《kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir》



kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir- 第32节

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our father's before you。 You have bought me with your love。 Nor can I ever be resold。〃
Chuckling delightedly。 Kelson yawned and closed his eyes once more; aware that Duncan was urging sleep on him and not fighting it。
〃You always know the right thing to say; don't you? Here。〃 Kelson handed his empty cup to Morgan。 〃And Duncan; you needn't nag; I was planning all along to have a nap。〃
〃That's one of the more reasonable things you've said all day;〃 Duncan replied。 〃You ought to go lie down in your bed; however。 You'll get a crick in your neck if you fall asleep here。〃
〃Nag; nag; nag;〃 Kelson whispered around another yawn。 But he smiled as he rose to obey。 He was asleep almost as soon as his head touched the pillow。 Duncan pulled a fur coverlet more snugly around him and closed the bed curtains; then returned to the chair the king had just vacated。
〃He's in quite a mood;〃 Morgan observed。 〃Anything we should worry about?〃
〃I don't think so。 He's just tired。 And shocked far more than he wants to admit; over Loris' escape。 What do you think he's up to; Alaric?〃
〃Loris?〃 Morgan shook his head and glanced into the dying flames。 〃Damned if I know。 As Kelson said not long ago; however … something terrible。〃
〃And Judhael?〃
〃The same; I fear。〃

* * *
Even as Morgan and Duncan spoke; Loris was making good their suspicions in Ratharkin。 Bishop Istelyn; after celebrating the noon Mass; was seized by armed men wearing the livery of the Bishop of Culdi and; still vested; was conducted to the chapel adjoining his apartments。 Creoda and Judhael waited near the altar。 A third man wearing the same episcopal purple as Creoda knelt close by the altar steps with his back to Istelyn; who could not see his face。 Something in the line of the shoulders and bowed head struck a cord of both familiarity and danger。
〃What is the meaning of this?〃 Istelyn demanded; approaching the three as the guards released him and withdrew。
Creoda and Judhael moved diffidently to either side as the stranger rose and turned。
〃Hello; Henry;〃 the stranger said。
Istelyn froze in the center of the aisle and blanched nearly as white as his alb。
The renegade archbishop folded his hands placently across his narrow waist and gave a thin smile。
〃Why; Henry; you seem surprised;〃 he said softly。 〃But I would have thought that after so many years in Orders; you would know better how to greet your Primate。〃
〃Primate?〃 Istelyn's jaw dropped。 〃You must be mad! How did you get in here? You were at Saint Iveagh's; the last I heard。〃
〃Obviously; I am no longer at Saint Iveagh's;〃 Loris said in a low; dangerous voice。 〃Nor was I pleased at my acmodations there … acmodations which you had a part in forcing upon me。〃
For the first time; the true danger of Istelyn's situation registered。 Calling for the guard would do no good; for the men 〃loaned〃 him by his supposed benefactor; Creoda; were the same who had brought him here。 Nor was Judhael's presence reassuring。 The Mearan priest who had sought the office which Istelyn now held would have no reason to champion his former rival。
He was totally in their power; with no way to summon help or even to distinguish whose help could be trusted。 e supposed that the men left by Bradene were still loyal; but they were probably under guard by now as well。 He hoped they had not been harmed。 And Loris' reference to himself as Primate bespoke a far greater treachery than simply the escape of an imprisoned ex…archbishop and his exaction of vengeance against a man who had helped to unseat him from his previous glory。
〃What do you want of me?〃 Istelyn said carefully。 〃Your pretense to the Primacy is treasonous and your very presence in Ratharkin illegal。 And Creoda … 〃 He shifted his gaze to the betraying bishop。 〃You and Father Judhael also tread on extremely dangerous ground if you harbor this man。 Was all your offer of assistance merely a sham to gain my confidence until this fugitive could join you in your betrayal of Mother Church?〃
Judhael said nothing; though his jaw tightened in resentment; but Creoda smiled pleasantly and inclined his head。
〃We perceive no betrayal of Mother Church;〃 he said amiably。 〃Rather; we perceive the actions of the consistory and the king as a betrayal of the Mearan people。 Father Judhael should have been bishop here … not you。 It's as simple as that。 And Archbishop Loris ought never to have been relieved of his office and imprisoned like a mon felon。 We feel that the time has e to rectify the error。 Henry。〃
〃What error?〃 Istelyn demanded。 〃His own brother bishops pronounced judgment on him; Creoda。 You were there。 Nor do I recollect any outbursts of righteous indignation on your part at the time。〃
Creoda raised an unconcerned eyebrow。 〃I was ill…informed。〃
〃You mean you've since been bought! What did he offer you; Creoda? You're Bishop of Culdi; for God's sake! What could a disgraced archbishop possibly have offered you that was better than that?〃
〃You would do well to remember who and where you are。 Bishop;〃 Loris said pointedly。 〃And you will either cooperate or pay the price reserved for traitors。 We shall begin with Meara: the seating of a Mearan priest upon an episcopal throne in Meara; the restoration of the legitimate Mearan royal line; and the extension of Meara's borders to her previous boundaries。 Meara shall be an independent princedom once more; with her own ecclesiastical hierarchy…〃
〃Headed by yourself; no doubt;〃 said Istelyn。
〃Yes; headed by myself。 And then we shall cleanse error from the land in Meara and eventually in Gwynedd and the rest of the Eleven Kingdoms。 Deryni heresy has corrupted even the mighty。 It must be obliterated。 This time; we shall not fail。〃
〃But the king is part Deryni;〃 Istelyn murmured。
〃A crown does not confer immunity from the just wrath of an offended God!〃 Loris thundered; drawing himself to self…righteous attention。 〃The king has erred; the king must be chastised。 If it would change the past; I would strike off my own hand which poured the sacred oil upon his head! His error must be burned from him; even unto death; if necessary for the sake of his immortal soul! The Lord's trust has been betrayed。 The Lord will repay!〃
〃He's gone mad;〃 Istelyn murmured under his breath; shaking his head as he turned half away。 〃They've all gone utterly mad。〃
He heard the rustle of episcopal silk ing nearer and glanced back to see Loris almost within reach of him; Creoda and Judhael flanking him to either side。
〃I give you one chance and one chance only for clemency;〃 Loris said; raising a single finger to illustrate his point。 〃If you will assist Creoda and myself in consecrating Father Judhael a bishop; I shall permit you the same kind of 'honorable retirement' to which you so generously consigned me for the past two years。 It is more than you deserve。〃
〃And all I must do to be granted this magnanimous favor is betray my archbishop and my king by raising a traitor in my stead;〃 Istelyn said。 〃I decline the honor。〃
〃I should not be too hasty; if I were you;〃 Loris warned。 〃Do not let misplaced loyalties lead you to your death。〃
〃Do not threaten me!〃 Istelyn snapped。 〃I'll not turn traitor for offices or riches or even to save my own life。 Nor will I lift one finger to assist your illegal consecration of that man。〃
〃I beg of you。 Henry; be reasonable;〃 Creoda said。
〃Oh; I am。 I'm being quite reasonable。 And it occurs to me that there's only one reason you'd be courting my assistance to consecrate your Mearan traitor。 You need another bishop's hands to make it valid; don't you?〃
Eyes narrowed and dangerous; Loris slowly shook his head。 〃There is nothing I need from you; Istelyn。 Judhael shall have his sacring whether you will it or no。〃
〃Not by my hand。〃
〃If defiance gives you fort; then so be it;〃 Loris replied。 〃But do not make the mistake of thinking that your refusal will make it impossible to consecrate Judhael。 Surely you do not think I would embark upon this holy crusade if I did not have further support among the episcopate of a reunited Meara? The Bishop of Cashien and two itinerant bishops are within Ratharkin's walls even as we speak; and Lachlan and Calder arrive with the Lady Caitrin's party within 
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