《michael crichton.congo》



michael crichton.congo- 第14节

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 And she was getting worked up; beginning what the Project Amy staff called 〃sequencing。〃 Just as human beings first became red…faced; and then tensed their bodies; and then shouted and threw things before they finally resorted to direct physical aggression; so gorillas passed through a stereotyped behavioral sequence on the way to physical aggression。 Tearing up paper; or grass; would be followed by lateral crablike movements and grunts。 Then she would slap the ground; making as much noise as possible。
 And then Amy would charge; if he didn't interrupt the sequence。
 〃Amy;〃 he said sternly。 〃Karen button woman。〃
 Amy stopped shredding。 In her world; 〃button〃 was the acknowledged term for a person of high status。 
 Amy was extremely sensitive to individual moods and behavior; and she had no difficulty observing the staff and deciding who was superior to whom。 But among strangers; Amy as a gorilla was utterly impervious to formal human status cues; the principal indicators…clothing; bearing; and speech…had no meaning to her。
 As a young animal; she had inexplicably attacked policemen。 After several biting episodes and threatened lawsuits;
 they finally learned that Amy found police uniforms with their shiny buttons clown like and ridiculous; she assumed that anyone so foolishly dressed must be of inferior status and safe to attack。 After they had taught her the concept of 〃button;〃 she treated anyone in uniform with deference。
 Amy now stared at 〃button〃 Ross with new respect。 Surrounded by the torn paper; she seemed suddenly embarrassed; as if she had made a social error。 Without being told; she went and stood in the corner; facing the wall。
 〃What's that about?〃 Ross said。
 〃She knows she's been bad。〃
 〃You make her stand in the corner; like a child? She didn't mean any harm。〃 Before Elliot could warn against it; she went over to Amy。 Amy stared steadfastly at the corner。
 Ross unshouldered her purse and set it on the floor within Amy's reach。 Nothing happened for a moment。 Then Amy took the purse; looked at Karen; then looked at Peter。
 Peter said; 〃She'll wreck whatever's inside。〃
 〃That's all right。〃
 Amy immediately opened the brass clasp; and dumped the contents on the floor。 She began sifting through; signing; Lipstick lipstick; Amy like Amy want lipstick want。
 〃She wants lipstick。〃
 Ross bent over and found it for her。 Amy removed the cap and smeared a red circle on Karen's face。 She then smiled and grunted happily; and crossed the room to her mirror; which was mounted on the floor。 She applied lipstick。
 〃I think we're doing better;〃 Karen Ross said。
 Across the room; Amy squatted by the mirror; happily making a mess of her face。 She grinned at her smart image; then applied lipstick to her teeth。 It seemed a good time to ask her the question。 〃Amy want take trip?〃 Peter said。
 Amy loved trips; and regarded them as special treats。 After an especially good day; Elliot often took her for a ride to a nearby drive…in; where she would have an orange drink; sucking it through the straw and enjoying the motion she caused among the other people there。 Lipstick and an offer of a trip was almost too much pleasure for one morning。 She signed; Car trip?
 〃No; not in the car。 A long trip。 Many days。〃
 Leave house?
 〃Yes; leave house。 Many days。〃
 This made her suspicious。 The only times she had left the house for many days had been during hospitalizations for pneumonia and urinary…tract infections; they had not been pleasant trips。 She signed; Where go trip?
 〃To the jungle; Amy。〃
 There was a long pause。 At first he thought she had not understood; but she knew the word for jungle; and she should be able to put it all together。 Amy signed thoughtfully to herself; repetitively as she always did when she was mulling things over: Jungle trip trip jungle go trip jungle go。 She set aside her lipstick。 She stared at the bits of paper on the floor; and then she began to pick them up and put them in the wastebasket。
 〃What does that mean?〃 Karen Ross asked。
 〃That means Amy wants to take a trip;〃 Peter Elliot said。
 6。 Departure
 THE HINGED NOSE OF THE BOEING 747 CARGO JET lay open like a jaw; exposing the cavernous; brightly lit interior。 The plane had been flown up from Houston to San Francisco that afternoon; it was now nine o'clock at night; and puzzled workers were loading on the large aluminum travel cage; boxes of vitamin pills; a portable potty; and cartons of toys。 One workman pulled out a Mickey Mouse drinking cup and stared at it; shaking his head。
 Outside on the concrete; Elliot stood with Amy; who covered her ears against the whine of the jet engines。 She signed to Peter; Birds noisy。
 〃We fly bird; Amy;〃 he said。
 Amy had never flown before; and had never seen an airplane at close hand。 We go car; she decided; looking at the plane。
 〃We can't go by car。 We fly。〃 Fly where fly? Amy signed。
 〃Fly jungle。〃
 This seemed to perplex her; but he did not want to explain further。 Like all gorillas; Amy had an aversion to water; refusing to cross even small streams。 He knew she would be distressed to hear that they would be flying over large bodies of water。 Changing the subject; he suggested they board the plane and look around。 As they climbed the sloping ramp up the nose; Amy signed; Where button woman?
 He had not seen Ross。 for the last five hours; and was surprised to discover that she was already on board; talking on a telephone mounted on a wall of the cargo hold; one hand cupped over her free ear to block the noise。 Elliot overheard her say; 〃Well; Irving seems to think it's enough。
 Yes; we have four nine…oh…seven units and we are prepared to match and absorb。 Two micro HUDs; that's all。 。 。 Yes; why not?〃 She finished the call; turned to Elliot and Amy。
 〃Everything okay?〃 he asked。
 〃Fine。 I'll show you around。〃 She led him deeper into the cargo hold; with Amy at his side。 Elliot glanced back and saw the chauffeur ing up the ramp with a series of numbered metal boxes marked INTEC; INC。 followed by serial numbers。
 〃This;〃 Karen Ross said; 〃is the main cargo hold。〃 It was filled with four…wheel…drive trucks; Land Cruisers; amphibious vehicles; inflatable boats; and racks of clothing; equipment; food…all tagged with puter codes; all loaded in modules。 Ross explained that ERTS could outfit expeditions to any geographical and climatic condition in a matter of hours。 She kept emphasizing the speed possible with puter assembly。
 〃Why the rush?〃 Elliot asked。
 〃It's business;〃 Karen Ross said。 〃Four years ago; there were no panies like ERTS。 Now there are nine around the world; and what they all sell is petitive advantage; meaning speed。 Back in the sixties; a pany…say; an oil pany…might spend months or years investigating a possible site。 But that's no longer petitive; business decisions are made in weeks or days。 The pace of everything has speeded up。 We're already looking to the nineteen…eighties; where we'll provide answers in hours。 Right now the average ERTS contract runs a little under three weeks; or five hundred hours。 But by 1990 there will be 'close of business' data…an executive can call us in the morning for information anywhere in the world; and have a plete report transmitted by puter to his desk before close of business that evening; say ten to twelve hours。〃
 As they continued the tour; Elliot noticed that although the trucks and vehicles caught the eye first; much of the aircraft storage space was given over to aluminum modules marked 〃C3I。〃
 〃That's right;〃 Ross said。 〃mand…Control munications and Intelligence。 They're micronic ponents; the most expensive budget item we carry。 When we started outfitting expeditions; twelve percent of the cost went to electronics。 Now it's up to thirty…one percent; and climbing every year。 It's field munications; remote sensing; defense; and soon。〃
 She led them to the rear of the plane; where there was a modular living area; nicely furnished; with a large puter console; and bunks for sleeping。
 Amy signed; Nice house。
 ''Yes; it is nice。''
 They were introduced to Jensen; a young bearded geologist; and to Irving; who announced that he was the 〃triple B。〃 The two men were running so
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