


mg.cityofcrime- 第5节

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 Borman chuckled at Lance's reference to Wilderton; the man who was; at present; district attorney。
 〃Wilderton is a babe in the woods;〃 laughed the police director。 〃Any smart lawyer can tangle him into knots。 But Wilderton means well。〃
 〃It also makes it easy for us;〃 concluded Borman。 〃Wilderton is under Ruthley's thumb。 es running to him for an opinion on everything。 Like a kid visiting a department store Santa Claus; around Christmas time。〃
 With this ment; Borman arose; as indication that he was ready to leave。
 Lance reached beneath his desk and pressed a hidden button; to blink the lights in the gaming room。 Rising; he walked to the door with Borman; and stopped there for a few moments。
 〃Wait until they've had time to cover the wheel;〃 reminded Lance。 〃Then put on your act when we go through the room。 Don't forget about Prescott Dunson。 Tip me off when you've located him。〃
 〃I'll have every copper in town on the lookout;〃 returned Borman。 〃When I give the order; I'll state that it's for Dunson's own protection。〃
 IN his office; the big…shot gambler grinned; as he took a long puff from his perfecto。 Leagued with Mayor Elvin Marclot and Police Director Borman; Lance had little to fear from the law。 Moreover; he knew that he could rely upon a leader more powerful than either of those two; namely; Stephen Ruthley; Westford's champion of reform。
 The future looked rosy to Lance Gillick; despite the fact that crooks had failed tonight in their effort to slay Lieutenant James Maclare。
 Lance Gillick had not yet learned that The Shadow's hand had been responsible for crime's failure。
 TWENTY…FOUR hours had passed since Westford had been stirred by the law's bat with crime。 Lieutenant James Maclare had been heroized for his raid on the Mississippi Hotel。 Westford's chief newspaper; the Daily Banner; had been loud in its acclaim。 A great quiet had settled upon the city; as an aftermath to Maclare's exploit。
 The newspaper headlines were of huge interest to a man in shirt sleeves; who sat in an easy chair; surrounded by the quiet of a modest parlor。 The house which contained this room was a small suburban home in one of Westford's residential districts; but the man; himself; looked out of place in such an ordinary room。
 His bulky frame; his huge; bulging forehead; denoted him as a man of action。 His bushy eyebrows; with flashing eyes beneath; showed that he was tired of seclusion。 This man was Prescott Dunson; long known as a challenger among political circles。
 Across from Dunson sat a weary…faced; middle…aged woman; busy with her knitting。 She looked up as she heard Dunson grumble aloud。 She shook her head and sighed。 Dunson mopped his huge forehead and smiled indulgently。
 〃It's too bad; Martha;〃 he declared; in a booming tone; 〃that you had to marry a man who went in for politics; particularly in this rotten town。 But I am determined to go through with what I started。 I intend to be the next district attorney of this county。 And Westford is nearly all the county。〃
 〃Is it worth the risk; Prescott?〃 inquired the woman。
 〃Yes! Westford is in the hands of rogues!〃 boomed Dunson。 〃Mayor Marclot is a smug pretender! Director Borman is a traitor; in league with criminals! I can prove those facts; Martha! And I have a suspicion there's a big…shot above them all!〃
 Dunson's wife stared; amazed。
 〃As for Louis Wilderton;〃 added Dunson; 〃he is a know…nothing。 A puppet; acting as district attorney。 What chance is there for justice; while he holds office?〃
 〃I can't believe all that; Prescott;〃 protested Mrs。 Dunson。 〃It sounds incredible! If I won't believe it; how can others? They will say that you are a fanatic; they will laugh at your assertions。〃
 Dunson thrust a big hand into his coat pocket; drew out a folded letter and held it aloft in his right band。
 〃This came from a man who knows the truth;〃 he announced。 〃A man whom I have never met; but who told me enough in his previous letters。 He signs himself Theo D。 Shaw; he has not only promised me more facts; he has offered to take me to a place of absolute security。 With his aid; I can lift the lid。 I can not only tell the truth; I can prove it。〃
 STOOPING; Dunson picked up the newspaper that he had dropped。 He opened it to the editorial page; pointed to a paragraph。
 〃Look; Martha;〃 he said。 〃Already; they state that they expect to hear from Prescott Dunson; that I have promised to throw light on hidden corruption; to name men who have bled this city。 When I officially and publicly announce myself as candidate for district attorney; I shall wither the rogues whose names I mention。 I shall…〃
 Dunson broke off。 A telephone bell was ringing in the hall。 With a nod to his wife; Dunson lowered his tone and ordered:
 〃Answer it。〃
 The woman laid aside her knitting; she went to the telephone; held a brief conversation。 She came back into the room; to whisper:
 〃Someone wishes to speak to you; Prescott。 He says that his name is Shaw。〃
 Dunson bounded across the room。 In the hall; he seized up the telephone; began a quick conversation。
 〃Yes; yes。。。〃 Mrs。 Dunson heard all that her husband said。 〃Of course; Mr。
 Shaw。。。 I knew that you would learn where I was living。。。 Yes; I have my car here。。。 The garage。。? Right in back of the house。。。 Certainly。 I understand。
 〃Twenty minutes。。。〃 Dunson nodded as he spoke。 〃Yes; I can make it in that time。。。 Parking lot beside the Majestic Hotel。。。 Up through the fire tower。。。
 Room 304。。。 Very well; Mr。 Shaw。 I shall be there within a half hour。〃
 Hanging up the receiver; Dunson came into the parlor。 He told his wife the import of the call。
 〃Shaw wants me to meet him at the Majestic Hotel。 I'm going straight up to his room。 Pack my bag at once; Martha。〃
 〃Is it safe; Prescott?〃
 〃Absolutely! I am to park my car by the side of the hotel; in that parking space that we've used so often。 I'll go in by the side door; up the fire tower to Shaw's room。 I'll call you; after I have talked with him。〃
 Donning coat and vest; Dunson clapped a battered hat upon his head。 He went out through the kitchen; while Mrs。 Dunson started upstairs to pack the suitcase。
 Five minutes later; Mrs。 Dunson arrived downstairs; carrying a light bag。
 She heard the kitchen door slam; Dunson arrived; fuming incoherently。 Taking the bag; he explained the reason for his annoyance。
 〃The battery is dead;〃 he told his wife。 〃I'll take the trolley into town。〃
 〃Didn't Mr。 Shaw tell you to drive in your car?〃
 〃Yes。 Probably; because I said that I had one available。〃
 〃Perhaps you should call him at the hotel。〃
 〃No。 That would be unnecessary。〃
 Kissing his wife good…by; Dunson stepped toward the door。 He paused long enough to add a last assurance。
 〃The trolley stop is only one block from the Majestic Hotel;〃 reminded Dunson。 〃That block is a quiet one。 I can walk along the left side of the street; in front of Judge Benbrook's old house。 Then I get past there; I can cross over to the parking lot; and enter the hotel as Shaw suggested。〃
 LEAVING; the house; Dunson took to a secluded sidewalk。 The suburban street was deserted; Dunson felt secure as he paced in the direction of the car line。 He reached the car stop; stood under the darkened shelter of a large tree。
 In a few minutes; a jouncy trolley car came along the street。 Dunson stepped into the glow of its headlight and halted it。
 There were only five passengers on the trolley car。 None noted Dunson particularly。 Setting his bag on the seat beside him; Dunson shoved his hat back from his bulgy forehead and stared from the window as the car rolled along。
 After a few blocks; the car halted。 A policeman stepped aboard the back platform; grunted a 〃hello〃 to the conductor。 The car started on; the officer remained on the rear platform。 The trolley had traveled another block before he happened to glance in through the door。
 〃Say!〃 exclaimed the bluecoat; to the conductor。 〃Isn't that Prescott Dunson; the fellow that's going to run for district attorney?〃
 〃Guess it is;〃 rejoined the conductor; peering through the door。 〃Looks like the pictures I've seen of him。〃
 The cop whi
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