar said; without levity。 He was sitting on one of the small beds now and was regarding her carefully。 The candlelight burnished his hair and was reflected in his eyes。 〃We all apologize; in a measured degree; for not obeying。 Rodrigo felt; and I agreed; that there was some chance you were at risk; because of your rescue of Husari from the Muwardis among other things。〃
  〃But how could you know I wouldn't recognize Ziri? I should have recognized him。〃
  〃We couldn't know that; of course。 He was urged to be cautious in how he followed you; and had a story to tell if you did see him。 Your parents approved of this; by the way。〃
  〃How would you know that?〃
  〃I promised your father I would write him。 Remember? I try to keep my promises。〃
  It seemed to have been quite thoroughly worked out。 She looked at Ziri。 〃Where did you learn to use a knife like that?〃
  He looked both pleased and abashed。 〃I have been with the Captain's men; doctor。 They have been teaching me。 Ser Rodrigo himself gave me my blade。 The lord ibn Khairan showed me how to conceal it inside my sleeve and draw it down。〃
  Jehane looked back at Ammar。 〃And Velaz? What if he had known him; even if I didn't?〃
  〃Velaz did know him; Jehane。〃 Ibn Khairan's voice was gentle; rather like the tone in which he'd spoken to the younger boy。 〃He spotted Ziri some time ago and went to Rodrigo。 An understanding was achieved。 Velaz shared our view that Ziri was a wise precaution。 And so he was; my dear。 It was Ziri who was on top of the wall of that courtyard this morning and heard the men from Cartada tell you their purpose。 He found Alvar; who found me。 We had time to be here before you。〃
  〃I feel like a child;〃 Jehane said。 She heard Alvar's wordless protest behind her。
  〃Not that;〃 said ibn Khairan; rising from the bed。 〃Never that; Jehane。 But just as you may have to care for us; if arrow or blade or illness es; so we must; surely; offer our care to you? If only to set things in balance; as your Kindath moons balance the sun and stars。〃
  She looked up at him。 〃Don't be such a poet;〃 she said tartly。 〃I'm not distracted by images。 I am going to think about this; and then let you all know exactly how I feel。 Especially Rodrigo;〃 she added。 〃He was the one who promised I would be left alone。〃
  〃I was afraid you would remember that;〃 said someone entering from the corridor。
  Rodrigo Belmonte; still in boots and winter cloak; with his sword on and the whip in his belt; strode into the room。 He had; incongruously; a cup of chocolate in each hand。
  He offered one to Jehane。 〃Drink。 I had to promise this was for you and no one else。 The older one downstairs is greedy and wanted it all。〃
  〃And what about me?〃 Ibn Khairan plained。 〃I did damage to my wrists and fingers making wolves and pigs for them。〃
  Rodrigo laughed。 He took a sip from the other cup。 〃Well; if you must know the truth; this one was for you as a reward; but I didn't actually promise; and the chocolate is good and I was cold。 You've been inside and warm for a while。〃 He lowered the cup and smiled。
  〃You've chocolate on your moustache;〃 Jehane said。 〃And you are supposed to be outside the walls。 Defending the city。 Much good you are to anyone; arriving now。〃
  〃Exactly;〃 Ammar said with a vigorous nod of his head。 〃Give me my chocolate。〃
  Rodrigo did so。 He looked at Jehane。
  〃Martin fetched me。 We weren't far away。 Jehane; you'll have to choose between being angry with me for having you guarded; or for not being here to defend you myself。〃
  〃Why?〃 she snapped。 〃Why can't I be angry for both?〃
  〃Exactly;〃 said Ammar again; sipping the chocolate。 His tone was so smugly pleased it almost made her laugh。 He does nothing by chance; she reminded herself; struggling for self…possession。 Ziri and Idar were grinning; and so; reluctantly; was Alvar。
  Jehane; looking around her; came to accept; finally; that it was over。 They had saved her life and Velaz's; and the lives of the two children。 She was being; perhaps; just the least bit ungrateful。
  〃I am sorry about the broken promise;〃 Rodrigo said soberly。 〃I didn't want to argue with you back then; and Ziri's arrival seemed a stroke of fortune。 You know he came through the pass alone?〃
  〃So I gather。〃 She was being ungrateful。 〃What will be done about those two men?〃 she asked。 〃Who were they?〃
  〃Two that I know of; as it happens。〃 It was Ammar。 〃Almalik used them several times。 It seems his son remembered that。 They were the best assassins he had。〃
  〃Will this cause a scandal?〃
  Ammar shook his head and looked at Rodrigo。 〃I don't think it has to。 I think there is a better way to deal with this。〃
  〃No one knows they came so close but the servants here;〃 Rodrigo said thoughtfully。 〃They can be trusted; I think。〃
  Ammar nodded。 〃That is my thought。 I believe I heard;〃 he said carefully; 〃that two merchants from Cartada were unfortunately murdered in a tavern quarrel shortly after they arrived here。 I think the appropriate Guild ought to send apologies and condolences to Cartada。 Let Almalik believe they were discerned the moment they came。 Let him feel that much more anxious。〃
  〃You know the man;〃 Rodrigo said。
  〃I do;〃 ibn Khairan agreed。 〃Not as well as I once thought; but well enough。〃
  〃What will he do next?〃 Jehane asked suddenly。
  Ammar ibn Khairan looked at her。 His expression was very sober now。 He had laid down the cup of chocolate。 〃I believe;〃 he said; 〃he will attempt to win me back。〃
  There was a brief stillness。
  〃Will he succeed?〃 Rodrigo was as blunt as ever。
  Ammar shrugged。 〃I'm a mercenary now; remember? Just as you are。 What would your answer be? If King Ramiro summoned you tomorrow would you abandon your contract here and go home?〃
  Another silence。 〃I don't know;〃 said Rodrigo Belmonte at length。 〃Though my wife would stab me if she heard me say that。〃
  〃Then I suppose I am in a better circumstance than you; because if I give t
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