《kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir》



kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir- 第76节

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her's castle。
〃Something happened between the clans while they were on that campaign; however。 Her eldest brother was killed in a drunken brawl with one of my father's men; and there was the very real possibility of a bitter blood feud; even though the guilty McLain man was duly executed。 Her father and his men came back to Culdi just long enough to pack up the women and children and prepare to ride out the following dawn。
〃In any case; to make a long story short; we realized that our fathers would never let us marry; under the circumstances … at least not for a very long time … so we exchanged vows in the darkened chapel。 She gave me a token; and I gave her a cloak clasp very similar to the one in your hand。 In fact; that could be the very one。〃
Dhugal had followed the entire story with increasing amazement; and now he glanced at the clasp in his hand again; suspicion beginning to niggle at the edges of consciousness。
〃May … may I ask what her name was?〃 he breathed。
〃Maryse MacArdry;〃 Duncan whispered。 〃And if only in the eyes of ourselves and of God; she was my wife for that brief night。〃
〃But … Maryse was my sister's name。 She died the same winter I was born。〃
〃Yes; I heard that the following summer;〃 Duncan said; 〃and that her mother had borne twins about the same time。 Until I saw you wearing that cloak clasp; it had never even occurred to me that one of those children might be mine。〃
〃You mean; me?〃 Dhugal asked; in a very small voice。
Duncan dropped his hand to look full into Dhugal's eyes。
〃Shall I tell you what you found inside the partment of your cloak clasp?〃 he asked。
Solemnly; fearfully; Dhugal nodded。
〃The afternoon before we made our vows; Maryse took strands of our hair and wove them into a ring; using longer strands from our ponies' tails to form the framework。 I know that you don't remember her; if you ever even saw her; but you may have seen paintings。 Her hair was silver blond; even lighter than Alaric's。 The horsehairs were black。 I think that's what you'll find; if you'll pull out what's inside。〃
Almost afraid to breathe; Dhugal prodded at the partment in the clasp and worried loose precisely that: a mostly dark ring of hair; oval in shape from having been pressed; with a strand of purest silver braided into the design。 As Dhugal held it tremblingly between his thumb and forefinger; not daring to speak; Morgan leaned forward and spoke for the first time。
〃If one of the hairs is Duncan's; I'll be able to detect it; Dhugal;〃 he said quietly。 〃And if it isn't; I'll tell you that; too。 May I hold it?〃
Wordlessly; Dhugal placed it on his outstretched palm; glancing fearfully at Duncan as he did so。 Morgan closed his eyes for several seconds; the ring closed lightly in his fist then passed it across to Duncan。
〃It is one of your hairs;〃 he said softly。 〃But that doesn't prove that Dhugal is your son … only that you probably did have the relationship with Maryse that you've described。 Dhugal could still be Caulay's child。 You have a twin sister; don't you; Dhugal?〃
〃It … sounds like I have another aunt or niece;〃 Dhugal breathed; 〃depending on which one of us was Maryse's child。〃
〃That's true;〃 Duncan murmured。 〃But I would be willing to wager everything I hold dear; including any slight chance I may have of salvation; that you are Maryse's child。 Shall I tell you why?〃
Dhugal nodded solemnly。
〃Because Maryse's child by me would be part Deryni …  and I think that's what we've been getting hints of; ever since you and Kelson got back together;〃 Duncan said steadily。 〃I think that night at Transha; when you helped Kelson reach Alaric; was a catalyst that went awry。 Your Deryni potentials started to be touched for the first time; but it was frightening; and you froze up。 That would also explain why; when we later tried to read you and find out what had been going on; you felt most fortable with me。 Do you remember?〃
Dhugal's eyes had been getting wider and wider as Duncan spoke; now his hands were trembling。 Quickly he clamped them together to make them stop; not daring to take his eyes from Duncan's。
〃I … want to believe you;〃 he finally managed to whisper。 〃I mean no disrespect to my f … to Lord Caulay; but if … if you are my father; it would certainly explain a lot。〃
Slowly Duncan drew deep breath。 The time was e to take the final chance。
〃I know of only one way to prove that to you; beyond what I've already done; Dhugal;〃 he said softly。 〃If I am your father; then you're Deryni; too。 And if you're Deryni; then … if you're willing … I should be able to form a mind…link with you and show you exactly what I remember about your mother and me。 I loved her very much; Dhugal; and I've e to care a great deal for you; over the years; before I ever suspected you might be my son。 I can't make up for all the years you've lived in ignorance …  and that's the fault of no one who's still alive … but I can try to bridge the gap now that I know it's there。 Do you trust me?〃
〃Yes;〃 Dhugal breathed。
〃No; do you really trust me?〃 Duncan insisted。 〃You trusted me before and weren't able to let me in。 Do you think you might be ready now?〃
〃Duncan; I'm not sure we really have the time;〃 Morgan murmured。
〃If it's going to work without a lot of trouble; it isn't going to take a lot of time;〃 Duncan replied; not taking his eyes off the boy。 〃We'll be given the time; if that's what Dhugal really wants。〃
Dhugal swallowed and nodded。 〃He's right; Morgan;〃 he breathed。 〃We have to try it now。 Would you go to Kelson; please; and tell him I'll be there directly? Don't tell him what's happened。 He has enough to think about just now。〃
〃Duncan?〃 Morgan asked。
〃Do as he asks;〃 the priest replied。 〃We'll be all right。〃

I will be to him a Father; and he shall be to me a Son。
Hebrews 1:5
As soon as the door had closed behind Morgan; Duncan glanced at Dhugal。
〃We haven't any time to spare;〃 he said softly。 〃If you want your proof now; you're going to have to do exactly as I say; perhaps without as full an explanation as either of us would want。〃
Dhugal shook his head slowly。 〃I don't want to wait; Fa … 〃 He lowered his eyes。 〃I just realized that maybe I've been calling you by the proper name all these years;〃 he continued softly。 〃Strange; but it somehow feels so much more fortable than when I used to call Caulay my father。〃
〃He was your father; in all the ways that are most important to a boy growing up。 I wish I'd had the chance to watch you grow。 Of course; I did; in a way; knowing you at court and all … but I think I might have felt differently if I'd known you were my son。〃
〃Maybe it was meant to be this way;〃 Dhugal replied shyly。 〃Maybe I had to lose one father before I could find the other。 If I'd known about you while Caulay was still alive; I wouldn't have wanted to hurt him。〃
〃Nor I。 And I hope you'll always honor his memory。〃 Duncan smiled as he laid a hand lightly on Dhugal's forearm。 〃He gave you his name and his protection in the years when you were most vulnerable。 Now that he's gone and you're a man; no one will be hurt by the truth。〃 The smile broadened to a grin。
〃You should know that there's at least one plication that could be … ah … awkward; at best。 If I'm to acknowledge you; as is my intention … if you want it; that is … there are going to be those who will call you bastard in addition to Deryni; of course。〃
Dhugal smiled。 〃They've called you and Morgan bastards for years。 Somehow I've never gotten the impression that had anything to do with your paternity。〃
〃No。〃 Reaching into the front of his cassock; Duncan rose and moved a stool in front of Dhugal's chair; withdrawing the shiral crystal on its leather thong as he sat。
〃You remember this;〃 he said simply; placing it in Dhugal's hand。 〃It was your mother's。 She gave it to me the night I gave her the cloak clasp。〃
Dhugal ran a thumb across the rough…polished stone and nodded slowly。 〃What am I supposed to do this time?〃
〃I'll do most of what needs to be done。 All I ask is that you try to be open and unafraid。 We'll try to use the crystal as a link between us。 You may feel some odd sensations; perhaps even some unfortable ones; but I promise I won't hurt you。 To start; al
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