


cw.blackalibi- 第33节

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e the accident happened。 〃For the love of it; for its own sake; because they like the sight of blood。 Because it does something to them。〃
  He uncapped his protective hand。 A skin tear produced by the point of the file was revealed; not very serious; but lavishly blooded; as such things often are。 It even dripped down free off his outpoised hand; which he had inadvertently spaded almost under Cardozo's nose; to keep from staining his own cuff with it。
  Cardozo blinked twice; as one does in disfort。 Then he sidled his face sidewise; in uncontrollable repugnance at the bleeding wound's almost contact…point proximity。
  Nobody said anything; they understood。
  Robles let out a faintly discernible sigh after a moment。 〃Take him outside;〃 he said。 〃We'll continue later。〃 And to somebody else; as the door closed; 〃See if you can find some alcohol for the norteсo's finger…〃
  〃It was worth it;〃 Manning said; blowing on it and wringing it out。 〃What are you going to do now; turn him loose?〃
  〃Continue to hold him in custody;〃 Robles said vindictively。 〃Give your theory rope; and rope; and rope until it strangles itself!〃
  〃I don't get you。〃
  Robles smiled bleakly。 〃If these barbarities mysteriously cease to occur while he is in our hands; that is one thing。 But if one should take place again…〃
  V。 Sally O'Keefe
  In the Inglaterra Hotel on Corriente Street; Sally O'Keefe had the floor…length windows of their room wide open to a picture night that booked like something on a travel poster。
  She was standing there framed against them; arms out in arrested ecstasy。 She was short and slight; hair a reddish gold; eyes blue; and rosettes of freckles on each cheek gave her face an elfin piquancy。
  〃Marj; isn't that incredible? That can't be real。 Somebody painted it outside our window for our special benefit。〃
  Through a luminous dust posed of phosphorescent particles of greenish blue and silver; lines of incandescence had been traced; as though someone had drawn a radium…tipped stick through it that left glowing traces。 These were the streets and avenues。 Around and about was the bow black undulation made by the hills against a sky that; where it joined them in the west; was still a glowing turquoise; as though reflecting a hidden row of low…burning gas flames strung out along its base。 Up above in the center of its dome it had darkened to night; but the warm rich darkness of semitropic night; so lavishly scattered with stars they were like a blinding shower of permanently upflung confetti。 Or the after…stages of a burst skyrocket。
  〃Now I can die happy!〃 the girl at the window rhapsodized。
  Marjorie King; her traveling panion; more practical; smiled into the dresser glass before which she sat pleting the final touches of her toilette。 She was a brunette; with a sort of stateliness to her good looks that the other's pertness lacked。 Even seated; she was obviously a good head or two taller than the other girl。 The casting director of a stage production could have differentiated them more accurately than the ordinary layman; Marjorie was the show…girl type; Sally the pony chorus girl。 Neither of them; as a matter of fact; was of the theater。 Sally was the private secretary to a harvesting…machinepany vice…president。 Marjorie was branch manager for one of a large chain of candy stores; known as 〃Handmaid;〃 where everything was done by machinery but the eating。 Both were on their first real vacation in years; a long…planned; long…saved…for; many…times…def erred sabbatical that they had practically had to blackmail their respective employers for。 It was a free…lance trip; they would have nothing to do with conducted tours and large; sardinelike cruise parties rushing about in military formation。
  〃That's Naples you're thinking of; isn't it?〃 Marjorie answered the remark。 〃And anyway; if it's all you say; why spoil it by speaking of dying in the same breath with it?〃
  〃Just a phrase; just a turn of speech;〃 Sally said; turning away at last and ing toward her。 〃When you feel as I do tonight; it has no meaning at all。 I never felt so alive before in my life! This place certainly brings out the dynamism in you。 What're we doing tonight?〃
  Marjorie stood up; ready to go。 〃This was your night for making the plans; haven't you got anything worked out? That was our arrangement; remember? One night I'm the boss; the next night you are。〃
  Sally essayed analyzing herself; while her friend went around putting out the lights; a habit that they were not accustomed enough to hotels to have broken themselves of yet。 〃I feel sort of sentimental; romantic。 It must be that out there brought it on。 None of these jangling; brassy casinos or night clubs for me tonight。 I feel sort of pastoral…yes that's how I feel; pastoral。〃
  〃Pasteurized?〃 Marjorie teased; gathering up an outer wrap。
  Sally gave her a push at the rear of the waist。 〃I heard somebody or other mention a place out in a park on the outskirts; where you eat in the open air under the trees;〃 she resumed。 〃They say it's beautiful; all colored lanterns。 Let's take one of these old…fashioned carriages they have around; instead of a taxi for a change; and drive out there and back in the moonlight。 The taxis here smell so of gasoline; and they get you there so fast。 Yes; that's just what I feel like;〃 she concluded; 〃a slow; easygoing; old…style carriage ride in the moonlight。〃
  〃How far out is this place?〃 Marjorie asked her。 〃Isn't there some story going around about a man…eating something or other that got away from some zoo or animal farm and is supposed to pounce on you in lonely places? The maid that does the room was jabbering about it a mile a minute when you were out this morning。 I wasn't able to get the story very straight; I only caught about every third word; you know how fast they talk。〃
  〃Oh; that。 The man at the American Express told me not to listen to it; there's not a word of truth in it。 I'm going to get my money's worth out of this vacation; and no hobgoblin story is going to stop me。〃
  She opened the door and stood waiting for her friend to pass through。 〃Got everything? Don't forget to bring some catnip in case we run into the watchamacallit;〃 she suggested flippantly。
  Marjorie laughed as they moved toward the elevator。
  Downstairs in the lobby she said; 〃Let's ask and find out at the desk。〃
  The clerk bowed graciously; lowering his head to the end of his hair part; as they stepped over。
  〃We understand there's an outdoor restaurant in the big park outside the city。 Is it worth taking in? My friend and I were thinking of going there。〃
  His answer was indirect。 〃Have the seсoritas tried the Tabarin or Select? I am sure they would…〃
  〃But those are just night clubs; aren't they?〃 Marjorie objected。 〃We have night clubs up home too。 What we're looking for is something a little different; something more atmospheric。〃
  〃I know the place you mean;〃 he said somewhat reticently。 〃The Madrid; out in the Bosque…〃
  〃What's the matter with it?〃 Sally cut in with characteristic bluntness。
  〃Oh; nothing; nothing;〃 he hastily retracted。 〃It is just that it is leetle…how you say?… lejano; out of the way; far out。 Are the sefloritas going unacpanied? I could perhaps arrange…〃
  〃Oh no; we don't want any hired escorts;〃 Sally grimaced。 〃I hate that sort of thing。〃
  〃The young man seems doubtful; for some reason or other;〃 Marjorie smiled uncertainly at her。
  This time he didn't trouble to deny it。
  Sally O'Keefe reacted as Sally O'Keefe always reacted。 Marjorie had known she would。 〃Well; people do go there after dark; don't they?〃 she demanded of the clerk。 And at his nodding admission; she plucked her friend by the arm。 〃Then we are; too! Call us one of these old…fashioned carriages。〃 And they went sailing out to the street to await its arrival。
  Outside Marjorie laughed knowingly。 〃He was doing his best to discourage us; did you get it? But he wouldn't e out with the real reason; afraid we'd cut short our stay; I suppose。 You always were that way; let anyone try to talk you out of doing anything; and you're surer than ever to go ahead and do it。〃
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