


pgw.threemenandamaid- 第12节

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 〃No。 Some day I knew I should meet the only girl I could possibly love; and then I would pour out upon her the stored…up devotion of a lifetime; lay an unblemished heart at her feet; fold her in my arms and say 'At last!'〃
 〃How jolly for her。 Like having a circus all to oneself。〃
 〃Well; yes;〃 said Sam after a momentary pause。
 〃When I was a child I always thought that that would be the most wonderful thing in the world。〃
 〃The most wonderful thing in the world is love; a pure and consuming love; a love which。。。。〃
 〃Oh; hello!〃 said a voice。
 All through this scene; right from the very beginning of it; Sam had not been able to rid himself of a feeling that there was something missing。 The time and the place and the girlthey were all present and correct; nevertheless there was something missing; some familiar object which seemed to leave a gap。 He now perceived that what had caused the feeling was the plete absence of Bream Mortimer。 He was absent no longer。 He was standing in front of them with one leg; his head lowered as if he were waiting for someone to scratch it。 Sam's primary impulse was to offer him a nut。
 〃Oh; hello; Bream!〃 said Billie。
 〃Hullo!〃 said Sam。
 〃Hullo!〃 said Bream Mortimer。 〃Here you are!〃
 There was a pause。
 〃I thought you might be here;〃 said Bream。
 〃Yes; here we are;〃 said Billie。
 〃Yes; we're here;〃 said Sam。
 There was another pause。
 〃Mind if I join you?〃 said Bream。
 〃N…no;〃 said Billie。
 〃N…no;〃 said Sam。
 〃No;〃 said Billie again。 〃No 。。。 that is to say 。。。 oh no; not at all。〃
 There was a third pause。
 〃On second thoughts;〃 said Bream; 〃I believe I'll take a stroll on the promenade deck; if you don't mind。〃
 They said they did not mind。 Bream Mortimer; having bumped his head twice against overhanging steel ropes; melted away。
 〃Who is that fellow?〃 demanded Sam wrathfully。
 〃He's the son of father's best friend。〃
 Sam started。 Somehow this girl had always been so individual to him that he had never thought of her having a father。
 〃We have known each other all our lives;〃 continued Billie。 〃Father thinks a tremendous lot of Bream。 I suppose it was because Bream was sailing by her that father insisted on my ing over on this boat。 I'm in disgrace; you know。 I was cabled for and had to sail at a few days' notice。 I。。。。〃
 〃Oh; hello!〃
 〃Why; Bream!〃 said Billie; looking at him as he stood on the old spot in the same familiar attitude with rather less affection than the son of her father's best friend might have expected。 〃I thought you said you were going down to the Promenade Deck。〃
 〃I did go down to the promenade deck。 And I'd hardly got there when a fellow who's getting up the ship's concert to…morrow night nobbled me to do a couple of songs。 He wanted to know if I knew anyone else who would help。 I came up to ask you;〃 he said to Sam; 〃if you would do something。〃
 〃No;〃 said Sam。 〃I won't。〃
 〃He's got a man who's going to lecture on deep…sea fish and a couple of women who both want to sing 'The Rosary' but he's still an act or two short。 Sure you won't rally round?〃
 〃Quite sure。〃
 〃Oh; all right。〃 Bream Mortimer hovered wistfully above them。 〃It's a great morning; isn't it?〃
 〃Yes;〃 said Sam。
 〃Oh; Bream!〃 said Billie。
 〃Do be a pet and go and talk to Jane Hubbard。 I'm sure she must be feeling lonely。 I left her all by herself down on the next deck。〃
 A look of alarm spread itself over Bream's face。
 〃Jane Hubbard! Oh; say; have a heart!〃
 〃She's a very nice girl。〃
 〃She's so darned dynamic。 She looks at you as if you were a giraffe or something and she would like to take a pot at you with a rifle。〃
 〃Nonsense! Run along。 Get her to tell you some of her big…game hunting experiences。 They are most interesting。〃
 Bream drifted sadly away。
 〃I don't blame Miss Hubbard;〃 said Sam。
 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃Looking at him as if she wanted to pot at him with a rifle。 I should like to do it myself。 What were you saying when he came up?〃
 〃Oh; don't let's talk about me。 Read me some Tennyson。〃
 Sam opened the book very willingly。 Infernal Bream Mortimer had absolutely shot to pieces the spell which had begun to fall on them at the beginning of their conversation。 Only by reading poetry; it seemed to him; could it be recovered。 And when he saw the passage at which the volume had opened he realised that his luck was in。 Good old Tennyson! He was all right。 He had the stuff。 You could send him to hit in a pinch every time with the fortable knowledge that he would not strike out。
 He cleared his throat。
    〃'Oh let the solid ground       Not fail beneath my feet     Before my life has found       What some have found so sweet;     Then let e what e may;     What matter if I go mad;     I shall have had my day。
    Let the sweet heavens endure;       Not close and darken above me     Before I am quite quite sure       That there is one to love me。。。。'〃
 This was absolutely topping。 It was like diving off a spring…board。 He could see the girl sitting with a soft smile on her face; her eyes; big and dreamy; gazing out over the sunlit sea。 He laid down the book and took her hand。
 〃There is something;〃 he began in a low voice; 〃which I have been trying to say ever since we met; something which I think you must have read in my eyes。〃
 Her head was bent。 She did not withdraw her hand。
 〃Until this voyage began;〃 he went on; 〃I did not know what life meant。 And then I saw you! It was like the gate of heaven opening。 You're the dearest girl I ever met; and you can bet I'll never forget。。。。〃 He stopped。 〃I'm not trying to make it rhyme;〃 he said apologetically。 〃Billie; don't think me silly 。。。 I mean 。。。 if you had the merest notion; dearest 。。。 I don't know what's the matter with me 。。。 Billie; darling; you are the only girl in the world! I have been looking for you for years and years and I have found you at last; my soul…mate。 Surely this does not e as a surprise to you? That is; I mean; you must have seen that I've been keen 。。。 There's that damned Walt Mason stuff again!〃 His eyes fell on the volume beside him and he uttered an exclamation of enlightenment。 〃It's those poems!〃 he cried。 〃I've been boning them up to such an extent that they've got me doing it too。 What I'm trying to say is; Will you marry me?〃
 She was drooping towards him。 Her face was very sweet and tender; her eyes misty。 He slid an arm about her waist。 She raised her lips to his。
       *       *       *       *       *
 Suddenly she drew herself away; a cloud on her face。
 〃Darling;〃 she said; 〃I've a confession to make。〃
 〃A confession? You? Nonsense!〃  〃I can't get rid of a horrible thought。 I was wondering if this will last。〃
 〃Our love? Don't be afraid that it will fade 。。。 I mean 。。。 why; it's so vast; it's bound to last 。。。 that is to say; of course; it will。〃
 She traced a pattern on the deck with her shoe。
 〃I'm afraid of myself。 You see; once beforeand it was not so very long ago;I thought I had met my ideal; but。。。。〃
 Sam laughed heartily。
 〃Are you worrying about that absurd business of poor old Eustace Hignett?〃
 She started violently。
 〃You know!〃
 〃Of course! He told me himself。〃
 〃Do you know him? Where did you meet him?〃
 〃I've known him all my life。 He's my cousin。 As a matter of fact; we are sharing a stateroom on board now。〃
 〃Eustace is on board! Oh; this is awful! What shall I do when I meet him?〃
 〃Oh; pass it off with a light laugh and a genial quip。 Just say: 'Oh; here you are!' or something。 You know the sort of thing。〃
 〃It will be terrible。〃
 〃Not a bit of it。 Why should you feel embarrassed? He must have realised by now that you acted in the only possible way。 It was absurd his ever expecting you to marry him。 I mean to say; just look at it dispassionately 。。。 Eustace  。。。 poor old Eustace 。。。 and  you ! The Princess and the Swineherd!〃  〃Does Mr。 Hignett keep pigs?〃 she asked; surprised。
 〃I mean that poor old Eustace is so far below you; darling; that; with the most charitable intentions; one can only look on his asking you to marry him in the light of a record exhibition of pure nerve。 A dear; good fellow; of course; but hopeless where the sterner realities
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