《kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir》



kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir- 第46节

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to do next。 Between them and the skirmish site; most of Kelson's knights sat their horses in a long single line; ready to repel any renewed attack。 Behind the line; the remaining Haldane riders kept watch over the prisoners: six in all …  four now standing bunched before Traheme and Conall; hands bound behind them; two more having minor injuries tended。 None of the captives were heavily armored; and several wore only court attire … no armor at all。
〃Did you interrupt some festive occasion; Dhugal?〃 Kelson asked over his shoulder; as they approached Traheme and Conall。
Dhugal grimaced; leaning around the king to inspect the captives as they drew rein。
〃They would call it so。 Sire。 Archbishop Loris consecrated Judhael of Meara Bishop of Ratharkin this morning。 And I suppose you've guessed they have Bishop Istelyn to prisoner。〃 His face lit with surprise and then pleasure as he got a good look at the sullen young man standing closest to Conall's horse; hands bound behind and a rope halter running from his neck to Conall's hands。
〃Well; fancy that!〃
〃Someone you know?〃 Morgan asked; feeling Sidana's silent gasp of horror。
Dhugal laughed and clapped Kelson on the shoulder; his earlier uneasiness apparently past。
〃Know him? Aye; indeed。 Your Grace。 Oh; this is rare luck。 Sire; may I be the first to mend to your acquaintance Prince Llewell of Meara; the younger of this lady's brothers。〃 He gestured grandly in her direction。 〃Well done; Conall。 Did you capture him?〃
Conall drew himself up importantly; uncertain whether to be more pleased at the status of his prize or annoyed at Dhugal's omission of his proper title。
〃Of course I did。 Llewell of Meara; you say?〃 he repeated; prodding disdainfully at Llewell's back with a booted toe。
Llewell bore the affront without physical resistance; but his brown eyes blazed as he twisted to glare up at Conall。
〃You never would have taken me if my girth hadn't slipped;〃 he said hotly。 〃My father will return for us!〃
〃Yes; under a parley flag;〃 Kelson retorted; directing their attention to the party heading toward his line。 〃Hardly a dashing rescue mission; I think; but we'll hear what they have to say。〃
Sick at heart; Llewell whirled to crane his head in that direction。
〃My sister and I have done nothing wrong;〃 he said desperately。 〃You have no right to hold us!〃
〃Have I not?〃 Kelson leaned his forearms casually on the high pommel of his saddle。 〃And what should I do with subjects who defy my laws and usurp my authority in my own lands?〃
〃But ours is the better claim;〃 Llewell began。 〃Our line es from … 〃
〃I know all about the line from which you spring;〃 Kelson interrupted。 〃The matter was settled nearly a hundred years ago。〃 He glanced up at the squire riding back from the defending Haldane line; the knot of Mearan riders slowly approaching under a white flag; then stood in his stirrups and shaded his eyes to peer farther out on the darkening plain。
〃I see them;〃 Morgan said; noting the numbers of the torches another approaching body bore; perhaps half an hour's hard ride away。 〃Sicard's reinforcements。 We'd best make this brief。 Sire。〃
〃My thought; precisely。〃 Kelson kneed his horse over to the new mount another squire was bringing up for Dhugal and helped him shift across。 〃Llewell; I'll oblige your father for a few minutes; but I think you can see why I don't intend to stay around。 Jodrell; prepare the men to ride out as soon as we've parleyed。 Conall; we'll need a horse for your prisoner as well。 And Morgan … bring the girl partway。 They may be more inclined to reason if they see she's safe。〃
Torches hastily lit sputtered in the falling snow as they rode out。 Kelson and Dhugal led; Sidana still sitting stiff and frightened before the silent Morgan; half a length behind。 Conall and Traheme flanked the mounted Llewell; with an escort of four knights behind。 Among the dozen riders who approached from the Mearan side; Dhugal identified Sicard MacArdry and his son Ithel in the lead。 All but the four principals drew rein within hearing distance of a central point between them。 Kelson and Dhugal riding on to meet Sicard and Ithel。 They stopped a horse…length apart。
〃I have never done you any harm; Sicard MacArdry;〃 Kelson said quietly。 〃Why have you broken faith with me?〃
Sicard turned a cold; disdainful look on Dhugal; holding a torch beside the king; then glanced back at Kelson。
〃I never swore you any oaths。 Kelson of Gwynedd。 My young kinsman; on the other hand; betrayed his blood and broke oaths sworn on holy relics; before many witnesses。 Do not speak to me of faith with an oath…breaker sitting at your side as counsel。〃
〃He serves far older faith than oaths sworn under duress;〃 Kelson answered。 〃But I think you did not e to argue my Lord Dhugal's shortings; if such they are。 I assume you wished to verify your children's safety。 As you can see; they have not been harmed。〃
Sicard's tight…lipped glance flicked to his son; anxious but hopeful in his bonds between Conall and Traheme; then more briefly and painfully to Sidana。
〃I want them back; Haldane;〃 he muttered; forcing himself not to look at them again。
Kelson inclined his head gracefully。 〃A father could not want otherwise; my lord。 And that is easily arranged。 I have no quarrel with children。〃
〃And the price?〃 Sicard asked。
〃For a beginning; the return of my bishop。 Henry Istelyn。〃
〃I do not have him。〃
〃Not with you; no。 But you can get him。〃
Sicard shook his head。 〃He is Loris' hostage; not mine。〃
〃Loris' treason is old。 I do not hold you answerable for that。 Your treason is more recent; and might be forgiven if I received sufficient surety of your future loyalty。 If Istelyn is returned unharmed and you deliver Loris into my hands; I would be willing to discuss a general amnesty for all your family。〃
〃You would never do that!〃
〃I have said that I would。〃
〃And what if I refuse?〃
〃You will never see your children again。 And in the spring; I shall lead an army into Meara and scour the land until I have found you; your wife; and every other living member of the Mearan royal house and put them to the sword。〃
〃You would never do that!〃 Sicard gasped。
〃Do you wish to test that belief?〃 Kelson countered。 〃If; on the other hand; you present yourself; your lady wife; and the rest of your family before my court by Christmas; delivering the traitor Loris and his supporters into my hands and pledging your true homage as dutiful vassals of my crown; then this all may be resolved most happily for all concerned。〃
〃Those are no terms at all!〃 Sicard said with a contemptuous spit into the snow beside him。 〃You must take me for an idiot! No sane man would agree to that。〃
〃Then perhaps you had best go a little mad; Sicard!〃 Kelson retorted; glancing at the torches now closer by half the original distance。 〃And I should be mad if I remained to debate the issue with you。 I did not expect you to give me your answer without more sober reflection。〃
〃But what of my children?〃
〃You have a fortnight to tell me what will bee of them;〃 Kelson replied; gathering up his reins in preparation to leave。 〃I must have your decision by Christmas Court。 In the meantime; I give you my word that they shall not be harmed … and I trust you will make me the same assurances regarding Bishop Istelyn。〃
〃I told you; that is not within my power。。。。〃
〃Then find a way to make it so!〃
〃I cannot!〃
〃A fortnight!〃 Kelson repeated。 And as he and Dhugal wheeled their horses and started back; the Haldane line edged forward; curtailing any thought Sicard might have entertained of following after。 With a glance backward at the approaching reinforcements; still a quarter…hour too far away to make a difference; Sicard cast one final; longing glance at his son and daughter being drawn back among their captors; then reined his mount around and rode off at the gallop with his remaining son。 Llewell took the turn of events stoically enough; only bowing his head and biting back a sob as father and brother receded into the dusk and the nearer torches moved off; but Sidana burst into distraught weeping。
〃No! They can't leave us!〃 she gasped; struggling to wiggle from Morgan's grasp。 〃Father! Father; e back!〃
The attempt
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