'Jason Bourne。 A Medusan from Sydney; Australia; a runner of guns; narcotics and slaves throughout all South…east Asia; a violent man with a criminal record; who was nevertheless highly effective … if the price were high enough。 It was in Medusa's interests to bury the circumstances of his death; he became an M。I。A。 from a specialized unit Years later; when Treadstone was being formed and Webb called back; it was Webb himself who took the name of Bourne。 It fitted the requirements of authenticity; traceability。 He took the name of the man who'd betrayed him; the man he had killed in Tarn Quan。'
'Where was he when he was called back for Treadstone?' asked Marie。 'What was he doing?'
Teaching in a small college in New Hampshire。 Living an isolated life; some said destructive。 For him。' Crawford picked up the folder。 Those are the essential facts; Miss St Jacques。 Other areas will be covered by Dr Panov; who's made it clear that my presence is not required。 There is; however; one remaining detail which must be thoroughly understood。 It's a direct order from the White House。'
The protection;' said Marie; her words a statement
'Yes。 Wherever he goes; regardless of the identity he assumes; or the success of his cover; he'll be guarded around the clock。 For as long as it takes … even if it never happens。'
'Please explain that'
'He's the only man alive who's ever seen Carlos。 As Carlos。 He knows his identity but it's locked away in his mind; part of an unremembered past We understand from what he says that Carlos is someone known to many people … a visible figure in a government somewhere; or in the media; or international banking or society。 It fits a prevalent theory。 The point is that one day that identity may e into focus for Webb。。。 We realize you've had several discussions with Dr Panov。 I believe he'll confirm what I've said。'
Marie turned to the psychiatrist 'Is it true; Mo?'
'It's possible;' said Panov。
Crawford left and Marie poured coffee for the two of them。 Panov went to the couch where the brigadier had been sitting。
'It's still warm;' he said smiling。 'Crawford was sweating right down to his famous backside。 He has every right to; they all do。'
'What's going to happen?'
'Nothing。 Absolutely nothing until I tell them they can go ahead。 And that may not be for months; a couple of years for all I know。 Not until he's ready。'
'For what?'
The questions。 And photographs; volumes of them。 They're piling a photographic encyclopaedia based on the loose description he gave them。 Don't get me wrong; one day he'll have to begin。 He'll want to; we'll all want him to。 Carlos has to be caught; and it's not my intention to blackmail them into doing nothing。 Too many people have given too much; he's given too much。 But right now; he es first。 His head es first。'
〃That's what I mean。 What's going to happen to him?'
Panov put down his coffee。 'I'm not sure yet。 I've too much respect for the human mind to deal you chicken soup psychology; there's too damn much of it floating around in the wrong hands。 I've been in on all the conferences … I insisted upon that … and I've talked to the other shrinks and the neurosurgeons。 It's true we can go in with a knife and reach the storm centres; reduce the anxieties; bring a kind of peace to him。 Even bring him back to what he was; perhaps。 But it's not the kind of peace he wants。。。 and there's a far more dangerous risk。 We might wipe away too much; take away the things he has found; will continue to find。 With care。 With time。'
'I believe it; yes。 Because the pattern's been established。 There's growth; the pain of recognition and the excitement of discovery。 Does that tell you something?'
Marie looked into Panov's dark; weary eyes; there was a light in them。 'All of us;' she said。
'That's right。 In a way; he's a functioning microcosm of us all。 I mean; we're all trying to find out who the hell we are; aren't we?'
' Marie went to the front window in the cottage on the waterfront; with the rising dunes behind it; the fenced…off grounds surrounding it And guards。 Every fifty feet a man with a gun。 She could see him several hundred yards down the beach; he was skipping shells over the water; watching them bounce across the waves that gently lapped into the shore。 The months had been good to him; for him。 His body was scarred but whole again; firm again。 The nightmares were still there; and moments of anguish kept ing back during the daylight hours; but somehow it was all less terrifying。 He was beginning to cope; he was beginning to laugh again。 Panov had been right。 Things were happening to him; images were being clearer; meaning found where there had been no meaning before。
Something had happened now。 Oh; God; what was it? He had thrown himself into the water and was thrashing around; shouting。 Then suddenly; he sprang out; leaping over the waves onto the beach。 In the distance; by the barbed wire fence; a guard spun around; a rifle whipped up under an arm; a handheld radio from a belt。
He began racing across the wet sand towards the house; his body lurching; swaying; his feet digging furiously into the soft surface; sending up sprays of water and sand behind him。 What was it?
Marie froze; prepared for the moment they knew might e one day; prepared for the sound of gunfire。
He burst through the door; chest heaving; gasping for breath。 He stared at her; his eyes as clear as she had ever seen them。 He spoke softly; so softly she could barely hear him。 But she did hear him。
'My name is David。。。'
She walked slowly towards him。
'Hello; David;' she said。