《kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir》



kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir- 第23节

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〃I'm sorry;〃 Kelson said again。 〃I didn't want to hurt you。 I really am sorry。 Are you all right?〃
Dhugal nodded groggily and sat up with Kelson's help; lifting a hand in reassurance。
〃It isn't your fault。 It's mine。 I did try to do what you asked; but it hurt so much … 〃
〃I know。〃 Kelson glanced away; reviewing everything one more time; then shook his head and sighed。
〃Well; it isn't going to do us any good to just sit here and make apologies to one another。 It's no one's fault。 I certainly wish I didn't have to leave for Culdi tomorrow; though。〃 He raised an eyebrow hopefully。 〃I don't suppose you'd consider ing with me?〃
〃Because of … what just happened?〃
Kelson nodded。
〃I can't。〃 Dhugal swallowed and turned half away; fiddling with a fold of his kilt。 〃It's my father。 Kelson。 You've seen how he is。 Winter's just beginning。 I couldn't leave him here alone。〃
〃He wouldn't exactly be alone;〃 Kelson ventured。 〃Your sisters are here; and he has a whole clan family。 Or is that really the reason?〃
Dhugal drew a deep breath and let it out slowly; avoiding Kelson's eyes。 〃That's most of it。 If he dies … no; make that when he dies … I'm going to be Chief of Clan MacArdry; as well as Earl of Transha。 I have responsibilities to my people。 It … makes things very difficult if the new chief isn't around when the old chief passes。〃
Chilled; Kelson glanced up at the bed towering above them; though he could not see its occupant。
〃Caulay's dying?〃
〃I doubt very seriously that he'll last out the winter;〃 Dhugal said quietly。 〃He looks strong; but his heart …  well; let's just say that if he were a horse; I probably would have put him down months ago。 There's … something wrong in his brain; too。 He couldn't even talk for a while after he lost the use of his legs; though that came back after a few months。〃
〃I'm truly sorry。〃
〃So am I。〃 Dhugal gave a resigned sigh。 〃Unfortunately; that doesn't change anything。 I doubt even your Deryni healers could have done much for him。 The least I can do is be here at the end; if that's possible。 Of course; if he does last out the winter; I have another problem。 e spring; my place is at your side; leading the MacArdry levies。
〃But we'll worry about that then; if it happens;〃 he concluded brightly。 〃As for the other; let's not worry about that until then; either; shall we?〃
With a helpless shrug。 Kelson rose and helped Dhugal to his feet。
〃If you wish。 Much as I'd like to have you at court through the winter; I certainly can't fault your reasons for staying here。 I don't suppose there's any real urgency about … what's just happened。 Whatever's going on in your head has probably been that way for some time; so I doubt much will change by waiting until spring to find out more。〃
He and Dhugal moved silently back into the embrasure of the window seat; where Kelson pushed one of the moveable lights farther open and looked out to sea; inhaling deeply of the salt air as Dhugal stood beside him。
〃Strategically; nothing much is going to happen until spring either;〃 the king continued; after a few seconds。 〃Look out there。 The storms are already brewing。 In another month; the rains will more than double the travel time in this part of the kingdom; in two; the snows will have doubled it again。 Even your cousin Ithel; as much as he may want my throne; can't move any kind of effective army under those conditions。 No; we have the winter to decide how to handle this。 There may be some minor local disturbances; but no serious threat for at least five months。〃
Grim…lipped; Dhugal glanced back into the room; at the great bed wrapped in shadows and the man snoring noisily beneath the sleeping furs。
〃When there is a threat; I shall be there; my brother;〃 he said softly。 And he held up his right hand with the faint scar etched across the palm。
The gesture moved Kelson more than almost anything else which had happened that night … and there had been many moving moments。 Wistfully he raised his own right hand and matched the faint scar across his own palm to the one on DhugaTs。 The memory of the making of those scars came flooding back all in an instant; as if the two of them stood once more by the sacred well; high on a wind…scoured hilltop at the edge of Candor Rhea。 Kelson had been ten; Dhugal nearly nine。
〃Are you sure you really want to?〃 Dhugal had asked; as they washed their grimy hands in water from the well。 〃My people count an oath as strong as blood; when blood has been shed。 And what will your father say?〃
〃I don't care what he says; after it's done;〃 Kelson had replied。 〃He can't undo it; can he?〃
〃No。 Nothing can undo it unless one of us is dead。〃
〃Then we don't have to worry;〃 Kelson had said with a grin; 〃because you and I are going to live forever; aren't we?〃 He paused a beat。 〃Does it hurt much; do you know?〃
Dhugal had looked a little greenish under his freckles。
〃I dunno;〃 he confided。 〃My brother Michael made blood…oath with his friend Fulk when they were younger than we are; and he said it hurt terribly … but I think Michael makes things up to scare me sometimes。〃 He swallowed。 〃It's only a little cut; after all。 If we're going to be knights; we have to learn not to be afraid of getting wounded; don't we?〃
〃I'm not afraid;〃 Kelson had retorted; handing Dhugal his silver…mounted dagger。 〃Here。 Do it!〃
He had actually been very much afraid; and so had Dhugal; but he had not allowed himself to flinch as Dhugal's inexperienced hand drew the blade across his flesh。 Fascinated; Kelson held his wrist and watched the blood well in his palm; only dragging his eyes from it when Dhugal laid the black…carved hilt of his own dagger across Kelson's bloody fingers。 The pommel had clasped a water…pale amethyst; and he remembered the blood staining it a darker hue as he drew the blade across Dhugal's palm in a wound to match his own。
〃Say the words after me;〃 Dhugal had whispered; clasping his bloody hand to Kelson's and looping a handkerchief to bind them。 〃I take you as my brother; of blood and of life。〃
〃I take you as my brother; of blood and of life;〃 Kelson had repeated。
〃I call to witness the four airts … those are winds;〃 Dhugal added。
〃I call to witness the four airts;〃 Kelson agreed。
〃That so long as I have breath; I will stand by my brother with my life and my honor。。。。〃
With a little smile; the adult Kelson clasped his free hand around their joined ones and nodded。
〃I'll expect you in the spring; then; my brother;〃 he said quietly; not wanting to break the mood。 〃Do your filial duty through the winter; and keep the peace here in Transha for me; and then e to me at Culdi as soon as the passes are clear。〃
〃I will; my lord;〃 Dhugal whispered。 〃And God keep us both safe until then。〃

They only consult to cast him down from his excellency: they delight in lies: 
they bless with their mouth; but they curse inwardly。
Psalms 62:4
By special request of the Archbishop of Rhemuth; the bishops at Culdi met in closed convocation early the next morning。 In Duncan's absence; Istelyn was drafted to serve as secretary for the proceedings。 No one was more surprised than he when Cardiel proposed him as the next Bishop of Meara。
To the relief of Cardiel and Arilan; support for Istelyn's candidacy quickly grew。 Once the stunned Istelyn's praises had been sung by a bemused Archbishop Bradene; who had more cause than any other man to know Istelyn's work; hardly a prelate in the room did not join actively in his support; for Istelyn's nomination provided an elegant solution to the Mearan problem。 By noon; when the entire munity met for High Mass; Archbishop Bradene was able to announce a unanimous decision from the pulpit。 With few exceptions; the news was received with relief and general approval。
One of those who did not approve of the bishops' choice was Judhael of Meara; though his public reception of the news was gracious and obedient。 As soon as was seemly after Mass; however; he tapped discreetly on the door of his patron; Creoda of Carbury。 The bishop's secretary admitted him at once。
〃You could have warned me;〃 he said; when the secretary had shown him into Creoda's presence and the formalities had been observed。
Sighing; Creoda motion
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