


earlderrbiggers.thehousewithoutakey- 第16节

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 〃All right。 You two can go now。〃 He turned to Miss Minerva and Amos。 〃We'll see what Charlie has dug up out here;〃 he said; and led the way to the lanai。
 The huge Chinese man knelt; a grotesque figure; by a table。 He rose laboriously as they entered。
 〃Find the knife; Charlie?〃 the captain asked。
 Chan shook his head。 〃No knife are present in neighborhood of crime;〃 he announced。
 〃On that table;〃 Miss Minerva began; 〃there was a Malay kris; used as a paper cutter …〃
 The Chinese man nodded; and lifted the kris from the desk。 〃Same remains here still;〃 he said; 〃untouched; unsullied。 Person who killed carried individual weapon。〃
 〃How about finger…prints?〃 asked Hallet。
 〃Considering from recent discovery;〃 Chan replied; 〃search for finger…prints are hopeless one。〃 He held out a pudgy hand; in the palm of which lay a small pearl button。 〃Torn from kid's glove;〃 he elucidated。 〃Aged trick of criminal mind。 No finger…prints。〃
 〃Is that all you've got?〃 asked his chief。
 〃Most sincere endeavors;〃 said Chan; 〃have revealed not much。 However; I might mention this。〃 He took up a leather…bound book from the table。 〃Here are written names of visitors who have enjoyed hospitality of the house。 A guest book is; I believe; the term。 You will find that one of the earlier pages has been ruthlessly torn out。 When I make discovery the volume are lying open at that locality。〃
 Captain Hallet took the book in his thin hand。 〃All right; Charlie;〃 he said。 〃This is your case。〃
 The slant eyes blinked with pleasure。 〃Most interesting;〃 murmured Chan。
 Hallet tapped the note…book in his pocket。 〃I've got a few facts here for you … we'll run over them later。〃 He stood for a moment; staring about the lanai。 〃I must say we seem a little shy on clues。 A button torn from a glove; a page ripped from a guest book。 And a wrist watch with an illuminated dial on which the figure 2 was damaged。〃 Chan's little eyes widened at mention of that。 〃Not much; Charlie; so far。〃
 〃Maybe more to e;〃 suggested Chan。 〃Who knows it?〃
 〃We'll go along now;〃 Hallet continued。 He turned to Miss Minerva and Amos。 〃I guess you folks would like a little rest。 We'll have to trouble you again to…morrow。〃
 Miss Minerva faced Chan。 〃The person who did this must be apprehended;〃 she said firmly。
 He looked at her sleepily。 〃What is to be; will be;〃 he replied in a high; sing…song voice。
 〃I know … that's your Confucius;〃 she snapped。 〃But it's a do…nothing doctrine; and I don't approve of it。〃
 A faint smile flickered over Chan's face。 〃Do not fear;〃 he said。 〃The fates are busy; and man may do much to assist。 I promise you there will be no do…nothing here。〃 He came closer。 〃Humbly asking pardon to mention it; I detect in your eyes slight flame of hostility。 Quench it; if you will be so kind。 Friendly cooperation are essential between us。〃 Despite his girth; he managed a deep bow。 〃Wishing you good morning;〃 he added; and followed Hallet。
 Miss Minerva turned weakly to Amos。 〃Well; of all things …〃
 〃Don't you worry about Charlie;〃 Amos said。 〃He has a reputation for getting his man。 Now you go to bed。 I'll stay here and notify the … the proper people。〃
 〃Well; I will lie down for a little while;〃 Miss Minerva said。 〃I shall have to go early to the dock。 Poor Barbara! And there's John Quincy ing too。〃 A grim smile crossed her face。 〃I'm afraid John Quincy won't approve of this。〃
 She saw from her bedroom window that the night was breaking; the rakish cocoanut palms and the hau tree were wrapped in a gray mist。 Changing her dress for a kimono; she lay down under the mosquito netting on the bed。 She slept but briefly; however; and presently was at her window again。 Day had e; the mist had lifted; and it was a rose and emerald world that sparkled before her tired eyes。
 The freshness of that scene revivified her。 The trades were blowing now … poor Dan; he had so longed for their return。 The night; she saw; had worked its magic on the blossoms of the hau tree; transformed them from yellow to a rich mahogany; through the morning they would drop one by one upon the sand。 In a distant algaroba a flock of myna birds screamed at the new day。 A party of swimmers appeared from a neighboring cottage and plunged gaily into the surf。
 A gentle knock sounded on the door; and Kamaikui entered。 She placed a small object in Miss Minerva's hand。
 Miss Minerva looked down。 She saw a quaint old piece of jewelry; a brooch。 Against a background of onyx stood the outline of a tree; with emeralds forming the leaves; rubies the fruit; and a frost of diamonds over all。
 〃What is this; Kamaikui?〃 she asked。
 〃Many; many years Mr。 Dan have that。 One month ago he gives it to a woman down the beach。〃
 Miss Minerva's eyes narrowed。 〃To the woman they call the Widow of Waikiki?〃
 〃To her; yes。〃
 〃How do you happen to have it; Kamaikui?〃
 〃I pick it up from floor of lanai。 Before policemen e。〃
 〃Very good。〃 Miss Minerva nodded。 〃Say nothing of this; Kamaikui。 I will attend to the matter。〃
 〃Yes。 Of course。〃 The woman went out。
 Miss Minerva sat very still; staring down at that odd bit of jewelry in her hand。 It must date back to the 'eighties; at least。
 Close above the house sounded the loud whir of an aeroplane。 Miss Minerva turned again to the window。 A young lieutenant in the air service; in love with a sweet girl on the beach; was accustomed to serenade her thus every morning at dawn。 His thoughtfulness was not appreciated by many innocent bystanders; but Miss Minerva's eyes were sympathetic as she watched him sweep exultantly out; far out; over the harbor。
 Youth and love; the beginning of life。 And on that cot down on the lanai; Dan … and the end。
 Steamer Day
 OUT in the harbor; by the channel entrance; the President Tyler stood motionless as Diamond Head; and from his post near the rail outside his stateroom; John Quincy Winterslip took his first look at Honolulu。 He had no feeling of having been here before; this was an alien land。 Several miles away he saw the line of piers and unlovely warehouses that marked the water…front; beyond that lay a vast expanse of brilliant green pierced here and there by the top of a modest skyscraper。 Back of the city a range of mountains stood on guard; peaks of crystal blue against the azure sky。
 A trim little launch from Quarantine chugged importantly up to the big liner's side; and a doctor in a khaki uniform ran briskly up the acmodation ladder to the deck not far from where the boy stood。 John Quincy wondered at the man's vitality。 He felt like a spent force himself。 The air was moist and heavy; the breeze the ship had stirred in moving gone for ever。 The flood of energy that had swept over him in San Francisco was but a happy memory now。 He leaned wearily on the rail; staring at the bright tropical landscape before him … and not seeing it at all。
 He saw instead a quiet; well…furnished Boston office where at this very moment the typewriters were clicking amiably and the stock ticker was busily writing the story of another day。 In a few hours … there was a considerable difference of time … the market would close and the men he knew would be piling into automobiles and heading for the nearest country club。 A round of golf; then a calm; perfectly served dinner; and after that a quiet evening with a book。 Life running along as it was meant to go; without rude interruption or disturbing incident; life devoid of ohia wood boxes; attic encounters; unwillingly…witnessed love scenes; cousins with blackbirding pasts。 Suddenly John Quincy remembered; this was the morning when he must look Dan Winterslip in the eye and tell him he had been a bit dilatory with his fists。 Oh; well … he straightened resolutely … the sooner that was done; the better。
 Harry Jennison came along the deck; smiling and vigorous; clad in spotless white from head to foot。 〃Here we are;〃 he cried。 〃On the threshold of paradise!〃
 〃Think so?〃 said John Quincy。
 〃Know it;〃 Jennison answered。 〃Only place in the world; these islands。 You remember what Mark Twain said …〃
 〃Ever visited Boston?〃 John Quincy cut in。
 〃Once;〃 replied Jennison briefly。 〃That's Punch Bowl Hill back of the town … and Tantalu
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