《kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir》



kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir- 第31节

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stioned him about it that evening。〃
Arilan's reaction conveyed both surprise and anger。 〃You questioned him after I forbade it?〃
〃I didn't set out to disobey you;〃 Morgan countered; before the other could raise more specific objections in front of the human Jodrell。 〃Besides; I only Truth…Read him。 He wasn't sorry to hear about the attack … which is hardly unexpected; given Duncan's position relative to the Mearan royal house … but he was shocked。 When I asked how long it had been since he'd heard from his aunt; he said last Christmastide。 I ended the conversation after that。〃
〃A conversation you should not have begun in the first place。〃
〃But one which does not rule out Judhael's political interests in all of this;〃 Cardial interjected。 〃Denis; you surely can't still believe he's totally innocent。〃
Arilan's lips pressed in a thin; pinched line。 〃I never said he was totally innocent。〃
〃Let's not wander off the subject;〃 Kelson said patiently。 〃Just now; I'm far more concerned that Loris may; indeed; have gone to Meara。 Uncle; you said the abbot's men found no trace of him in the surrounding countryside; didn't you?〃 Nigel nodded。 〃That may mean he made his escape by sea; then。 Jodrell; could he sail around the head of Ballymar this time of year?〃
Jodrell; scion of an old seafaring family; wobbled his open hand in a yea…nay gesture。
〃It would be risky。 Sire … but no more risky than sailing the Kheldish coast to reach Torenth by sea。 If he is making for Meara; however; my guess is that he'd not go as far as Ballymar。 If I were Loris; I'd land somewhere farther east along the coast; probably in Kierney; and go overland to Ratharkin。〃
〃Why Ratharkin?〃 Morgan asked。 〃The Mearan pretender's in Laas。〃
〃Ah; but Ratharkin is the episcopal seat of Meara;〃 Cardiel said; glancing at Arilan and almost daring him to contradict; 〃and the good Father Judhael is there; just aching to be a bishop。 In addition; Ratharkin is only a few days' ride from Laas and the rebel factions; even in the dead of winter … but more than a week's ride for us。 Oh; he's picked his ground wisely; if he's gone to Ratharkin;〃 he finished bitterly。 〃The Devil take him for a false and forsworn knave!〃
With a dour scowl。 Kelson set his balled fists on his thighs and sighed。 He was not sure he liked the apparent enmity building between the two bishops。 Nor did he understand the reason for it。
〃This is getting us nowhere; gentlemen;〃 he said briskly。 〃Speculation is cheap。 God knows I fear Loris' intentions as much as any of you; but unless we have some direction; any action we take will only be wasted motion。 If he's tried to round Cassan; nature may solve our problem for us。 The same applies if; by some odd chance; he's headed for Torenth after all。〃
〃I doubt that;〃 Nigel said。 〃My instinct says ????? …  not that we necessarily know he's gone by sea; however。 But whether by sea or by land; someone is going to see him and report to us eventually。 Loris is too proud a man to hide for long。〃
〃What about Bishop Istelyn?〃 Duncan asked。 〃Shouldn't he be warned? If Loris is headed for Meara; Istelyn could be in great danger。〃
〃You're right; of course;〃 Kelson agreed。 〃Uncle; will you see to it? I think it might also be wise to have Archbishop Bradene join us … and any other of the loyal bishops you think should be involved; my Lord Cardiel。 Once Loris' intentions are known; it's vital that we present a united front; secular and ecclesiastical。 I want none of the confusion which marked the beginning of our last campaign against him。〃
Cardiel inclined his head in agreement。
〃It shall be done。 Sire。〃
Kelson sighed and rose。 〃Very well。 Loris has to surface sometime … and until we hear where; I don't suppose there's much else we can do for now。 Uncle; please let me know as soon as you learn anything else。 Meanwhile; I'm for a hot bath and some dry clothes。 Morgan; Father Duncan; would you please attend me?〃
The king said little while his bath was drawn; leading Duncan to wonder why they had been asked to e along; but Morgan suspected he knew。 His suspicions were confirmed when the three of them sat down before the fireplace in Kelson's bedchamber。 Kelson yawned and stretched; propping his slippered feet nearer the fire's warmth; and sipped at a warm posset of milk and honey his squire had left。
〃So; what's the matter with Arilan?〃 he asked after a moment。 〃He was as sullen as a schoolboy who's been caught in a lie。 And don't tell me it was just because you disobeyed him。〃
Morgan smiled。 〃He's angry with me because I questioned Judhael against his orders; yes。 But he is also angry with himself because he championed Judhael's innocence … or at least he played the Devil's advocate in telling Cardiel and me why we ought not to suspect Judhael in the attempt on Duncan's life。 And maybe he's right。 But if he isn't; then the powerful and somewhat self…superior Camberian Councillor has made a grave misjudgment of a human's character … and he especially doesn't like having that pointed out by a mere Deryni half…breed。〃
〃Do you think he's right?〃 Kelson asked。 〃Or has Judhael played us false? I swear I'll crush him; if he has。 I don't need anyone stirring up trouble when Loris is on the loose。 And if he helped Loris; then God help him。〃
〃Amen to that;〃 Duncan said; 〃if he's guilty。 But if he hadn't any part in the attack on me; Alaric; and if he hasn't been in contact with Caitrin … 〃
〃He still would have been glad to see you dead;〃 Morgan interrupted; leaning forward to put another log on the fire。 〃And simply because he had no literal knowledge of the attack and hadn't heard personally from his aunt doesn't  mean he isn't involved up to his ears。 That's one of the limitations of mere Truth…Reading: one has to ask the right questions。〃
Kelson pursed his lips。 〃Then you think Judhael is involved?〃
〃I don't know。 Someone certainly could have been working in his behalf; though。 And Loris … 〃
〃Damn Loris;〃 Kelson muttered under his breath。 〃And damn the circumstances that let him escape。 It all connects; Alaric; I'm sure of it! He's planning something terrible。 I can feel it crawling up my spine! Here it is; noon; and I'm as jumpy as a page listening to ghost stories at midnight。 I knew I should have had him executed!〃
As he drained his cup and sat back to stare moodily into the fire; fingertips drumming vexedly against the chair arm; Morgan exchanged a concerned glance with Duncan。 Casually his cousin rose and came around behind the king; beginning to massage Kelson's tense shoulders。 Kelson sighed appreciatively and closed his eyes; making a conscious effort to relax。
〃That feels wonderful;〃 he said after a moment。 〃I hadn't realized how tired I was。 Don't stop。〃
〃We're all exhausted;〃 Duncan said easily; reaching out a little with his mind as his fingers continued to knead at steel…taut muscles。 〃Don't let your righteous anger tie you into knots; though。〃
〃If I'd killed Loris while I had the chance; I wouldn't have to worry about getting tied in knots;〃 Kelson said dreamily。
〃Indulge your fantasy; then; if it makes you feel better。 I'll grant that if you had killed him; things certainly would be easier now。〃
Kelson yawned hugely and relaxed even more against Duncan's touch; mental as well as physical; tipping his head back to loll against the priest's chest and glance up。
〃You aren't supposed to agree so readily;〃 he murmured。 〃I'm sitting here contemplating murder。 What kind of a conscience are you; anyway? If Loris has a conscience like you; I don't wonder that he strayed。〃 Kelson turned his gaze toward Morgan。 〃What do you suppose did make him stray?〃
〃Pride;〃 Morgan replied。 〃The belief that his notion of truth was somehow superior to anyone else's。〃
〃So he sold his honor to serve his pride。〃
〃It's said that every man has his price; my prince;〃 Morgan said。 〃Some are simply too high to be met。〃
〃And is yours that high?〃
Duncan faltered just an instant in his ministrations; but Morgan merely smiled。
〃High enough that no man could ever pay it but you; my prince;〃 he replied without hesitation。 〃I am your man; as I was your father's before you。 You have bought me with your love。 Nor can I ever be resold。〃
Chuckling d
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