


ggk.thelionsofal-rassan- 第85节

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  〃Extremely well; I'm sorry to say。 There have been other offers for his services。〃
  The king sipped from his glass; held it to the nearest candle flame and looked; thoughtfully。 The sweet wine was pale: as starlight; the white moon; a northern girl。 He tried briefly but failed to think of a fresher image。 It was very late。 〃What did you think of the verses tonight?〃
  The verses were an issue; as it happened。
  The chancellor took his time before answering。 They were alone again; in the king's chambers。 It occurred to ben Avren to wonder how many times over the years the two of them had sat like this at the end of a night。
  Badir's second wife had died six winters ago; giving birth to his third son。 The king had never remarried。 He had heirs; and no single overriding political interest had emerged to dictate an obvious union。 It was useful at times for a secure monarch to be unattached: overtures came; and negotiations could be spun out a long while。 Rulers in three countries had reason to believe their daughter might one day be queen of wealthy Ragosa in Al…Rassan。
  〃What did you think of the verses; my lord?〃
  It was unlike the chancellor to deflect a question back。 Badir raised one eyebrow。 〃Are you being careful; old friend? With me?〃
  Mazur shook his head。 〃Not careful。 Uncertain; actually。 I may be 。。。 prejudiced by my own aspirations in the realm of poetry。〃
  〃That gives me most of an answer。〃
  Mazur smiled。 〃I know。〃
  The king leaned back and put his feet up on his favorite stool。 He balanced his wine on the wide arm of the chair。
  〃What do I think? I think most of the poems were indifferent。 The usual run of images。 I also think;〃 he added; 〃that our friend ibn Khairan betrayed a conflict in his verse…either deliberately; or something he would rather have kept hidden。〃
  The chancellor nodded slowly。 〃That seems exact。 You will think I am flattering; I fear。〃 King Badir's glance was keen。 He waited。 Mazur sipped from his wine。 〃Ibn Khairan's too honest a poet; my lord。 He might dissemble in speech and act; but not easily in verse。〃
  〃What do we do about it?〃
  Mazur gestured gracefully。 〃There is nothing to do。 We wait and see what he decides。〃
  〃Ought we to try to influence that decision? If we know what our own desires are?〃
  Mazur shook his head。 〃He knows what he can have from you; my lord。〃
  〃Does he?〃 Badir's tone sharpened。 〃I don't。 What is it he can have from me?〃
  The chancellor laid his glass down and sat up straighter。 They had been drinking all night…during the banquet; and now alone。 Ben Avren was weary but clear…headed。 〃It is; as ever; yours to decide; my lord; but it is my view that he can have whatever it is he wants; should he choose to remain with us。〃
  A silence。 It was an extraordinary thing to have said。 Both men knew it。
  〃I need him so much; Mazur?〃
  〃Not if we choose to stay as we are; my lord。 But if you wish to have more; then yes; you need him that much。〃
  Another reflective stillness。
  〃I do; of course; wish to have more;〃 said King Badir of Ragosa。
  〃I know。〃
  〃Can my sons deal with a wider realm when I'm gone; Mazur? Are they capable of such?〃
  〃With help; I think so。〃
  〃Will they not have you; my friend; as I have?〃
  〃So long as I am able。 We are much the same age; as you know; my lord。 That;〃 said the chancellor of Ragosa; 〃is actually the point of what I am saying。〃
  Badir looked at him。 He held up his almost empty glass。 Mazur rose smoothly and went to the sideboard。 He took the decanter and poured for the king and then; at a gesture; for himself。 He replaced the decanter and returned to his cushions; subsiding among them。
  〃It was an extremely short poem;〃 said the king of Ragosa。
  〃It was。〃
  〃Almost 。。。 perfunctory。〃
  〃Almost。 Not quite。〃 The chancellor was silent a moment。 〃I think he was giving you a pliment of an unusual kind; my lord。〃
  〃Ah。 How so?〃
  〃He let you see that he is struggling。 He did not hide the fact behind some bland; elaborate homage。〃
  The king's turn to be silent again。 〃Let me understand you;〃 he said at length。 There was a trace of irritation in his voice now; a rare thing。 He was tired。 〃Ammar ibn Khairan; asked to offer a verse for my birth day; recites a quick little piece about there always being water from a pool or wine in my cup。 That is all。 Six lines。 And my chancellor; my poet; says this is to be construed as a pliment?〃
  Mazur looked undisturbed。 〃Because he could so easily have done more; my lord; or at the least; have claimed his inspiration was inadequate to the magnitude of the occasion。 He is too experienced not to have done so; had he felt the slightest need to play a courtier's game。 Which means he wanted you…and me; I suppose…to understand that he is being and will be honest with us。〃
  〃And that is a pliment?〃
  〃From a man such as this; I believe it is。 He is saying he believes we are thoughtful enough to read that message in his six lines; and wait for him。〃
  〃And we will wait for him; Mazur?〃
  〃It is my counsel; my lord。〃
  The king stood up then; and so the chancellor did the same。 Badir strode; in jewelled slippers on the carpet and the marble floor; to a window。 He turned the latch and pushed open both panes of beautifully etched glass。 He stood overlooking a courtyard with almond and lemon trees and a fountain。 Torches had been left burning below to light the play of water。
  From beyond the palace the streets of the city were quiet。 They would not be tomorrow night。 In the distance; faintly; could be heard the sound of a stringed instrument; and then a voice; yearning。 The blue moon was overhead; shining through the open window and upon the splashing fountain and the grass。 Stars glittered around the moon and through the branches of the tall trees。
  〃You think a great deal of this man;〃 King Badir said finally; looking out at the night。
  〃What I think;〃 said his chancellor; 〃if you will allow me to pursue a poet's conceit and imagine men as bodies in the heavens; is that we have the two most brilliant ets in the sky here in Ragosa this spring。〃
  Badir turned back to look at him。 After a moment; he smiled。
  〃And where would you put yourself; old friend; in such a glittering firmament?〃
  And now the chancellor; too; smiled。
  〃That is easy; in truth。 I am a moon at your side; my good lord。〃
  The king thought about that。 He shook his head。 〃Inexact; Mazur。 Moons wander。 Your people are named for that。 But you have not。 You have been steadfast。〃
  〃Thank you; my lord。〃
  The king crossed his arms; still musing。 〃A moon is also brighter than ets in the dark;〃 he said。 〃Though being familiar; perhaps it occasions less note。〃
  Mazur inclined his head but said nothing。
  〃Will you be going abroad tomorrow night?〃
  Mazur smiled。 〃I always do; my lord。 For a little time。 Carnival is useful; to walk about unknown; and gauge the mood of the city。〃
  〃And it is solely duty that takes you out; my friend? You find no pleasure in the night?〃
  〃I would never say that; my lord。〃
  The two men shared the smile this time。
  After a moment; Badir asked; bemusedly; 〃Why plain water from a pool; though; Mazur。 In his verse。 Why not just a rich red wine。'
  And this; too; his chancellor explained to him。
  A little later; Mazur ben Avren took leave of his king。 When; at length; he reached his own quarters in the palace; the Lady Zabira was waiting。
  She had been very much present at the banquet; of course; and had all the questions of someone who understood royal courts very well and wished to rise in this one。 She also displayed; gracefully; a continuing desire to minister to whatever needs the chancellor of Ragosa might have…in a fashion that might surpass anyone who had e before her。
  As it happened; she had been doing just that through the winter; to his pleasure and surprise。 He had thought he was too old for such a thing to happen。
  Later that night; when he was drifting towards the shores of sleep; feeling her youthful nakedness against his body; soft as a cat; warm as a pleasant dream; Mazur heard her ask one
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