《kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir》



kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir- 第11节

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Cardiel smiled。 〃Henry Istelyn; Bradene's assistant。〃
〃He's already been handling a great deal of work behind the scenes for Bradene for the past two years;〃 Arilan said。 〃Furthermore; when he was first made an itinerant bishop; several years ago; he spent a great deal of time in Kierney and the border areas。 He probably knows the people better than anyone besides Judhael himself … or Duncan; of course。 But we've already agreed that he's to be otherwise occupied。〃
Morgan nodded thoughtfully。 From Gwynedd's point of view; the selection of Istelyn made perfect sense … but simply choosing a logically qualified candidate did not eliminate the very practical political repercussions which were likely to result if anyone besides Judhael were posted to Meara。
〃You're saddling Istelyn with a heavy responsibility;〃 he said。 〃What makes you think the Mearans will accept him? They have their minds set on Judhael。〃
〃That's true;〃 Arilan agreed。 〃However; even if they object … 〃
〃Which you know they're going to do; if it's anyone else … 〃
〃Even if they object;〃 Arilan continued; 〃it's too late in the season to mount any kind of major military campaign to try to oust him。 Ratharkin will be secure enough through the winter; if we leave him a detachment of episcopal troops for local security。 And with the king planning to campaign in Meara next year。。。〃
At Morgan's still…doubtful expression; Cardiel spread his hands helplessly。
〃There isn't going to be a perfect candidate; Alaric …  not one who will please every faction。 And we could certainly find a lot worse than Istelyn。 Incidentally; when is the king due back? Naturally; we'd like his concurrence before we go ahead with any formal announcement。〃
Morgan raised an eyebrow; still unconvinced。 〃I had word this morning that he expects to be back in a few days。 He's headed north to see the Earl of Transha。〃
〃Transha … that's The MacArdry?〃 Cardiel asked。
Arilan nodded knowingly。 〃I remember when his 〃eager son was fostered at court a few years ago: a bright; about Kelson's age; as I recall。 What was his name?〃
〃Dhugal;〃 Morgan replied。 〃In any case。 Kelson apparently ran across him over Trurill way; so he's decided to tide back to Transha with the boy and pay a courtesy call on the old man。〃
〃Well; I suppose a few days won't make any difference; one way or the other;〃 Cardiel said。 〃There are still details to work out on Istelyn … such as finding out whether he's even willing to take on Meara。 This assumes; of course; that Kelson has no objection。〃
Before Morgan could reply; a sharp cry and the sounds of a scuffle in the corridor outside suddenly intruded; punctuated by a mental scream: Duncan's。 Morgan was on his feet and moving before the others could even glance in that direction。 As he burst into the corridor; he saw Duncan struggling with someone at the far end; but by the time he could reach them; Duncan was letting the body of his attacker slide to the floor。 There was blood everywhere。
〃Are you all … 〃
〃Don't touch me;〃 Duncan gasped; cradling a bloody right hand against his equally bloody cassock and wobbling to his knees。 〃There was merasha on the blade。〃 He glanced woozily at his motionless attacker。 〃Christ; I'm afraid I killed him。〃
Merasha。 The very word took Morgan back for just an instant to a chapel that was no more; and a barb on an altar rail gate; and the terror of being in the drug's grip; helpless to use his powers; at the mercy of men who would have killed him because of what he was。 Duncan had gotten him out and nursed him through the worst of the physical effects of the ordeal; but the memory had never been fully exorcised; especially that final; haunting image of the stake wrapped with chains; which they had passed as they made their escape。 It had been intended for him。
〃Never mind him;〃 Morgan replied; stepping over the body to crouch cautiously beside the wounded priest。 〃Where are you hurt? How much of that blood is yours?〃
Drawn by the disturbance; others were congregating in the corridor to gawk; servants and priests and even a few guards from the courtyard outside; forcing Cardiel and Arilan to push their way through to reach Duncan's side。 White…faced; Duncan only shook his head and drew in his breath between clenched teeth as he gingerly eased open his right hand。 The palm was slashed almost to the bone where he had tried to ward off his attacker's knife with his bare hand; but more terrifying; by far; was the wave of queasy disharmony that he radiated as Morgan reached out in instinctive mental probe and as quickly recoiled。
〃Careful of the blade;〃 Morgan warned; though Arilan had already stopped with his hand poised above the knife as he; too; sensed the drug's effects。
Taking care to avoid the blood; which might carry traces of the drug to affect them as well; the two Deryni turned over the dead assassin。 Bright scarlet stained the front of the blue Cassani livery and steamed where it had pooled on the cold stone beneath the body; welling from a second mouth which gaped beneath a beardless chin。 The bloody face could not have been more than fourteen。
〃Why; it's a boy!〃 Cardiel murmured。
〃As God is my witness; I had no choice;〃 Duncan whispered; closing his hand again and slumping back to sit on his heels。 〃Until he actually cut me; I thought he was legitimate。〃
〃You don't know him?〃 Arilan asked。
〃No … but I wouldn't expect to recognize every last page or squire in my service。 And with … with the merasha in me; I was afraid that if I didn't kill him while I still could; he might be able to outwait me; until I was helpless with the drug。 Why did he do it?〃
Morgan shook his head; reaching out gingerly with his mind as he slid a hand around the back of the boy's neck; where there was less blood。 Sometimes it was possible to readjust a little from a dead man's mind; if he had not been dead too long; but Morgan could detect nothing beyond a few hazy images of dim childhood memories; fading even as he read them。 While Arilan and a monk began gathering up the scattered dispatches; he carefully searched the body for anything which might give them a clue as to the boy's identity or origin; but there was nothing。 Duncan was beginning to weave as Morgan glanced over at him again; his blue eyes glassy from the drug; keeping them open only by the sheerest force of will。 Cardiel had an arm around his shoulder to support him; but it was obvious that Duncan was slipping fast into the chaos of the merasha。 Whoever the assassin had been; he had known his quarry to be Deryni。
〃Thomas; why don't you take Duncan back to your quarters and see to his wound?〃 Arilan suggested softly; touching a hand to Cardiel's shoulder and including Morgan in his glance。 〃I'll see to the clean…up here and try to find out more about our boy…assassin。〃
Cardiel nodded; he and Morgan helping Duncan to stand。
〃Very well。 You might check with the guards who let the boy into the pound。 Perhaps someone may have recognized him。 It would also be interesting to know whether he was the original messenger sent with the dispatches; or if the real one is lying dead in a ditch somewhere … or; at the least; relieved of his livery。〃
Duncan went pletely limp as Cardiel finished speaking; and Morgan and the archbishop together had to carry him back to the episcopal apartments。 An hour later; washed and bandaged; Duncan was sleeping soundly in his own room; an exhausted Morgan running himself through a brief spell to banish fatigue。
〃I'll try to heal him in the morning; when he's over the worst effects of the drug;〃 Morgan whispered; as he turned at last from Duncan's bed。 〃It's a nasty wound; but I didn't think it was a good idea to put my fingers into all that merasha。'''
His hands were trembling as he took the cup of wine which Cardiel gave him; for going into Duncan's merasha…muddled mind had been a great personal trial; as well as a physically taxing one; forcing him to relive much of his own terrifying experience。 He still kept flashing on the worst of it; unless he kept his mind on short leash。 He knew he would have nightmares for days to e。
But Cardiel's touch on his shoulder conveyed genuine passion and even understanding as he guided Morgan 
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